F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’m honored to be your Q this evening. And welcome to #2ForTuesday
  • ANy FNGs?
  • Couple things before we begin:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition – aka you’re here on purpose.
    • I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have – so if you need to modify anything we do this evening feel free to do it, but push yourself and the men around you! They deserve it and so do you.
    • I do have water and medical gear in my pack just so everypone is aware – and I will have my phone on me for the duration of the Q.
    • If at any point in time you feel dizzy or overheated – let someone know immediately. We’re gonna watch each other’s 6 and push each other, but safety is #1.
    • And I know that this point has been driven in time and time again – but if you’re not hydrating before you come out here and try and do an intense workout, ideally the day before at the latest, there’s potential that you’re going to be a liability and risk to no other’s safety. So hydrate. This heat doesn’t mess around.



  • SSH: 20 x 4 IC
    • #2FT
  • Squat: 15 x 4 IC
    • #2FT
  • Imperial Walker: 10 x 4 IC
    • #2FT
  • Man-Maker: 5 x 4 IC
    • #2FT
  • 10 Motivators (All on a 4 count – except the final count/hops)
    • (1) SSH
    • (2) Half SSH
    • (3) Legs only SSH
    • (4) Hops (1 count)
    • Finished at 2 – killer


(mosey to CMU pile)

—Lightpost trail by Pickett’s Charge—

  • Every lightpost for 8 total lightposts = 1 Man-Maker
  • When you get done with your 8th Man-Maker – execute Plank-Ups on a 4 count
  • #2FT –> back up the hill for 8 lightposts – do the same thing

(mosey to CMU pile down the hill)

—CMU Pile—

  • Grab a CMU each
  • Quarter Pounder
    • 25 Curls
      • Sprint to the flag by the pavilion = 1 burpee
      • sprint back
  • 25 chest presses
    • sprint to the flag by the pavilion = 1 burpee
    • sprint back
  • 25 swings
    • sprint to the flag by the pavilion = 1 burpee
    • sprint back
  • 25 1-handed merkins (rotate hands)
    • sprint to the flag by the pavilion = 1 burpee
    • sprint back
  • PAX executes 25 x 4 flutter kicks (x2 for #2FT)
  • PAX executes 10 SSHs on a 4 count

(mosey across the street to Pickett’s Charge hill)

  • 2 lines going all the way up the hill – American Indian run style.


  • At the very top – PAX is halted and reminded of “No Man Left Behind – No Man Left the Same” — 10 up/down merkins
  • Mosey back to the AO


6 Minutes in Heaven

  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Final 4 minutes = work on recovering/breathing/stretching techniques


25 PAX



  • “Expiration Dates”
    • This is something I want to share because this is a lesson I’ve learned before – I’ve just mislabled it. But I’m going through it right now again and have been able to use discernment to better understand what’s really happening.
    • When you think of an expiration date, let’s say on something in your fridge for example – it’s a prophecy of what’s to come. On this date – this will no longer be in your best interest or be good for you to consume. They’re pretty self explanatory right?
    • The reason for the expiration date is so that it can be removed so something else can take it’s place. Not just anything else – but something that’s good, something that is new and fresh. If I keep milk that’s past it’s expiration date in my fridge, it’s only existing to take up space in my fridge, instead of being replaced with something that’s more lifegiving. And you know what happens when you keep something that’s past it’s expiration date in your fridge? It starts to spread an aroma or an unpleasant smell – thus making the fridge and anyone who opens the fridge that much more aware that something expired is still being housed.
    • But what happens when things don’t have a nice, printed out expiration date right on the front? What do you do then?
    • There are things in life that will become expired without you even knowing it. There are things in your life that will have an expiration date that at the time of purchase you never thought would have an expiration date. But the producer and supplier did.
    • And that’s a hard thing to acknowledge sometimes – when there’s something in your life that’s past it’s expiration date and you can tell. How can you tell? Because of it’s aroma and the way it is affecting other things in your metaphorical fridge (your life). These could be things that are good! These could be things that you don’t want to have an expiration date and you’re looking up at the producer asking why did this have to expire?
    • Because the producer knows something else is coming. The producer knows that sometimes things that we wanted to keep in our fridge had an expiration date from the very beginning and just because they were in our fridge at one point doesn’t mean they were designed to stay there forever.
    • Let me back this up with what I think being a responsible fridge owner that seeks wisdom and discernment looks like – or as we refer to – High Impact Men
    • 1 Corinthians 13:11 — “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”
    • It’s hard to recognize some things in your life might have an expiration date. It is. I’ve been there. I’m there right now. But until you remove what has become expired, it’s gonna be really hard for the producer to take you higher.

Soot Summer Special Part III

THE SCENE: Almost thunderstormed, but didn’t.

Little baby arm circles, 8-count push-ups, mosey to Peyton Manning Pass.

Mosey’d around 11th street garage. Bear crawled across the pedestrian bridge. Route 66’d the light polls on the north side of The Hill with a single burpee at each. Mosey’d to Peyton Manning Pass.

11s up and down Peyton Manning Pass, endzone to endzone. Merkins at the bottom and squats at the top.

Added some Colorado Springs flavor with a sprint up the Manitou Incline to Pikes Peak (sprint up the stairs to the top of The Hill). Bear crawled across the pedestrian bridge again. Did Indian Runs down three flights of the 11th Street Parking Garage and back to the AO. Finished with Taking the Field.

Rotated through the PAX for Four-Minutes-o-Mary. Several PAX contributed with various core exercises 15-20 reps each.

15 PAX (1 FNG). Soot, Steam, Duggar, Precious, Reverb, Butterfly, Magic Mic, Postman, PDA, Doubtfire, Swanson, Passport, Drive Thru, Backdraft, Stool (FNG)

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” – Romans 12:1-2

Don’t conform to the fear and despair in the world around us. Be true HIMs in our families and communities by renewing our mind and being transformed. Be the hope and the light and the strength the world needs.

It was great being back in town and getting to Q with you all again!

244th Edition of Patriot Games – F3 Style

THE SCENE: Pre-Ruck with the Flag at 0615 to finish scouting out F3 route – arrived back at the AO at 6:50 to Cheatsheet and Mermaid ready to rock


  • WELCOME to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I am HONORED to be your Q this morning, on America’s 244th birthday
  • A couple things before we begin
    • Any FNGs?
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition – meaning you’re here on purpose. And I firmly believe that.
    • I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have so if you need to modify anything we do this morning, feel free to do it, but push yourselves and the men around you – they deserve it and so do you.
  • Like I said earlier – you are here on purpose. It is no accident you showed up this morning – just like 244 years ago the greatest nation was founded on purpose, with things like this in mind.



  • SSH: 61 x 1
  • Mountain Climber: 61 x 1
  • Flutter Kick: 61 x 1
  • Squat: 61 x 1

= 244 (Happy Birthday 🇺🇸)

  • Merkin position —> all PAX sing “Happy Birthday” while holding the Merkin plank


***The Standard for the Q*** = The Shovel Flag will stay at the front of the PAX for the duration of the Q. The QIC does not go past it and neither does anyone else. This will be our rallying point for the entire Q. Flags out front.

(Mosey over to Pickett’s Charge)

  1. Pickett’s Charge
  • Pushups have been crucial to our country since day 1
  • The founding fathers coined the phrase “Merkin” for pushups before they signed the Declaration of Independence. Once again, I’m not a professional so don’t hold me to that
  • So we will honor them this morning by doing 10 Merkins on a 4 count together in cadence – taking the small hill – executing 10 more Merkins on a 4 count in cadence together and rinse and repeat until we hit the top, AYE?
  • Execute 10×4 Merkins and take the hill
  • PAX executes evolution on Pickett’s Charge – the Flag being passed to a new HIM after each iteration of merkins


(Mosey to light post path across from Veterans Memorial)


2. Light-Post Path Across from Memorial

  • “Bringing the Hammer Down”
  • Every other light = 13 x 4 American Hammers
  • Finish at the street/crosswalk


(Mosey to Everest)


3. Everest

  • Q sends Cheatsheet 1/4th up (big stump where a tree used to be) with the flag – with instructions to wave it and give the command to charge up the hill balls to the wall after SSHs are completed by all PAX
  • Line up facing Everest
  • Buy-In = 50 SSHs (1 count)

(Wagon wheel with the flag to get the 6 up)

  • At the top – Steam asks for a 50 count – yes you heard right – a 50 count
  • Q asks men to focus on their breathing and think about their time “in country” from the day they were born

(Mosey carefully back down Everest to the other side of the walking path and with the flag out front execute 10 x 4 merkins

(Mosey down the street across from Veterans Memorial)

  • Out of respect, when we get to the top, we will stay in silence until we step off to mosey back to the AO. I will instruct us in a few things, we’ll take a moment, and head back. Sound good?
  • American Indian walk up the veterans memorial hill – flag stays up front
  • all the way to the top where the flags are
  • At the Top
    • 10 Merkins in silence
    • When you’re done — recover, and focus on your breathing
  • Here’s what’s about to go down:
    • We’re going to take a moment of silence together – I’ll say a prayer over us (below in BOM section) take a moment and look at these white stones, at the flag and just breathe. 

(Mosey back across the street)

Final push to the AO –> 100%


  • Go out the same way we came back in
    • SSH: 244 x 4
  • CheatSheet leads in 100 SSHs
  • 25 merkins on a 4 count


18 PAX



  • “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness……….And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
    • Declaration of Independence


  • Recited from the “Pray for America Bible” at the top of the Veteran’s Cemetery (See here on Amazon)
    • From the D-Day radio broadcast, June 6, 1944: “My fellow Americans: Last night, when I spoke with you about the fall of Rome, I knew at that moment that troops of the United States and our allies were crossing the Channel in another and greater operation. It has come to pass with success thus far. And so, in this poignant hour, I ask you to join with me in prayer:
      • Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our Nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity. Lead them straight and true; give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness in their faith. They will need Thy blessings. And for us at home – fathers, mothers, children, wives, sisters, and brothers of brave men overseas – whose thoughts and prayers are ever with them – help us, Almighty God, to rededicate ourselves in renewed faith in Thee in this hour of great sacrifice. Many people have urged that I call the Nation into a single day of special prayer. But because the road is long and the desire is great, I ask that our people devote themselves in a continuance of prayer. As we rise to each new day, and again when each day is spent, let words of prayer be on our lips, invoking Thy help to our efforts……And, O Lord, give us Faith. Give us Faith in Thee; Faith in our sons; Faith in each other; Faith in our united crusade……With Thy blessing, we shall prevail over the unholy forces of our enemy. Help us to conquer the apostles of greed and racial arrogances. Leas us to the saving of our country, and with our sister Nations into a world unity that will spell a sure peace. And a peace that will let all of men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil. Thy will be done, Almighty God. Amen.”


  • 1 Corinthians 16:13-14: “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. (14) Act like men.”


  • The Declaration of Independence cannot exist without the Bible. Neither can this country. It’s what it was founded on. However, the Bible transcends time and exists so that things like our great Nation, the Founding Father’s guidance, and the Declaration of Independence could come about.


  • This is the most unique and greatest nation in the world. And it was founded by High Impact Men. 244 years later – the United States (and the world) needs High Impact Men just as much as it did in 1776. More than ever. The High Impact Men that founded the United States of America believed in what they stood up for – that truly, by the hand of Almighty God – all men are created equal and there are certain unalienable rights. They stood for something. They were men of initiation and courage. 244 years later – we need those same men more than ever. We need fathers, sons, bosses, brothers – we need men of impact to stand up and follow the 1 Corinthians 16:13 model to the fullest. And it starts with you. Praise be to God we exist in the greatest country in the world – where we can openly say the name of Jesus and do things like F3.


  • The necessity for Iron Sharpening in 1776 still exists in 2020.


  • Just as the founding fathers understood their necessity for a savior and for freedom – we too, need to recognize this same need, 244 years later.



THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
  • Thanks for being out here this rainy morning
  • Few things before we begin:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition – you’re here on purpose.
    • I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have, so if you need to modify anything we do this morning feel free to do so BUT PUSH YOURSELVES AND THE MEN AROUND YOU. They deserve it and so do you.
    • Any FNGs?


  • SSH: 30 x 1
    • Merkin: 15 x 1
    • Squat: 15 x 1
  • SSH: 30 x 1
    • Rockette: 15 x 1
    • Imperial Walkers: 15 x 1
  • SSH: 30 x 1


(Not Raining – WFP Amphitheater)

[ Downgrade ]

  • Run to top of Amp
    • 30 Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups
  • Run around to the stage
    • 25 incline merkins
  • Run to top of Amp
    • 20 Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups
  • Run around to the stage
    • 15 incline merkins
  • Run to top of Amp
    • 10 Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups
  • Run around to stage
    • 5 incline merkins
  • Recover on stage

***Starts pouring outside***

[ 30 On/10 off ]

  • 30 down/up incline merkins on the stage
    • 10 seconds of rest
  • Rinse & Repeat 3x

(Mosey out in the rain underneath the bridge)

[ It Pays To Be A Winner Part 1 ]

  • 2 teams against each of the 2 walls under the bridge
  • Teams bear crawl to the ruck in the middle – execute 1 burpee – bear crawl back
  • Rinse and repeat adding 1 burpee every time until you complete 5 burpees
  • 1st team done picks the exercise the losing team does in the rain
    • 30 Big Boy Sit-Ups in the rain (both teams do it)

(Mosey in the rain to the other side of the bridge)

  • 2 teams form up – 1 on the wall – 1 on the curb
  • Wall Team: 10 5 Second Squat Slaps
    • Drop down to a wall squat
    • hold for 5 seconds
    • slap the ground
    • back up = 1
  • Curb Team: 10 dips + rotating forearms
    • 10 dips
    • hold the dip position
    • rotate arms and palms from front to back until the other team is done
  • Rinse and Repeat 2x

(Mosey right out of from under the bridge to the water facing the WFP field

  • Men are on their backs on the concrete slab where the water is, head hanging over (water was low), feet extended
  • 30 x 4 flutter kicks in cadence

(Mosey back to the AO)


Double Quarter Pounder

  • 4 core Xs – all 25 reps on a 4 count
    • Flutter Kicks
    • LBCs
    • Cockroaches
    • Box Cutters
  • Finish off with 30 1-count SSHs and 2 good burpees from every man


13 PAX – No FNGs



  • “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke


Shamrock Q101/GrowSchool

THE SCENE: Cool Friday morning in the gloom – men arrive and pre-mumblechatter begins


Tank speaks about how to start F3 and lead well from the very beginning.

  • (1) Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • (2) My name is Steam and I am honored to be one of your 2 Qs this morning. Alongside with Abscess we have a great morning coming your way
  • (3) A couple things before we begin:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have, so if you need to modify anything we do this morning – feel free to do so – but push yourself and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you.

^^^Let’s break this down some more^^^

  • F3 starts on time – every time
    • The men you’re leading deserve to have their time respected – so do you as the Q
    • So whether it’s 0530 or 0700 – start on time
    • Give a timeframe warning 5 minutes out, 2 minutes out, 1 minute out, etc – so the men can get ready to roll
  • What is this? Why are we here? –> “Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith
    • Whether you’re a seasoned F3 guy or a FNG it’s important for the Q to introduce what this is and why you are here.
    • Welcome the men – it’s early (weekdays more than Saturdays) – so welcome the men to F3 – lay out those 3 Fs as well. This is an important way to remind the men that they’re about to take part in F3.
    • This is important for FNGs as well – they don’t know what they don’t know.
    • Great segway – check to see if you have any FNGs in your midst. Why?
      • Because it’s crucial for you as the Q to know who your new guys are so you can have situational awareness as you lead AND for the F3 guys to know who the FNGs are in their midst so they can support them (think of your first time at F3)
  • Disclaimer
    • We MUST have vocalized the disclaimer – thus releasing you (the Q) from being legally responsible for the next 45 minutes or 60 minutes. Why?
      • Because unless you just really intimately know every single one of the men that showed up to F3 – you probably don’t know any injuries they may or may not have.
    • (1) I’m not a professional (even if you are a “professional” – there ain’t no F3 professionals (up for debate….)
      • You as the Q are not being paid to be there and the men are not paying to be there
      • This speaks to the volunteer leadership F3 pushes – no certifications are necessary to lead F3.
    • (2) You’re here on your own volition
      • No one is forcing you to be here or stay here. What this is really saying is that you made a conscious choice to be here this morning. THIS MEANS SOMETHING. If they made a conscious choice to wake up early and come to F3 this morning – they deserve to be led – and expect to be led.
    • (3) Modify as you need
      • There are no DS’s or DI’s at F3. There’s no clipboards and someone breathing down your back watching every single rep.
      • When the Q says this, he is reminding the men that are under his command for the next 45 minutes or 60 minutes that they are free to go as hard as they want – but will receive no judgement for the work that they do. If you can do 10 merkins – awesome – do 10 merkins. If you can do 100 merkins – awesome – do 100 merkins.
      • When I Q (Steam) – my verbiage is “I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have – so if you need to modify anything we do this morning feel free to do so – but push yourself and the men around you – they deserve it and so do you. ”
        • I’m setting the tone with this message as the Q
        • No one will judge you if you can’t do every rep BUT there is an expectation to push yourself and the HIM around you.
      • Reminder: No man left behind – No man left the same
  • Intro
    • If you want to have an introductory/motivational word to share with the men briefly before you step off – this is a great way to set the tone for the morning.
      • “The name of the game is one foot in front of the other”
      • “You’re here for a reason and so are they – make it count”
      • “Carry the fight and keep it there for 60 minutes. That’s what we’re gonna do this morning.”


  • SSH
  • Rockette
  • Imperial Walker
  • Merkin
  • Shoulder stretches
  • 2 laps around the parking lot

THA-THANG: (Steam)

Steam takes over – appoints a 6 sweeper (Tank)

(Mosey to the front of CHS)

Steam reminds PAX to KISS = Keep It Simple Sir // Don’t Q something you can’t do. This isn’t a chest-beating contest to lead the hardest workout. It’s not about YOU. It’s about the men that are under your command – making sure they’re taken care of and understand what’s going on and what they’re supposed to be doing.

(Battle Buddy Teams Assemble)

  1. Dora
    1. as a team – you have 300 squats, 200 merkins, and 100 flutter kicks to execute
    2. Battle Buddy 1 (BB1) will run to the gates of the track – execute 1 burpee, and run back to recover Battle Buddy 2 (BB2), picking up on the # of reps BB1 completed.

[ Time Out ]

Steam gives the “RECOVER” after teams finish merkins and gives the reminder of a Q’s situational awareness – it’s the Q’s responsibility to have situational awareness for the men that are under his command. So if I can tell that the men are getting insanely smoked – it’s responsible of the Q to call an audible instead of continuing on with a”beatdown for beatdown’s sake,”

[ Time In ]

Steam calls the “RECOVER” and says the above message ^^^ and proceeds to lead the PAX in the 100 flutter kicks all together – separated in groupings of 25.

(Mosey around the school to the straightaway)

  • Tank is picking up the 6
  • PAX wagon-wheels around the 6
    • No man left behind – leave no man where you found him.

[ 15s ]

  • Merkins & Bobby Hurleys
    • 14 & 1
    • 14 & 2
    • Etc, etc, etc

Timecrunch (7 minutes left in the Q) – if we get through all 15 – great. If we don’t – great.

Steam gives the 2 minute warning to push hard through the rest of 15s

(PAX mosey’s back to the AO – with Cheatsheet carrying the flag out front)


Went out the same we came in – SSHs – 26 on a 1 count to end it.


14 PAX – 2 FNGs –> Welcome Phelps & Karate Kid


I want you to ask yourself this question right now: “Am I using the gifts God gave me to further His kingdom and to love and care for others outside of my family?” Give 20 seconds of silence to ponder.

We are all different, we have different skills and backgrounds. Different personalities, different life experiences. God could heave easily made us all the same. But he didn’t. He gave us these gifts for us to use not to covet.

So now ask yourself this question: “How am I going to use my God-given gift to serve others?” Give 20 seconds to ponder.

Now go do it. If you can’t think of a way, ask me, a fellow HIM, or your church.



  • https://f3nation.com/a-guide-to-your-first-q/
  • Q101 structure and the “Why” of what we do when we Q
  • Check out the link above for Q tips and tricks