F3 Knoxville

Shoelaces Shuffle @ Speedway

THE SCENE: Humid, but just right

Mosey around Church
20 seconds on 5 seconds off:
Modified Squat Twist
Modified High Jump
Modified Hostages
Modified Sneaky Gorillas
Mosey around Church

2 Rounds, plus some work at the end. First round is full length, second round shortened bear crawl/crawl bear distance and cut sit-thrus from 10-1 to 3-1

Round 1:
Start with 10 Sit-Thrus (bear crawl position, twist lower half of body, bringing right knee to left side, then switch, each twist is 1), stand up
Squat twist (squat down, explode up, and twist lower half of body explosively either right or left) one direction, squat twist opposite direction
High jump (squat down, explode up into air, bringing knees up)
Bear Crawl 2 parking space widths, stand up
Squat Twist
High Jump
Crawl Bear (backwards bear crawl) back to start
Rinse repeat to 1 sit-thru

Round 2:
Start with 3 Sit-Thrus, stand up
Squat Twist
High Jump
Bear Crawl 1 parking space width with CMU, stand up
Squat Twist
High jump
Crawl Bear back to start with CMU
Rinse Repeat to 1 sit-thru

Mosey around church

30 seconds on 10 seconds off (became more like 15-18 seconds off)
Sneaky Gorillas (side-to-side)
Hostages (squat down to thighs parallel with the ground, hands in the air, bounce between parallel and below parallel)
Gorilla Forward, Gorilla Backward
Bear Crawl 3 steps forward, Crawl Bear 3 steps backwards

15 Seconds per stretch
Feet slightly shoulder width apart, hands together, stretch middle, left, and right
Butterfly stretch
Hip Flexor stretch, right and left
Should stretch, right and left


John 13: 1-12, we work with people and live with people day in and day out that frustrate us or we don’t get along with. In this passage we see Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, including Judas who betrayed Him. He loved Judas, despite what he did, and served him. May we, as men of God do the same to all those around us. Ever remembering that we are here to serve others as Jesus did. Matthew 10:45 reminds us that Jesus came to serve, not to be served.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Convergence on July 2nd. Aphasia Awareness Walk at Church Street United Methodist Church

Speedway Launch

THE SCENE: Upper 50s, a beautiful morning to launch



SSH x 20; Windmill x10; Toe Merkins x10; Tie Fighter x10 (F/B); Tempo Squat x10; Dancing Bear x10


Bear Crawl Inch Worm: Partner up and form two lines holding plank, partners at end Bear Crawl to front of line, when both make it to the front the next pair starts.

Bear Brawl: 5 Burpees on each side of small soccer field. Partners take turns putting pressure on shoulders while the other Bear Crawls. Go back and forth 3 times.

Mosey to next field

Squat Totem: Lunge from cone to cone, increase reps by 5 at each cone, 6 total cones

Mosey to another field

Wheelbarrow with partner halfway then switch positions to go the other half. Partner carry halfway then switch for other half. Did this twice.

Mosey to hill at back of fields

11s with Merkins and Big Boys, Bear Crawl up the hill, Mosey down

Mosey to shovel flag

Overhead Claps IC x50

Seal Claps IC x25

Grady Corn IC x25

F3 is not about any one person so we did PAX Roulette

21 HIM


Whenever I talk to someone about F3, I always say that it is so much more than a workout. It is truly about all three Fs, Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.

That first F is the magnet. Every man standing here started coming because they had some fitness goal in mind. Some of us may be elite athletes but most are just men that want to be healthy for our families. My goal when I started was being able to do simple things, like walking up the stairs, without being winded.

That second F is the glue. I knew that I needed others to hold me accountable for me to actually work out. What I didn’t know or expect, is that I needed manly friendships. I thought I was good on friends, but those relationships, for the most part, were only surface deep. Now I have so many men that I can go to when I need help, a listening ear, or just someone to vent my frustration with. The value of the second F is immeasurable.

That third F is the dynamite. F3 defines faith as believing in something greater than yourself. Full disclosure, for me, that is my belief in Jesus Christ. I believe that He lived a sinless life, died on the cross to save us from sin, and rose from the grave to sit at the right hand of God. The thing is though, that those are just words if my actions don’t line up with them. My belief must change the way I treat others, it must influence my decisions, and it should guide my actions. So whatever your faith is make sure it is doing those same things for you because we all are meant to be putting others in front of ourselves.

Excited to see where Speedway goes from here! Thank you to all those that came from other AOs to the launch!

Convergence on 7/2 at JUCO, there will be no beatdown at Speedway that day.

Deck of Death Speedway Edition

THE SCENE: Mid-60s, cool but not too cool, great weather for a beatdown

SSH x20, Cherry Pickers x5, Little This, Little That, Michael Phelps
Deck of Death.  Circle up, PAX picks card to determine exercise and rep count.

  • Diamonds = Pull-up Hangs and Bent over Rows (handful of PAX use monkey bars to hold at 90 degrees pull-up while remaining PAX do Bent over Rows which is back parallel to ground and bring CMU up to chest)
  • Clubs = Goblet Squats
  • Hearts = BBS
  • Spades = Blockees (modified for whole group to Merkins after almost 75 blockees in 15 minutes)
  • Number card = number x 2
  • Face card = 25 reps
  • Ace = 30 reps
  • Joker = 40 skull crushers (tricep extensions over head)

Hold plank for time
14 HIMs with 2 FNGs – Outhouse (FNG Welcome!), Trousers, Doctor, Hooiser, Malfoy, Cow Patty, Halfday, Pennies, Shenanigans, Streaker, Rep Sleepy, XYZ (FNG Welcome!), Doppelganger, Grouch
Building from Trousers word on Tuesday.  As men, we feel as if we are not allowed to be vulnerable; that we have to pick ourselves up by our own bootstraps and do it alone.  YHWH never meant for us to go it alone in this world as Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says.  It is hard to open up because we do not want to be seen as weak or be judged for our failures.  However, there is some comfort in knowing that what we are experiencing, other man have experienced or suffered through as well.  You are not alone.  We need to stop pretending like we are and that we are the only ones who have experienced the things we have experienced when there are plenty of guys out there and can just say, “I hear ya man!  Life sucks!”
#thespeedway launch on Saturday from 6A – 7A!  Woop woop!  Convergence, July 2 @ JUCO.  No other beatdowns in Knoxville area on this day.  Go to JUCO or stay in the fartsack (psst, we’d prefer you come to JUCO).

A Date with Paula

THE SCENE: 63 degrees and a beautiful morning


SSHx20, BAC, a little stretching


Eight stations Paula Abdul style while Bernie Sanders past two cones, do exercise, then Bear Crawl back one cone, do exercise.

  1. Abyss Merkins
  2. Clock Lunges
  3. Plank Jacks
  4. Alt. Shoulder Taps + Merkin
  5. Tempo Merkin
  6. Bolt 45’s
  7. WW2’s or BBSU
  8. Colt 45’s

Green Sally for time

Trousers, Shenanigans, Banjo, Doppleganger, Rep Sleepy, Grouch, Streaker, Pennies, Halfday, Cow Patty, Doctor, Hoosier, Master, and FNG Malfoy
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
I appreciate each and every one of my fellow PAX at the Speedway! In today’s culture it is imperative that we as men stick together, not only for encouragement but for accountability and fellowship. When we stand together, we are strong! F3 has made an impact on me physically, mentally, and spiritually. When we step up to lead, it changes us at home, at work, and in our daily lives. It is such a wonderful thing to see you encourage each other out there every time we meet.
Welcome FNG Malfoy! 2nd and 3rd F opportunity @Food City Seymour on Wednesdays 6-7am. Official launch of Speedway is this coming Saturday June 4th @6am!

Speedway’s First Slingshot

THE SCENE: the threat of heavy rain ever loomed, but the heavens only released a gental shower.

20 SSH, 10 IC Merkins, 10 IC Squats, a little of this, a little that, michael phelps, 10 IC franken kicks, 10 IC Boxer jacks, mosey
Partner Slingshot arround the Speedway 500. Partner 1 does 10 burpees then runs to catch partner 2. Partner 2 is alternating bear crawls, burnie, crab walk, burnie each time they swap. Do one full loop.

Crab-kets and crackilackin-krackin burpees

Do crab-kets while you wait for a pullup bar.

3 hand release merkins + 3 pullups = 1 crackilackin-krackin burpee. Do 5 then join the crabs until your next turn.

20 peter parkers, 15 hillbillies, 10 supermans, lbc for time
12 PAX
F3 is not a religious org. Instead we are challenged to answer 2 questions. What do you believe happens when you die? And how does your answer to the first question affect how you live today. It’s up to the guy in the center of the circle to share his thoughts and the others to listen with an open mind, but also to be prepared to share alternative vantage points when it’s their turn in the center, creating healthy and constructive dialogue.

I shared my answers to the questions,  but more want to encourage you to reflect on the questions.
Aos launching. Convergence at juco, etc