F3 Knoxville

Pain, Suck, and Awesomeness

AO: brickyard
Q: fast-n-easy (Nate Votta)
PAX: fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Gmail, Gordie, Colonel (Alex Wallace), Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Spellcheck, Otis, Bail Bonds, Chitchat (Pana), Appleseed, Alice, Strings
FNGs: None
M.A.R.S x10
Overhead claps x10
Chinook x10
Tempo merkins x10
Little this little that

10 MM

20 lines out and back
On the 5s we stopped and added to the MM

To the Gas station and line up according to age
19 MM

Stop off at the School for a Brickyard 7 Bearcrawl!

To the track
Seal claps x10
On the line for 1 merkin every 5 yards

To the splash pad
Line up according to age again
Split teams merkins/hop a lap
Between switching 5 MM each time (10)

To the vet clinic
5 MM
Bear crawl to HC and then lunge, along the way, tempos and. ATMs.

Back to the AO
10 MM
Grab your 6

Celebrate 100yrs birthday! Not sure who’s, but we celebrated it for them!

ANNOUNCEMENTS:hardship hill, escape haw ridge

We lined up according to age 2 by being told to. We then on the 3rd time didn’t. So we had to pay the tax and line up. The 4,5 time we lined up. We are told that in life you must do this or that and you need to stay in your lane. And in some instances that may be applicable, but in life, if you want to do something or be somebody do it. If you want to accomplish something, do it. Do not let anyone tell you that you can not do it.

Coffee Ruck part 8&9

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Tiny Dancer, Z-Pack, Shotgun, Spellcheck
FNGs: None
Ruck a loop around the park

Ruck to Dunkin. Warm up a little inside while coffee is brewed. Consider whether the drive thru would have been quicker.


The Quacken 6th Anniversary on Monday 3/3. Abort and Herbie on Q
Escape from Haw Ridge Friday 3/28

Reflection on a recent visit to a nursing home and Ecclesiastes 12. “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth…”

easy snow Q

AO: brickyard
Q: Gmail
PAX: Spellcheck, Gordie, Otis, Bail Bonds, Simmons
FNGs: None
Motivators, Tempo squats/ merkins, claps: OH & front, Tie fighters, Imperial walkers
Mosey to track
Lunge half a lap
-Do the exercise and then run a lap. everyone goes when the first person finishes.
– 100 SSH
– 100 Merkins
– 50 Supermans
– 50 Jumping Squats

Lunge another 100 yrds

Escape from Haw Ridge – get on a team!
Discussion on Matt 7: 12-23

CMU Workout

AO: thequacken
Q: Shotgun
PAX: Z-Pack, FixerUpper, Spellcheck
FNGs: None
Knoxville cherry pickers
Tempo squats
Baby arm circles
Overhead press
Overhead collapse


1st round:
Run across parking lot and complete 1 merkin.
Run back and complete 20 CMU squats, overhead press and curls. Each time we run increase one merkin until we reach five and decrease five reps for the CMU exercises until we reach 5 reps for each exercise.

Next exercise:
Farmers cary with merkins half way through.

Next exercise:
Ring of fire with squats.

2nd round:
Repeat first round but replace CMU exercises with CMU dumbbell swings, thrusters and lunges.

Next exercise:
Farmers carry.

Ab exercises.


The Way of The Warrior. In a world where there is so clearly a lack of peace we are called to rest and put our hope in the Lord who is the only way we will ever obtain true peace. We cannot control the environment around us, but with the Lord’s help we can control how we respond and the choices we make. Peace is intimately connected to hope. Through the hope we have in Christ we are able to truly find rest. A reminder is that in our many struggles and battles, we have the Lord on our side who can calm the sea yet also provide for the birds. Therefore, we can have the confidence that he is always in control and will provide the peace that we long for and that is needed to navigate our battles.

[virtuous-leadership-school] Do some Daily Pills look Red, but aren’t?

AO: virtuous-leadership-school
Q: Borg
PAX: Spinner, Otis, Mermaid, Spellcheck
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Coffee, talk and opening prayer.

– Be aware of Daily Pills that look red, but aren’t. You need trusted men around to tell you when your daily decision to do something is off mission. Maybe it looks red to you, but it may be the Daily Black Pill (DBP) – trying to stay active enough to avoid worries, despair and even depression. The DBP house crumbles, eventually.
– Habits eliminate many decisions and the practice of discretion in executing those habits – but can be good or bad. Is your DRP developing the right habits?
– Prov 25:28. Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks discretion.
– Does choice usually lead to the Blue Pill as the QSource says?
– Once you decide on a mission/goal, then a lot of choices are eliminated.
– Denying yourself is the first step in the process of becoming a virtuous leader.
– Is the lack of self discipline a slippery slope?
– Shame – How do you talk to yourself?
– Do you choose the “phariseeic” principle over the person/relationship? Which is better?
– Bricklaying – Peter jumped right in. Paul spent many years, after his conversion, preparing.
– Do you have men who will tell you if you are laying the right bricks?

COT: Prayer.