F3 Knoxville

Downtown Potluck

THE SCENE: Temps in the 30s. Dark and mysterious

SSH x20

BAC x10 each arm

Squat x20

Merkins x20

Mary Catherines x20

Monkey Humpers x20
Numbered off and moved as unit throughout Market Square and Gay St. Made several stops along the way and did 3 different exercises at each stop in cadence for 10 reps (4ct). First exercise at each stop was led by Q. 2nd and 3rd exercise at each station were led by a different PAX

  • Stop 1 (TVA): Merkins (led by Q), Monkey Humpers (led by PAX 1), Hello Dollys (led by PAX 2), 10 burpees on your own
  • Stop 2 (Market Square stage): Single leg squat (Q), Incline Merkins (PAX 3), Carolina DD (PAX 4)
  • Stop 3: (Tupelo Honey): Bobby Hurley (Q), Mary Catherines (PAX 5), Flutterkicks (PAX 6)
  • Stop 4 (Union Ave.): Tuck Jumps (Q), Diamond Merkins (PAX 7), Squats (PAX 8)
  • Union Ave Hill: 2 groups: Group 1 does 10 Mary Catherines at bottom of hill in cadence (led by PAX 9), then Bernie Sanders to top of hill where Group 2 is doing flutter kicks in cadence (led by PAX 10). Groups switch and Group 1 does flutter kicks at top until they are tagged by Group 2.
    • 2 Rounds
  • Gay Street: Partner Wheelbarrow to first lamp post. Switch and go to 2nd lamp post. Lunge to third lamp post, Sideways monster walk to 4th lamp post, Sideways monster walk to 5th lamp post facing other direction.
  • Stop 5 (Market Sq. Parking Garage): Monkey Humpers (Q), Squats (PAX 11) Merkins (PAX 12),
  • Stop 5 (Convention Center): Merkins (PAX 13), Carolina DD (PAX 14), Merkins (PAX 15)
  • Return to AO

17 PAX; 1 FNG–>Tinkle
Bless 3 people this week. Bless=to add strength to one’s arm. How: relieve someone of a burden in their life

Oh The Humanity

THE SCENE: Clear, 36 degrees

  • Baby arm circles x 10 each direction
  • SSH x 25 IC
  • 10 Tempo Squat IC
  • 10 Merkin IC
  • Happy Jacks x 4 IC

Mosey around field to start point

Burpee Dan across field (1B: 4 lunge run back to start, 2B: 4 lunge run back to start, 3B: 4 lunge run back to start, 4B: 4 lunge run back to start)

Hindenburg Blimps: Four stations around field. Conduct exercise at each cone, sprint between each cone until back at start, begin next round. (Modified…it doesn’t spell blimp)

  • Round 1: 20 Lunges
  • Round 2: 30 BBS
  • Round 3: 40 Merkin
  • Round 4: 50 Squat

Mosey to fountains. Flutter Kicks x 60
18 PAX: Frank, Pfeiffer, Steam, Tooth Fairy, Quarantine, Uncle Rico, Heisenberg, Savannah, Abort, Plunder, Swanson, G-6, Singlet, Quickbooks, Passport, Hang Tight, Manwich
F3 is a place to learn about leadership and we are encouraged by each other to lead. Take advantage of the opportunity to lead/Q. The brothers around you will support you. F3 is the lowest stress leadership opportunity  you will find.
Big Ball will be open on Saturdays starting 12/2/17!

Fun Facts & Strong Backs

THE SCENE: A Character-Building 32 degrees; Cold hands, warm hearts, can’t lose.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – & Faith. My name is Steam and for the next 45 minutes I will be in charge and serve as your Q. I am not a professional – you are here on your own volition and I don’y know any injuries you may or may not have so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so for your own safety but always give 100%. This morning we will sound off loud and we will not accept anything less than 100% from ourselves and our PAX. Aye? This is the standard this morning – we will meet and exceed it for all 45 minutes.

*** “G-6: What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?” –> Ask 1 member of PAX what G-6’s favorite Thanksgiving food is.

I. Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 20 x 4 in cadence

Repeat *** with different PAX member(s)

II. Cherry Picker: 20 x 4 in cadence

Repeat *** with different PAX member(s)

III. Baby Arm Circles: 12 x 4 forward in cadence & 12 x 4 backward in cadence

The Merkin: 15 x 10 in cadence

Mosey to WFP (World’s Fair Park) amphitheater with Flag out front (FNG Caleb carried flag)

  • PT –> take a lap around amphitheater with a battle buddy –> PT –> take a lap with a NEW battle buddy
  • Each lap –> each battle buddy shares an interesting fact about themselves
  • 4 laps & 100 reps
    • (1) The Incline Merkin: 25 x 4
      • Take a lap w/Battle Buddy around the amphitheater
      • Back to amphitheater –> ask 1 member of PAX to share the interesting fact they learned on the lap
    • (2) The Squat: 25 x 4
      • Take a lap w/new battle buddy
      • Back to amphitheater –> ask another member of PAX to share the interesting fact they learned on the lap
    • (3) The Ground Pounder: 25 x 4 (Forearm plank –> up to push up plank 1 hand @ a time –> back to elbow plank 1 hand @ a time)
      • Take a lap w/new battle buddy
      • Back to amphitheater –> ask new member of PAX to share interesting fact they learned on the lap
    • (4) The Little Baby Crunch: 25 x 4
      • Take a lap (all PAX together) –> hold @ top of amphitheater
    • BOM (Pt. 1)
      • Q asked PAX: “Why have I been asking questions all morning?
      • 3 things: Ask – Listen – Remember
        • If you know and remember who’s on your team – you’ll find that coming out here and doing this crazy thing called F3 becomes a lot more meaningful but a ton more fun. Aye? Know your PAX, the man to your left and right, they’re out here, locked and loaded at 5:30 just like you.
    • Run up by Big Ball (flag out front – Caleb) to Bridge across WFP
      • 2 columns facing across the bridge
      • Mosey across bridge –> every rectangular concrete plant holder = 10 x 4 squats
        • have different member of PAX call it in cadence each time
      • Form up in 1 line @ end of bridge (flag out front -Caleb)
    • Motivational Cadence Call Mosey Back to AO
      • (1) F3! –> PAX repeats –> Good For You! –> PAX repeats –> Good For Me! –> PAX repeats
      • (2) All Day! –> PAX repeats –> Everyday! –> PAX repeats
      • (3) 1, 2, 3! –> PAX repeats –> I Love F3! –> PAX repeats –> 4, 5, 6! –> PAX repeats –> Pickin Up Sticks! –> PAX repeats –> 7 and 8! –> PAX repeats –> F3 is Great! –> PAX repeats –> 9 and 10! –> PAX repeats –> Let’s Do It All Again! –> PAX repeats
      • Repeat # 1 – 3 at Q’s discretion
    • Arrive @ Field Across from AO –> Take The Field!
      • 150% –> your 100% is not good enough because you are better than your 100%, aye? You can do better than 100%, you have what it takes! TAKE. THIS. FIELD.
      • All out 150% sprint across the field to AO

Caleb was the only FNG Big Ball had this morning. Putting the new guy in charge of something so sacred – the American Flag that always stays out front when we mosey and goes with us wherever we go – (I believe) helped him become more comfortable and integrated @ his first time @ F3.
PAX Count: 14 + 1 FNG
Proverbs 11:14 –> “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisors.”

This is a call to action. When you look around at our world today – our nation is falling and it’s sad. Because there is a clear lack of guidance. we, men in F3, are called to be HIM = High Impact Men. Your nation needs you, your family needs you, your community needs you, F3 needs you. Take charge and be a leader. You are all leaders in some capacity whether you realize it or not. We found out earlier that when you know who’s on your team it’s a lot easier to embrace the suck knowing who’s beside you going through the same thing. Along with that – we are all cops. A cop is someone who upholds the law and holds others accountable to the law. Who’s the cop in your life? Who holds you accountable and helps you uphold who you were created to be? Are you a cop in anyone else’s life? I need that, we all need that. Men, great work this morning, I cannot begin to tell you what an honor it is to be out here and have the opportunity to lead and serve as your Q. You are free to lead. Take charge and make it happen.

Pray it out.
Big Ball Saturday Qs will be officially (re)starting in 2 weeks –>  3 December 2017

Bearway to turkey day

THE SCENE: 31* and clear, ready to pre-heat the oven

Side straddle hops x26 IC
Windmills x10 IC
Merkins x20 OYO
Tempo squats x10 IC
Mosey to the base of the big ball, two rounds of Cindy:

  • Pull ups x10
  • Merkins x20
  • Squats x30

PAX performs flutter kicks waiting on the 6.  Recover.  Mosey up steps and across bouncy bridge to parking lot across from Knoxville MEPS building.

There are 5 evenly spaced cones across the parking lot.  PAX perform bearway to heaven:
Bear crawl to first cone – 10 burpees – bear crawl back to start point
Bear crawl to second cone – 8 burpees – bear crawl back to start point
Bear crawl to third cone – 6 burpees – bear crawl back to start point
Bear crawl to fourth cone – 4 burpees – mosey back to start point
Bear crawl to fifth cone – 2 burpees – mosey back to start point
PAX perform flutter kicks, American hammers, and hello Dolly’s waiting on the 6. Recover and 10 count.

Short mosey to steps in front of Knoxville MEPS building. Two more rounds of modified Cindy (no pull ups)

  • Dips x10
  • Merkins x20
  • Squats x30

Mosey to hill at Walnut Street, PAX assemble at the bottom of the hill.  PAX perform 7’s on Walnut Street hill.  Starting with 6 jump squats, Bernie up the hill to cone, 1 derkin.  Lather rinse repeat.  PAX perform reverse crunches on hill waiting on 6.  Recover.

PAX mosey back towards SP, stopping about halfway back for Pfeiffer to take us on some black Friday shopping (multiple levels of plank holds).  Continue Mosey back to SP.

No time for Mary upon returning to SP
11 Turkeys strong, including 1 FNG.  Pfeiffer, A-Rod, Cheatsheet, Heisenburg, Scooter (FNG), G6, Swanson, Anchorman, Butterfly, Woodshack, Abort
Thankful for the opportunity to lead.  My task is to become a better leader, because I am present for the PAX as the PAX are present for me.