F3 Knoxville

Timed Rounds at the Splash Pad

THE SCENE: Fiftyish. Sprinklyish. Breezyish.

Choir Boy led us in a number of pleasantries, including 50 4-count side straddle hops.
Mosey to the splash pad and do timed sets of various exercises—typically 30-40 secs.—with three rounds of each exercise & a lap or other method of locomotion (bear crawl, crab walk, bernie, etc.) every few rounds. Exercises included:

  • Dips
  • Big Boy Situps
  • Squats
  • Pull-ups
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Lunges
  • Incline Merkins
  • Flutter Kicks


Freddie Mercurys. 0 LBCs.
8 PAX including FNG Hans
Prov. 18:24, or some mutilation thereof.
Great work from the PAX this morning. Good mumble chatter. And great to have Hans out.
Big Ball Convergence. Dog Pound CSAUP. And The Equalizer’s first shirt.

Jail Break with a Parting Gift from Your Q

THE SCENE: Slight chill in the air. APPARENTLY, there’s a nice moon this morning, I don’t know, ask Aladdin. A nice, soft glow from a newly fixed street light. 


Not a professional. Here on your own. Know your injuries, but don’t tell me. Modify. COVID-ish rules? 


Little Baby Arm Circles Forward/Backward x10

Windmills x10



  • “Oldest” F3 HIM picks a card (has been coming to F3 the longest)
  • Jailbreak to the location on the card
    • Wagon Wheel with the six
  • Complete exercise on the card
  • 10 count while next “oldest” HIM chooses a new card
  • Q has the right to veto a card (if the location is too close to the current location)
  • Locations and exercises:
    • Splash Pad 
      • 30 Dips 
      • 30 Incline Merkins
    • Flag Pole 
      • 30 Dips 
      • 30 Plank Jacks 
    • Dock
      • 30 Incline Big Boys 
      • 30 Squat Jumps 
    • PlayGround 
      • 1 Round of Rocky Balboas 
      • 30 Smurf Jacks
    • Stonehenge 
      • 1 lap of Walking Lunges 
      • 30 Side Straddle Hops 
    • Tennis Courts 
      • 1 Bear Crawl Lap 
      • 10 Imperial Walkers @ Corners 
    • Basketball Court
      • 30 Jump Shots 
      • 30 Monkey Humpers 
    • Return to A.O. 
      • 30 Pickle Pounders 


Let’s just stretch on our own. Everyone gets to keep the card of their “favorite” location from the Jailbreak. Souvenirs will NOT become a normal thing at a Blindside Q


8 HIMs no FNGs (thank goodness, because I only had 7 cards to hand out)


Counsel (Right Judgment): With the gift of counsel/right judgment, we know the difference between right and wrong, and we choose to do what is right. A person with right judgment avoids sin and lives out the values taught by Jesus. The gift of truth that allows the person to respond prudently, and happily to believe our Lord. 

Counsel is the perfection of the cardinal virtue of prudence. Prudence can be practiced by anyone, but counsel is supernatural. Through this gi4 of the Holy Spirit, we are able to judge how best to act almost by intuition. Because of the gi4 of counsel, Christians need not fear to stand up for the truths of the Faith, because the Holy  Spirit will guide us in defending those truths.  



Close the week out strong!

Active Recovery

THE SCENE: 63 cool and cloudy

4 PAX Pre-rucked

10 arm baby arm circles in cadence

10 reverse baby arm circles in cadence

10 cherry pickers in cadence

10 imperial walkers in cadence

25 SSH in cadence

mosey to tennis court
Tabata work: 8 exercises :20 work :10 rest 8 rounds 1 minute shuttle run for active recovery in between exercises

  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Skater hops
  • reverse lunges
  • Mountain climbers
  • flutter kicks
  •  Merkins
  • Hello Dollies

8 pax 0 FNGs
There will be days when the struggles and burdens placed on our shoulders seem to much and yet you feel something more ominous looming. You will hear a voice pushing you to keep fighting for what you believe in and who believes in you! God called you to be a warrior! When you draw your sword, you will be helpful that you had your brothers helping to keep it sharp. Now to fight! AYE!
Lots of prayers and intention s
Lunch today at Pokeworks

Weighty Words & A Kraken

SCENE: Great weather for standing around. Mid 60s. Breezy. Some PAX actually missed the cold weather.



  • Windmills IC | Grady Corns IC
  • SSH IC | Cherry Pickers IC


Mosey to the top of the Equalizer. Kraken. Pick station, complete 25 reps of the prescribed exercise, then run a full lap around the course to the next station. Rinse and repeat. On each subsequent round, drop 5 reps from each exercise. Push yourself & push each other. Try to catch the guy in front of you. Stations included:

  • Lunges
  • BBS
  • Dips
  • Box jumps
  • Diamond Merks
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Burpees
  • Squats


  • Fellowship Mosey ™️
  • 40secs of OYO Stretching



Been thinking about words lately. I’ve got relatively young kids, so the past six years have been a lesson in how my words can affect another human being. As a dad & as a husband, I am a leader in my household; as a leader, my words have weight. Usually I see this when I let out a sarcastic comment at breakfast that manages to set an awful tone for the whole day, but every once in a while it works the other way too.

In my work, I’ve been with the same organization for years, but after joining the leadership team last year, I have learned that as a leader, my words have more weight.

F3 is a peer-led workout. Out here, we’re all leaders. Whether your the AO Q, the Q in charge that day, or just a guy posting to a workout—you are a leader; because even if you’ve only been around for a couple weeks, once the next FNG shows up you are a leader setting an example. And your words have weight.

One thing I really appreciate about Doubtfire is his positivity and his ability to make everyone feel welcome, even while pushing us to be better.

That tone that Doubtfire has set here at The Equalizer ⚖️ is the reason I can count on my hands the number of times I’ve missed; it’s the reason that I keep coming back and it’s what I want The Equalizer ⚖️ to continue to be known for. And I’ve come to realize that means I’m going to need to work on that; I need to be more positive, I need to be more encouraging, push more of the guys around me to be better—and I need y’all to not just join me in that pursuit, but hold me accountable to it.


MOLESKIN: Great PAX this morning

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Check out the upcoming kickball tourney & grab a Q

Understanding is the Name of the Game

THE SCENE: 49 degrees and pleasant. A rush of wind as SchoolZone came screaming into the parking lot at 5:31 am.


Not a professional. Here on your own. Know your injuries, but don’t tell me. Modify. COVID-ish rules? Free99


SSH x15

Cherry Pickers x5

Little this. Little That. 


Mosey to Tennis Courts for BATTLE BUDDIES!

1 BB does a TC Suicide while the other works on completing the exercises switch after each suicide:

  • 25 Burpees
  • 50 Leg Lifts  
  • 75 Hello Dollies 
  • 100 merkins
  • 150 Squats
  • 200 Big Boys 
  • 250 Imperial Walkers 

Mosey to Dock for some DOCK WORK!

1 BB works through the list with a rock while the other bear crawls up the “S” curve and does 7 burpees at the top, dropping one burpee each time.

  • 15 Dry docks
  • 15 curls 
  • 15 overhead press 
  • 15 tri-extensions
  • 15 rows
  • Hold plank until BB returns 


**Don’t call on Aladdin or Tweet-E for Mary ideas (this list will be kept up to date and accurate)**

Cobra Kais and Downward Dog stretching. 6:15 came a little early once the Mumblechatter got off the rails.



Understanding: In understanding, we comprehend how we need to live as a follower of Christ. A person with understanding is not confused by all the conflicting messages in our culture about the right way to live. The gift of understanding perfects a person’s speculative reason in the gaining of Truth. It allows for self-evident principles to be known. 

While wisdom is the desire to contemplate the things of God, understanding allows us to penetrate to the very core of revealed truths. This doesn’t mean we will understand the mysteries of God, the way we would a math problem, but that we become certain of the Truth of God. Such certitude moves beyond faith. 

Understanding moves past natural reason, which is no more than how we perceive the natural world with our senses. Through understanding, we see the world and our life within the larger context of the eternal law and the relation of our souls to God. 


Apparently, the light being messed up “Isn’t a priority” to the Parks and Rec Department. Let’s spam them this week to get it fixed.