F3 Knoxville

On a Hill, Far Away…

THE SCENE: 52 degrees – perfect weather in the gloom!

  • Cherry Pickers IC – x10
  • Tempo Squats IC – x10
  • Good Mornings IC – x10
  • SMotivators IC – 5,4,3,2,1

Mosey with CMUs to the top parking lot. Drop off blocks and start the Baatan Death March (1 burpee) from there up to the oval office, one lap around, and mosey back to our blocks.


  • DORA style workout – Partner up with PAX 1 running up Church Hill and PAX 2 starts the following workouts:
    • 200 CMU curls
    • 150 CMU OH press
    • 100 CMU goblet squats

Rinse and repeat once your group completes all three workouts.


  • Flutter Kicks IC – x25 (4-count)
  • BBS OYO – x20
  • Catalina wine mixers OYO – x10
  • LBCs OYO – x20
  • 1 round of PAX roulette – @Smuggler lead w/crunchy frogs IC x10 w/a hold at the end.

–> Stretch hamstrings for time

Baby Weight, Butterfingers, Peach, Fins, Smuggler, Shrimp Net, & Third Base
“Leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way” – John Maxwell

40 of Everything But One Truth

THE SCENE: 60’s, slightly damp, perfect gloom.

– Run around the parking lot.

– Overhead claps x 40.

-LBC’s x 40 OYO.

– SSH x 40


Circle up. Today will be an all group workout. Number every CMU, and that is your order.

While one pax does 40 reps at the assigned stations, the rest of the pax will do as follows until the next man goes to the stations. The Q will call the exercise change:

  1. Goblet squats
  2. Curls
  3. Grave diggers
  4. Overhead press
  5. Goblet squats
  6. Flutter kicks
  7. Skull crushers
  8. Thrusters.

Station 1: Bobby Hurleys x 40.

Station 2: Thrusters x 40

Station 3: CMU Big boys x 40

Station 4: Thrusters again x 40 (this time for fun)

We pushed right up until time.
7 HIMs showed up and put in work.
Matthew 7:13-14 “13 gEnter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy1 that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and hthe way is hard that leads to life, and ithose who find it are few.”

Reflecting on this verse in my daily Bible reading, I was struck by the “gate is narrow and those who find it are few.” Perhaps one reason it is hard to find is that there are so many truths being screamed at all of us, and all are said to be equally valid. The law of non-contradiction says that can’t be true. Living a personal “truth” that is not congruent with God’s absolute truth as revealed in the Bible will not lead to the good life now, eternal life, or flourishing. That only comes from not just embracing, but also submitting to the truth of our Lord. I know that isn’t a popular message today, but encouraging people to live their “truth” if their “truth” is harmful isn’t loving at all. It’s like letting at toddler play in the middle of Alcoa Highway because we are worried we might upset them. Sometimes we have to be the ones to tell a hard truth, even if that hard truth conversation is just one we have with ourselves. God’s truth should set us free. God’s truth leads us to redemption, instead of enslaving us to our own lusts. Praying for you men, and have a great rest of the week.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Monday Ropes and Bells

THE SCENE: Cool…maybe cold

TN Rocking Chair x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, Tempo Merkins x 10, Run to Butterfingers’ truck to get all the things x 1.

EMOM Kraken Rope Bell Thingy – 1 minute on each station – after complete all stations run a lap – 5 rounds!

  • ST1 – Battle Rope Double Waves
  • ST2 – Incline Merkins
  • ST3 – 60lb Sandbag squats
  • ST4 – Battle Rope Double Outside Waves
  • ST5 – Left Leg Drop Back Squat w/ 20lb Kettlebell overhead
  • ST6 – Kettlebell Swings 35lbs
  • ST7 – Decline Merkins
  • ST8- Right Leg Drop Back Squat w/ 20 lb Kettlebell overhead

Pax Ring of Fire – Hollow Hold Sandbag Pass
Baby Weight, Butterfingers, Raincheck, Rep Sleepy, Shrimp Net, Smuggler, Third Base

“Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do which must be done, whether you like it or not. Being forced to work, and forced to do your best, will breed in you temperance, self-control, diligence, strength of will, content, and a hundred other virtues which the idle never know.”

― Charles Kingsley

A Veep & Drifter Mashup

THE SCENE: A comfortable 70.

5 Cherry Pickers, 15 SSH, 11 Windmills, 8 Little Baby Arm Circles (both ways)

Veep’s Thang

Starting on one end of the Grinder, do 5: Merkins, Big Boy Situps, and Squats.

Run to the other side and do 5: Pull-ups and Dips

Rinse and repeat adding 5 reps each time. Once you get to 25 reps, work down by 5 reps. Keep cycle going for 30 minutes.

Drifter’s Thang

20 cones set up for agility training. Bring a block over to the sidewalk. One PAX member calls out an exercise for everyone to do while they run the cones. After running the cones, they jump to the back of the line and the next person calls out an exercise.

10 Supermans on a 4 count and LBCs for time.

6 PAX and a guest who joined part way in and left before it was done.

We finished reading through the old testament this year, and something that really stood out to me is how unflattering the book is toward the Israelites. They are the most faithless bunch of people. It is especially a stark contrast to other texts of the era which mostly puffed up the origins of the people who wrote it. Especially look at the Babylonian epics which basically make the claim that their kings are literal descendants of gods (same with the Egyptians). In the Hebrew scriptures, we mostly see a bunch of screwups. And as odd as it is, it seems more sincere. I see myself in the story of the Israelites. I have some bright moments, but for the most part, I’m not that faithful. It reminds me that the story of the Bible isn’t really about all the human characters’ lack of faith. It’s about God’s faithfulness in spite of humanity’s faithlessness. God does call us to faithfulness. But He also equips us with the faithfulness of Christ and empowers us by His own spirit. F3 encourages us to do hard things. Perhaps the hardest thing is to humble ourselves before God and accept His free gift. Accept that He loves us, and then to respond in faith, being fully convinced that He is able and willing to transform our lives into a faithful witness to His great love for all mankind. 

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Thief in the night

THE SCENE: Pleasant

5 minutes worth of an work. Little did we know trouble was lurking around the corner. Literally. Drifter noticed the dude sleeping around the corner prior to the beat down.
THA Thang

Ran to ButterBilly hill where we did 7’s with burpees at the bottom and burpees at the top. Had we done 11s, nobody’s keys would have been there when we got back.

Mary involved a slow walk after dude who grabbed Yosemite’s key. Heart rates were elevated but nobody really moved anywhere quickly. Except Avocado, he ran once dude got loud.
Nailed it, drifter, toad, Yosemite, 4 Alcoa PD officers, hydrant, avocado, third base, espy, the dude
I talked about the value of consistency but I think everyone (myself included) was more focused on the situation at hand.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion
No more stashing keys at the pavilion, lock your cars. We will have a bag to carry keys in next week