F3 Knoxville

Pavilion Jumping AMRAP

AO: asylum-am
Q: Fabio (Joe Hamilton)
PAX: Cinco (Scott McGuire), Rainbow, Hands, Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Matlock (Bill Maddox), Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Love’s, P3, TRC/Crab legs, Pac-man, Tropicana, Double Wide, Waffle House (Brady Greene), Bunny, Clipper (Ben McCurry), Tunnels, PizzaPizza
FNGs: None


At the Pabalon
Side Stratal Hops
Tie fighters
Cherry pickers
BBQ Squats


Count off to three

Mosey to new pavilion with 1s carrying CMUs
2s mosey to Chapel pavilion
3s mosey around circus Maximus and bump 1s

AMRAP at each pavilion with group mosey between pavilions to bump group

New Pavilion exercises
Front raises
Squat thrusters
Tricep extension
Overhead press
Calf raises

Chapel Pavilion exercises
Monkey Humpers
Hello Dolly
Mountain Climbers
Pice pounders
Iron Mikes
Flutter kicks

Mosey back to Pabalon for COT


James 1:2-4
Remember that during all the blessing God provides there will be times of trial and that we can trust God to see us through those situations

Gotta Tabata

AO: asylum-am
Q: Tropicana
PAX: Charmin (John Willis), Code Brown, Hands, Grandslam (Trey Leake), Matlock (Bill Maddox), P3, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), TRC/Crab legs
FNGs: None

WARMUP: SSH in silence. Cherry pickers in silence.
THE THANG: Tabata on the Cloud
40/20 (4 rounds each)
1st Half
Alarm clocks
Step ups

Halftime at the Pavalon
Partner up
45/45 balls to the wall/wall sits
2 rounds

2nd Half
Jump squats
Decline merkins
Courtesy lunges
Suicide planks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: GrowRuck NOW! Charity Golf Event
COT: Service
The gloom, the grunting and groaning, the glad handing, these groups of men. We don’t do this for vanity or ego. We men of F3 do these things to be better and stronger together as SERVANTS of God and God’s children anywhere we encounter them.

Blocks and Rocks

AO: asylum-am
Q: Rainbow
PAX: Cinco (Scott McGuire), Hands, p-nut, Rainbow, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Tropicana, TRC/Crab legs, Grandslam (Trey Leake), Trout line
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 10 SSH, 12 Imperial Walkers, 10 SSH, Mike Phelps, Baby Arm Circles F and B, 10 SSH
THE THANG: with block or rock
I’m parking lot. 20 Curls rifle carry to other end of lot 20 curls. Rinse and repeat to 100
20 OH press farmer carry right side down 20 OH press left side back. Rinse and repeat to 100
20 block merkins front raise to other end 20 block merkins back. Rinse and repeat to 100

Mosey to hill at front of asylum. Repeat same pattern running up hill. 20 at bottom 20 at top. 20 squats, 20 alt lunges, 20 toe merkins
COT: see below

The Marty McFly fade

AO: asylum-am
Q: Waffle House (Brady Greene)
PAX: Matlock (Bill Maddox), Bunny, TRC/Crab legs, Waffle House (Brady Greene), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Mailbox, Pac-man, Rainbow, Double Wide, Hands, Tropicana, Gibbler, Love’s, WORM, G-6 (Rick Kuhlman), p-nut, Newton, Wham-O, Trotline
FNGs: None
First things first, G-6 himself posted at Asylum this morning, that’s an entire backblast right there. P-nut showing up made it even more historic, so unFNGs Wham-O and Trotline were given a remarkable first time back.

Opening the mailbag: SSH, BSIA, Shoulder Blasters.

A letter from the PAX introduced a tear in the very fabric of the space-time-first-F continuum. How can you grant a request to deny all requests? Your Q was so perplexed that he left the music at the lightpole and we did many Happy Burpees accompanied only by the silence of our deep pondering.

The last hill sprint almost got some merlot out of Wham-O but he took a knee and saved the grounds crew a cleanup.

Matthew 9:2-7. Frederich Buechner, Wishful Thinking: “It is about as hard to absolve yourself of your own guilt as it is to sit in your own lap.”

Parking Lot Shopping Cart

AO: asylum-am
Q: Rainbow
PAX: Bunny, Cinco (Scott McGuire), Double Wide, Tropicana, TRC/Crab legs, Rainbow, P3, Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Waffle House (Brady Greene), Econoline, Grandslam (Trey Leake)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: 20 SSH on 4ct the. Mosey to corner of parking lot for 10 tempo merkins, butt kickers to next corner for 10 4ct plank jacks, mosey to next for windmills, toy soldier hybrid to next corner for 10 tie fighters each leg

THE THANG: 4 corners 5 minute timer. 1 exercise at each corner. 20 reps. Rinse and repeat for 5 minutes.
Round 1 and 2 exercises Merkins, Plank Jacks, SSH, Imperial Walkers
After 5 minutes meet at baby Everest for multiple trips up with 5 jump squats at top
Round 3 exercises Dry Docks, LBC, Rocky B’s, Bobby Hurley
Run Everest again

After that head to pavilion for 7 minute ab shred workout. 1 min each of dollys, flutters, gas pumpers, LBC, Big boys, right crunch, left crunch
MARY: nope
COT:talked about putting your shopping cart away when you’re done shopping. Do the small things right and don’t get lazy or cut corners