F3 Knoxville

Private Property

THE SCENE: Perfect.

The regular stuff. And we learned a new exercise…the squat rockette. (Do a squat before each toe touch)
Mosey to the boat.. Run around the loop going up to Dwayne Johnson and around the entrance to the tavern. At each cone do…

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 side lunges (per side)
  • 15 Merkins
  • 20 squat rockettes
  • 25 dry docks

sprint between double cones.

rinse and repeat knocking off the highest number exercise each lap. Cheetahs start back up when done adding exercises till Q yells recover.


Flutter kicks x32 and a sad attempt at Marge Simpsons. LBCs for a minute

12 in the PAX today
Be friendly. Wave at people. Smile at people. Give complements to people. Make someone feel special.
So it was interesting that the BOM was about being friendly to people today. As I was setting up the work out, I was approached by a gentleman who jumped out of his car and raised his voice at me and said “what are you doing?” I told him that I’m part of a workout group and that I’m just setting up some cones to run between. He said “i figured you were part of that workout group. I’ve told you guys not to come up here.” He was very aggressive in his tone. My reply was very calm and apologetic. Although he started off very direct and pretty much rude, I kept my cool and was nothing but nice and agreeable with him. He has worked at the tavern for 20 years and doesn’t want anyone getting hurt on their property. I told him I can understand that and that we wouldn’t do exercises in the upper parking lot anymore. I was able to let him give us permission to run up the hill and through the property just not do exercises on the property. By the end of our conversation he was somewhat calm, but I wonder how the conversation would have gone if he didn’t start off so aggressive. I think we need to give people the benefit of the doubt that they are doing something good and not something bad. In his case I don’t think he thought I was doing anything bad as he knew I was part of the workout group, but I think he just wanted to show his chest and let me know who was in charge. I did However did forget to ask him if he would like to join us. If I see him again I certainly will.
I forgot to mention this, but we have a charity kickball tournament on May 15 I would love to see an F3 team or two.

Round & Round the Ladder

THE SCENE: A comfortable 40s morning, illuminated by the soft, flickering glow of the Equalizer parking lot light that just won’t die.



  • Tempo Squats | SSH IC
  • Seal Claps IC


Mosey to Splash Pad. Take a trip down the ladder, then back up.  Do 7 exercises, take a lap, and drop the top one. Do 6 exercises, take a lap, and drop the top one.  Etc…

  • 7 — 4Ct Mtn Climbers
  • 6 — CDD
  • 5 — 4Ct Flutter Kicks
  • 4 — Diamond Merks
  • 3 — BBS
  • 2 — 4Ct Shoulder Taps
  • 1 — Burpee

Threw in some bonus pull-ups, bear crawls, crab walks, and lunges.


  • Hello Dolly IC | Peter Parkers



John 15 – I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. 

We’ve all seen our lives pruned to an extent this past year; for all the negative, there were a number of things, people, activities that were sucking the life out of us that got cancelled or put off. Just because life is getting back to normal doesn’t mean we have to let those branches of our life grow back.

Intent matters

THE SCENE: 34 and cool

Everyone needs a coupon

A Burpee

A Blocky

Some of these some of those

cherry pickers

Insert information about the workout.

  • 4 stations with a partner AMRAP one partner does the exercise while the other runs up and back to the next station.
  • first station
    • Curls
    • OHP
    • Murder bunnies
  • Second station
    • lunges
    • Wojo Squats
    • Mountain Climbers
  • Third station
    • Burpee’s
    • man makers
    • Hand release merkins
  • Fouth station
    • Freddie mercury’s
    • V-ups
    • Pickle Pounders

Live with Intention in our lives. A friend of mine is struggling with stage 4 cancer and now is paralyzed. He wants to live with intent for the remainder of his life. even if it’s short. Because this life it work laying aside for the glories that Christ. Live with Intent this week.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Grainger County Christmas Story

THE SCENE: Clear skies, temps in high 20’s.

Run around the parking lot to get warm; 20 Side-Straddle Hops; 10 Burpees; 10 Cherry Pickers; 10 Rockettes; 7 Wide Arm Circles Forward and Backward
Mosey to start of the Dragon Tail.  We will run up dragon tail stopping at every other light to do 10 of the following exercises (one exercise for each run up).  After reaching the top, run on trail to road, back down to lower parking lot, and back to the start of the Dragon Tail to do the next exercise.  Here are the exercises:

  • Iron Mikes (both legs = 1)
  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Jump Squats
  • Merkins

Mosey to stop sign that is on the northeastern corner of the admin bldg.  We will be moving in a route with signs giving the directions for exercises along the way and where we go next.  The signs will be numbered and by cones.

  • Cone 1:  Do 10 Burpees.  Then bear crawl on sidewalk heading south to Cone 2.
  • Cone 2:  Do 15 Dive Bombers.  Then lunge on sidewalk south to Cone 3.
  • Cone 3:  Do 10 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1).  Then run to Cone 4 at porch of Admin Bldg.
  • Cone 4:  Do 20 Calf Raises on stairs and 20 Hello Dollies (4 ct.) on porch. Then run south on trail and back north on trail to Cone 5.
  • Cone 5:  Run down steps to parking lot below Coliseum.  Then run south up parking lot, around to southern end of Coliseum and north to Cone 6 which is by marble bench area of Coliseum.
  • Cone 6:  Do 20 Bench Dips.  Then run to Cone 7.
  • Cone 7:  Do 40 Baby Crunches.  Then run to Cone 8 which is on street near to the admin stop sign where we started.
  • Cone 8:  Do 20 Carolina Dry Docks.
  • Rinse and Repeat.

As a group we will take a 30 second gander at Beautiful Eastern TN below us.  Then we will mosey to parking lot with CMUs.

Each man grabs a CMU and teams up with a brother.  We will do Doras. While one man runs to pavilion and does 10 Picnic Table Pull-ups, the other does the exercises with the CMU.  Then partners switch. Each team will do the following exercises:

  • 100 Overhead Presses
  • 100 Curls
  • 100 Rows
  • 100 Squats

Put CMUs back and mosey to start of mini-cardiac.  Bernie up mini-cardiac to park sign, then sprint the rest of the way to the AO.

28 men with one FNG:  John Case.  He is now named Lamont.  He is the father of member Mickey.
In my work as a therapist I heard a mighty fine Christmas story from one of my patients and decided to share it to you here in February.  My patient lives in a mountainous area in Grainger County, Tennessee.  Some of you may have heard of Grainger County tomatoes.  Most are grown in the valley of the county but some areas of the county can be pretty rugged.  Here’s a little demographic news for you in regards to Grainger County.  It is 94% white, 3.3% Hispanic, and probably less than 1% Black.  If you are a black man, you may not want to get stuck alone in Grainger County.  The patient I am talking about is a middle-aged white woman and she would tell you that.

She also told me about an African-American truck driver who was driving on a winding highway through the area she lived in on Christmas Eve.  As you may recall, Christmas Eve is the day we got that snow that gave us all a White Christmas.  The highway the man was driving on was curvy and slick.  Unfortunately, his 18 wheeler went off the side of the road and landed in a deep ditch.  There was no way to get that truck out easily.  It was going to take more than one large wrecker truck to get the truck out.  It being Christmas, that would take well over 24 hours.

The truck had valuable cargo and the driver was required to stay with his truck until it could be towed.  So this African-American truck driver was stuck on Christmas Eve miles from his home – in one of the most rugged areas of “redneck country”.  In Grainger County, if you aren’t driving a pickup truck with a gun rack inside your back window, “you probably ain’t from around these parts.”  The necessary clothing for a man is a pair of jeans with a can of snuff in your back pocket.

News can spread pretty fast in a rural county and the news of the sidelined truck came to my patient quickly.  She was frankly worried about this African-American truckdriver stuck in her neck of the woods.  She was concerned someone might try to start some trouble with him.  She wanted to go out to his truck to check on him but was worried about doing so until her husband got home.  He did later that day and they went out to the area where the truck was located.

What they found was a number of “neighbors” already congregated by the truck.  They also found these same “redneck” neighbors had brought the African-American truckdriver some hot dinner, hot coffee, and baked goods to snack on through the evening.  People from all over were coming to make the driver feel as comfortable as he could.  They even brought blankets but he had those in his cabin which he was able to keep warm through keeping the engine on.  They offered for him to come to their homes but he had to stay with his truck.  By the next morning the driver had hot breakfast and gifts of goodies and Christmas cards.  When the truck was finally pulled out of the ditch, the driver went home with more hot food and goodies that were brought to him at lunch and dinner time on Christmas Day.

My patient went to sleep on Christmas night feeling wonderful about the residents of Grainger County.  Whatever their beliefs and prejudices’, they had made an African-American stranger feel blessed and welcome.  It was a Christmas that I am sure he will never forget.  And, my patient, who has had a difficult year, sang “Joy to the World” a little louder on Christmas day.  The air smelled mighty fresh in Grainger County and the stars shone brighter for the rest of 2020.

Prayers for the disenfranchised; for caregivers who are taking care of others and that they would have patience in that difficult task; for Ribbed and his wife, Sarah, after the surgery to remove the tumor by her spine; for Abacus’ mother who will need surgery on her leg; for those in F3 who have lost loved ones this year.
Reward at Coffeeteria!

Remembering a True High Impact Man – Martin Luther King, Jr.

THE SCENE: Mid 30s with a windchill just below freezing but dry, so that was good
18th day of the year – 347 days remaining. What are you going to do with them?

Actor Carey Grant was born this day in 1904.  Actor Kevin Costner was born this day in 1955.  Hockey player Mark Messier was born this day in 1961.  Eagle Glenn Frey died this day in 2016.  But, this day is not about any of them.  Today, January 18th falls on the third Monday in January, which is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Today is the 35th national observance of MLK Day.

SSHs x 35 (4 ct)

In 1983, President Reagan signed a bill that would establish a nationally-observed holiday in honor of MLK.  He is the only non-president to have received that honor.  He is also the only non-president with a memorial located on the National Mall in Washington, DC.

Burpee x 1

The holiday was first celebrated in 1986 on the third Monday in January near MLK’s birthday (January 15, 1929).  It was not officially observed by all 50 states until January 18, 1993 (28 years ago today).

Little Baby Arm Circles Forward x 14 (4 ct)

Little Baby Arm Circles Backward x 14 (4 ct)

Some Michael Phelps

A little bit of this and a little bit of that x 2


Mosey to the Flag Pole

There is no better place to celebrate MLK Day than the Equalizer at Carl Cowan Park.  Cowan was a local MLK, so to speak, who did a lot for equality and race relations in Knox County.  In 1953, Cowan became the first African-American to serve as an Assistant District Attorney in Knox County.

This has nothing to do with MLK or Cowan, but today we are playing Ghost-Man Baseball.  No one had ever played it before because I just made it up. Here’s how it works (hopefully):

Home plate = the flag pole

First base = point in the diamond around the loop just beyond the playground

Second base = top of the diamond around the loop just beyond the tennis courts

Third base = point of the diamond around the loop in stinky corner

Divide into two teams

Team 1 runs to first base, does the exercises there and returns home.  Team 2 does core exercises at home plate while Team 1 is gone.  Team 1 comes back to home plate and does the core exercises while Team 2 runs to first base, does the exercises there, and returns to home plate.  Team 1 then runs to second base, stopping at first base to do the exercises there before moving on to second base (because you have to touch the bag before advancing), does the exercises at second, and returns to home plate via first base (but not doing the first base exercises again on the way back).  Team 2 is doing the core exercises at home plate and switches with Team 1 again.  Repeat this process until each team has hit a single, a double, a triple, and finally a home run, i.e., ran all of the way around the bases to home plate (stopping at each base along the way and doing the exercises) and finishing with home run exercises at home plate (no sweeping back because it’s a home run).  After the home run exercises, Team 1 does the core exercises at home plate while waiting for Team 2 to complete its home run trot and exercises.

Here are the exercises:

First base – Merkins

Second base – Squats

Third base – CDDs

Home Run – Burpees

As mentioned, today is the 35th observance of MLK Day.  Also, MLK received a Nobel Peace Prize when he was 35 years of age.  At the time, he was the youngest person to receive the award.  Therefore, the reps at each stop, including the home run, are 35.

Home plate core exercises (while the other team is running the bases) are the team’s choice of core exercise(s) done the entire time that the other team is running.

It worked as planned, but we starting running out of time, so both teams did the home run lap together, and we only had time for 10 burpees at home plate.

Mosey back to the AO

We got a lot of Mary in during the workout at home plate, trust me.

11 HIMs


In 1957, MLK and other civil rights activists – mostly ministers – founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (“SCLC”).  The group was committed to achieving full equality for African Americans through non-violent protest.  The SCLC’s motto was: “Not one hair of one head of one person should be harmed.”  MLK was elected president of the SCLC in 1957 and served until his assassination in 1968.  During that time, MLK traveled over 6,000,000 miles, spoke over 2,500 times, and wrote 5 books.

MLK was assassinated on April 4, 1968.  The night before his assassination, MLK gave a speech at a church in Memphis and seemed to foreshadow his death:

“Like anybody, I would like to live a long life.  Longevity has its place.  But I’m not concerned about that now. . . .  I’ve seen the Promised Land.  I may not get there with you.  But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land.  And I’m happy tonight.  I’m not worried about anything.  I’m not fearing any man.  Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.”

His words were truly powerful.  Here are a few other examples:

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” 

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

“The time is always right to do what is right.”

“True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice.” 

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.  This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”

“I have decided to stick with love.  Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

“Be a bush if you can’t be a tree.  If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail.  If you can’t be a sun, be a star.  For it isn’t by size that you win or fail.  Be the best of whatever you are.”

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

We need more leaders like MLK.


During the workout, I shared some trivia about MLK:

MLK was born as Michael King, Jr.  His father was a Baptist minister in Atlanta.  Sr. visited Germany in 1934 and was inspired by the Protestant Reformation leader, Martin Luther.  Sr. began calling himself Martin Luther King as a result, and Sr. later referred to his son as Martin Luther King, Jr.

MLK was arrested 29 times and assaulted 4 times.

MLK received 20 honorary degrees from colleges and universities in the U.S. and around the world.

In 1963, MLK became the first African American to be named Time magazine’s “Man of the Year.” 

There are approximately 900 streets named after MLK in the U.S.  Italy and Israel also have streets named after him.

On September 20, 1958, a woman stabbed MLK in the chest with a letter opener at a book signing in Harlem.  MLK nearly died, but he was saved after hours of surgery.  MLK later stated that he felt no anger or ill will towards the woman.

Prayers for Ribbed’s wife and Dusty’s cousin


Blood drive at the Asylum on 1/29

CSAUP at the Asylum on 1/30