F3 Knoxville

Sally, Cards, and CMUs

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: 50’s and perfect Gloom weather

Little of this.

Little of that.

Windmills x 10.

CMU Overhead press to “Bring Sally up,” halfway through, we switched to full CMU thrusters.

The Pax picked up their blocks of woe and we moseyed to the fountain. From there, we split into 1 and 2. One representative from each group drew cards for the high card. Whoever won, ran the loop. Whoever lost, farmer carried two CMU’s one whole loop and called out exercises for the other pax to do. Crowd favorites were as follows…

  • Burpees
  • WWII’s
  • Dry Docks
  • T-Merkins
  • Flutter kicks.

WWII’s for time.
Swerve, Webelo, Scoutmaster, NailedIt, JustFlys, Nailed It, RadioShack, Grouch, Toad, Avocado, KY.
Selections from Judges 16.
The thrust of what I talked about is the fact that Samson acted like an idiot with Delilah. He knew this woman did not have his best interest at heart, and still continued in his relationship to her after multiple times where she proved untrustworthy. I think Samson did that because he relied on himself and his strength to get out of his trouble. However, once he revealed his heart to Delilah, Judges 16:20 records some of the most frightening words in Scripture, “But he did not know that the Lord had left him.” To be honest, I think we all have a little Samson inside of us. We think we can master or control or lives. Many times that will evidence itself in how we think we have sin under control. We sometimes live like we can play with sin and never get hurt. I encouraged us all to be quick to repent and find forgiveness because sin bites, kills, and separates.
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