F3 Knoxville

Heavy day


Unseasonably cool


  • Cherry Pickers
  • Tie Fighters
  • Tempo Squats
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Down Dog


Grab a CMU and rifle carry to big parking lot. We setup with the following list.

  1. 40 Tricep Extensions
  2. 35 Goblet Squats
  3. 30 Curls
  4. 25 Rows
  5. 20 Derkins
  6. 15 Thrusters
  7. 10 CMU Swings
  8. 5 Blockees

After completing the list, suitcase carry your CMU to the first parking lot line, return with it in opposite hand.
Repeat the list dropping the first row (start with #2). After all is complete, carry to second line.
Rinse and repeat dropping an exercise and carrying to a further line.
Last cycle would be 5 Blockees and carry 8 lines.

Workout credit: kick-flip

20 flutter kicks


I’ve been memorizing verses recently using an app called fighter verses. https://www.fighterverses.com/ Check it out if interested.

One of those verses is Deut 10:12-13:

12 And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, 13 and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?

— Deut 10:12-13

Two things I’d like to share.

  1. One is a reminder to obey God. These verses do a good job of fleshing out what that looks like.
  2. Two is a reminder it’s for our good. It’s amazing that God would set it up that obeying him is not just for him but also for us. Obey! and rest assured it’s the best thing to do.


Shoulder Day at Shamrock

THE SCENE: clear summer morning, perfect for beatdown

Several stretches focused on legs to distract the PAX from the pain to come
Dora style

Set 1

  • 50 dirty hookups
  • 75 wide merkins
  • 100 side lunges
  • Partner double CMU farmer carry down and back

Set 2

  • 50 thrusters
  • 75 plank with CMU pull
  • 100 rows
  • Partner mosey around first island

Completed almost two rounds

No time

Quick recap of convergence and a reminder to not neglect the Q calendar.

Salt and Light, and Heavy


Clear, 60 degrees, Near 100% humidity


SSH – Morrocan Nightclubs – Imperial Walkers – Tempo Squats – Shoulder Taps (20 OYO) – 5 Burpees OYO


Football Mosey to CMU pile. Dropped passes = 2 Burpees for both Thrower/Catcher.

Partner up. Slowsey, taking turns carrying CMU to football field.

At the field, 25 dips on the bleachers.

Partner up at the goalline. 1st partner runs to the 50 yd line and back. 2nd partner begins group of exercises (take turns):

  1. Curls
  2. OHP
  3. Upright Rows
  4. Bench Press
  5. Bent Over Rows
  6. Skull Crushers
  7. Burpees


4 Core exercises: Hello Dolly, Flutter Kicks, 5 Burpees, 45 sec plank, BBS


I’ve read this often, but lately I’ve heard it on more than a few occasions; The fruit of the Spirit is LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS and SELF-CONTROL. Against such things there is no law. (Gal 5:22-23). Paul wrote this to churches in Galatia 2000 years ago.

So what does this mean for us, as believers, here today?

I think that so much in scripture can seem redundant and repetitive. We can recite things over and over and believe that they are true. But do they change who we are? We need repetition, don’t we? Isn’t that the point? Isn’t that why we have church services every Sunday? Dont’ we come to F3 3-5 days a week and often do the same exercises? Why?

If you’re going to be good at something, you have to practice. If you’re going to follow Jesus, you have to read about and study who Jesus was. And if you’re going to live by the Spirit, we have to put into practice these exercises…to grow the fruit. We have to look different from the world. A dark world.

In Matthew, Jesus tells his followers that we are the salt and light of the world. “Let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven (Matt 5:16). So we do these things, not to make us look good but to reflect and glorify the one who is good.

My challenge for us today is to not only memorize Galatians 5:22-23, but to practice these 9 fruits of the spirit. Know them, think about them every day, and put them into practice.

We are going to fail at these, every day, but the goal here is practice. Practice kindness to those around you. Practice peaceful responses. Practice offering forgiveness to those who harm you. Practice being gentle to your wife. Practice patience with your kids. Practice taking a pause when you feel an urge or desire that you know is not from the Lord. Practice listening to a coworker. Practice love.

The more we practice these things, the more they will become habits and the more we will become like Jesus. And when we mess up, often, we take that opportunity and run to Him. We repent and know that He is trustworthy to forgive us.

Convergence – Shamrock – July 8.

Thank you Sir, may I have another?

THE SCENE: Comfortable and breezy

SSH, Mountain Climbers, Goofballs (Everyone’s favorite), Tie Fighters


Partner up

Run to 50 yard line – 10 side straddle hops and run back and take over for your partner.

100 merkins

100 BWS

100 lunges

50 BB

Once completed, 100 yards – 25 yards broad jump, 25 bear crawl, rinse and repeat.

Mosey to bleachers

25 step ups each leg

25 dips

Mosey back to field.

Find your partner again. 30 yards this time and 10 SSH

30 burpees

30 Carolina dry docks

30 snow angels

Mosey back to bleachers

15 step ups each leg

25 dips

Run the bleachers 1X

American Hammers, WW2 sit-ups, Flutterkicks, Hello Dollys, reverse crunch, LBC and burpees until times up

Q3.6 “Manana is a crackpipe” Don’t procrastinate. Move.
Prayer requests – Father’s Day weekend
F3 in the nude. Convergence.