F3 Knoxville

Keep it simple

THE SCENE: Cool and clear, then very wet

SSH and tempo merkins
THA thang

Wasn’t expecting to Q so we kept it simple with 11’s on Mt. Crumpet. Blockies at the top, and big boys with the CMU at the bottom.  Lunged, curled, and pressed out way back to the AO

ab work


espy, swerve, RadioShack, toad, VEEP and yosemite

It’s a message I’ve given before but plain and simple discipline equals freedom. Hebrews 12:11
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
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Square Dance and Box Dodge

THE SCENE: Wet! However, rain stopped luckily.

I don’t remember.
Square Dance (put CMU at second cone) – this was done as a group and if you finished early, you held a plank until all were done

  • First cone – Step Ups (x10 per leg), Burpees x10, American Hammers (x10 per side)
  • Bear Crawl to second cone (~ 20 feet)
  • Second cone – Pull ups (or reverse push ups) x20, Bent over Rows x20, Thursters (with squat) x20
  • Murder Bunny w/CMU to third cone (~ 20 feet)
  • Third cone – CMU Curls x30, CMU Skull Crushers (tricep extensions) x30, LBCs x30
  • Lunges w/ CMU to fourth cone (~ 20 feet)
  • Fourth cone – Goblet squats w/ CMU x20, Dips x20, Flutter Kicks (x20 per leg)
  • Inchworm (no CMU) back to first cone


  • Dips
  • Pull ups (or reverse push ups)

Box Dodge

Every HIM has a puzzle box approximately 1 ft x 1 ft size.  You have to hold the box above your head like a waiter at a restaurant when they carry their trays.  You can switch hands when shoulder starts to get tired.  You try to knock each others box out of each others hand.  Grid with 9 guys was about 45 ft x 45ft (playing space).  If you lose your box, you have to step out of the grid and do 5 burpees.  You cannot grab the box if someone knocks it but if you can stabilize it with your finger tips then you are good.  If it falls or you grab it, get on those burpees.

I have seen this done with pizza boxes and it is far more interesting because they are bigger but can be more easily stabilized.

I don’t remember this either but we did a little random exercise-o-rama for time and got 4 HIMs involved.
Espy, Swerve, Nailed It, Toad, RadioShack, Drifter, Aprons (FNG Welcome!), JustFlys, Grouch
No specific Biblical text but was watching The Chosen Season 1 Episode 8 when Yeshua was talking to the Samaritan woman at the well.  At one point she says, “You picked the wrong person.”  and “I’m rejected by others.” to which Yeshua says, “I know but not by the Messiah.”  While this is not in the Bible, it resonates tremendously in my spirit.  I am ashamedly guilty of judging a book by its cover but not YHWH.  He looks beyond what our eyes see and sees every person he created for who they really are.  We are never to be the judge in this world.  Yeshua called us to love and it is through our love that we show those around us how we are different.  Only when people ask should we offer our views and thoughts from a place of love rather than cramming them down peoples’ throats even though I am guilty of wanting to shake those who do not know, or willingly ignore, they are living apart from YHWH.  YHWH is the only true and righteous judge.  His ways are higher than ours and his thoughts are higher than ours.
AOQ Flag Hand-off to Espy April 30.  Breakfast to follow at Drifter’s house.  CSAUP (Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless) on May 6 from 9 PM to midnight (yes you read that correctly) – Rep Sleepy, Smuggler, and Grouch are in with Swerve as a hard yes (with a side of maybe).  If interested, hit up Rep Sleepy.

Torential Tuesday

THE SCENE: 50s. Lot of sky sweat. Bit of lightning so had to stay under cover.

20 SSH, 15 Imp Squat Walkers, 10 cherry pickers, 5 burpees (plus a few others sprinkled in)
Had to pivot a bit. Did Sally song with merkins. Did another song with a basketball pass while holding a v-up. Thunder Struck with holding squat and a jump squat on each thunder.

Then we did a little free throw. Try to hit at least 3. 10 attempts. Miss is 5 drydocks for everyone. Make is 5 star jumps for everyone.

ABCs, hold superman, pax roulette.
I’m in Customer Experience for my job, and I just got back from Disney world. A good book on the topic is the Experience Economy. It talks about the progression of economic value. How we started in a commodity based economy, progressed to goods, then service, and now Experience. At each level, people attribute a hire value and are willing to pay more for it. Hence, me paying way more than I should on stuffed animals at Disney. Anyway, the point being that an even higher economic offering is transformation. The best example is working out. You subject yourself to a bunch of uncomfortable experiences for the end result of a physical transformation in your body. And Disney is fun, but the more meaningful time I spend in the long run is in the things that invest in my own transformation. So where are you placing value? On stuff? On kicking back and having cool experiences? Or on investing time in transformation, physical, spiritual, etc.?
Speedway is starting next week! Help by showing up or Qing.

No legs

THE SCENE: Perfect weather for a no legs beatdown

Tempo merkins, overhead claps
Stations arranged around the grinder, rotate every 2 mins and run the apex loop

Beatdown stations


-arm twists w bricks

-power u w bricks

-dry docks

-curls w CMU

-tricep raises w CMU

-inchworm merkins

-lawn mower pulls

More non-leg work with bricks
Phil. 4, 6-7 How often are we anxious without going to the Lord with prayer and supplication? If we do he promises us peace that pases understanding.

Avocado returns to Egypt on Saturday, safe travels brother!
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Sally, Cards, and CMUs

THE SCENE: 50’s and perfect Gloom weather

Little of this.

Little of that.

Windmills x 10.

CMU Overhead press to “Bring Sally up,” halfway through, we switched to full CMU thrusters.

The Pax picked up their blocks of woe and we moseyed to the fountain. From there, we split into 1 and 2. One representative from each group drew cards for the high card. Whoever won, ran the loop. Whoever lost, farmer carried two CMU’s one whole loop and called out exercises for the other pax to do. Crowd favorites were as follows…

  • Burpees
  • WWII’s
  • Dry Docks
  • T-Merkins
  • Flutter kicks.

WWII’s for time.
Swerve, Webelo, Scoutmaster, NailedIt, JustFlys, Nailed It, RadioShack, Grouch, Toad, Avocado, KY.
Selections from Judges 16.
The thrust of what I talked about is the fact that Samson acted like an idiot with Delilah. He knew this woman did not have his best interest at heart, and still continued in his relationship to her after multiple times where she proved untrustworthy. I think Samson did that because he relied on himself and his strength to get out of his trouble. However, once he revealed his heart to Delilah, Judges 16:20 records some of the most frightening words in Scripture, “But he did not know that the Lord had left him.” To be honest, I think we all have a little Samson inside of us. We think we can master or control or lives. Many times that will evidence itself in how we think we have sin under control. We sometimes live like we can play with sin and never get hurt. I encouraged us all to be quick to repent and find forgiveness because sin bites, kills, and separates.
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