F3 Knoxville

Tree Biscuit – Shamrock 2021

  • Welcome: Below freezing and they knew what was coming – but 14 came out anyway.
  • Warmup:  1 SSH
  • Workout:  The Tree Biscuit
    • As a group, Run to an un-slapped tree, slap it, everyone call out the running burpee total,  do A single burpee, repeat.
    • Rules:
      • A tree only gets tagged once
      • Scaling/Modification: Skip a burpee if you need to but stay with the pack always.
      • Taggers: Be sure to take turns tagging/slapping a tree
      • In Cadence: The group also calls out the running total, not just the tagger. The tagger calls it out first though. the louder the better.
      • What’s a Tree: Don’t waste time & energy on shrubs – skip the shrubs – tag the trees
      • No Poison Ivy: Pass trees that are surrounded by shrubs, ivy, waist high grass.
      • Terrain:  Be careful when running not to twist and ankle – trees have lots of bumpy roots around them.  And don’t hit your face on a rock or root when doing a burpee in the dirt.
      • Milestones: At 50, 100, 150, 200 make sure the group catches up and circles around the tree, wait a few seconds. Do the burpee.  Celebrating these milestones adds to the encouragement factor.
    • We shattered the 216 record by doing 258 Burpees.
    • Previous Tree Biscuits:
  • Wrap – up:
    • Salvation – Justification – Sanctification – All heady words.  I’m hoping to encourage Harmony with the Holy Spirit, as my brother in Christ, Alistair Begg does here: https://www.truthforlife.org/resources/sermon/sanctification/ .  Scripture is clear that God designed you in the womb, he numbers your days.  He is the Alpha and the Omega. He knows all and is in all.  Know that although you may have bowed the knee to Christ and your destiny is secured – there is still a process going on.  God is not finished with you.  He wants a relationship with you. He will not force himself on you.  God waited 80 years to get started with Moses. He will patiently wait for you to come to Him with eagerness.  If you are not listening to God and want to – pray about it.  God runs back to any prodigal son with open loving arms.  No matter where you are at – you can still work with God.  He knows you inside and out – don’t try to hide anything from him.  Draw close, listen, walk with him. If you need a very slow still pace – He will understand. If you want to ramp things up – he will challenge you appropriately – he will not bury you with Mt Everest if you can only handle the foothills.  Trust him.

The Manhattan Project


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
43 ℉ 83% 39 ℉ 5.7 mi/h NNE

I am not a professional.


25 SSHs .
10 Storm Troopers.
10 Windmills.
10 Tie Fighters
10 Merkin/Mtn Climber Combination

Mosey towards main parking lot near St. Patrick statue.  Divide into two teams. Thang consists of running around parking lot and back to statue area. Each PAX rolls two dice and perform two sets of exercises defined by the numbers that show up on each dice. After completing the exercises and lap, they record a tally for their team. Running and Rolling dice for ~15 minutes. Team with most tallies wins.

Exercises are:
Dice #1
1 – Burpee x 10
2 – Bear Crawl
3 – Derkins x 25
4 – Flutter Kicks 4 cnt x 20
5 – Box Jumps x 20
6 – Dips x 30
Dice #2
1 – Bernie Bear Crawl
2 – Wide Merkins x 25
3 – Hello Dollys 4 cnt x 20
4 – Iron Mikes x 20
5 – Diamond Merkins x 25
6 – Motivators from 5

Then mosey to picnic pavilion. Divide into 5 groups. There are 5 stations with different exercises at each. Rotate the stations doing the exercises until time to recover. Rinse and Repeat. Stations where:
1. Picnic Pavilion – Using picnic table benches, 15 straight leg lifts and 15 knees to chest. Ab work with legs hanging off end of bench.
2. Pull Up bars – AMRAP twice. Carolina Dry Docks for those not wanting to share equipment.
3. Stonehenge – 20 Derkins and 20 Irkins.
4. Fire Pit – 20 Box Jumps and 10 single leg squats (5 each leg).
5. Volleyball Benches. PAX pick two from the following: – 20 Derkins, 20 Dips, 20 Box Jumps or Step Ups, 20 Carolina Dry Docks, or 20 Bicep Push Ups

Then Mosey back to AO.

31 LBCs.
18 Brothers.  Welcome to FNG – Interpol and congrats to being of the watch list for 5(?) years.

Lots of very interesting things have happened at ORNL since its beginning in 1943.  One was that they hired me 20 years ago on Jan 29th 2001.  Here’s a link describing ORNL’s history.  https://www.ornl.gov/content/seventy-five-years-great-science.  Check out the timeline and interactive mural.


Prayers for the wives recovering from and going into surgery.  For the kids struggling with issues at school.  For our brothers battling illness.  For Pom Pom, who is 4 months from his wedding day.  And for what are the far too normal requests that continue to be issues for us all (Covid, Racism, ….).


Blood Drive on Friday

Asylum CSAUP on Saturday

Shamrock Wet N’ Wild

THE SCENE: Dark, Rainy, 41 degrees

SSH, BOCs, Cherry Pickers

Mosey to CMU pile with everyone grabbing a CMU then heading to breezeway


Merkins- 20

Curls 20

CMU squats 20

Derkins 20

:::then lunge with CMU —> mosey to next awning and do 5 Motivaters      [Do x 2]


LBCs/Big Boys 20

SSH (4ct) 20 Do x 2

Squat Jumps 20

Bent CMU Rows 20

:::then bear crawl —> mosey to next awning and do 5 Motivaters       [Do x 2]


Overhead CMU Press 20

Leg Raises 20

Dry Docks 20

Incline Merkin 20

:::then lunge with CMU —> mosey to next awning and do 5 Motivaters     [Do x 2]


Grab a battle buddy and HIM1 runs around the parking lot while HIM2 holds a wall sit….AMRAP.

Return CMUs


8 HIM— Osteen, Baby Boomer, Slappy, Mermaid, Trolley, Cheatsheet, Waxjob, Music City
The HIM is often focused on doing, earning, working, etc. Our greatest need is something we cannot earn, nor work to achieve – our salvation. We have been declared righteous by God because of the one true HIM, Jesus. Eph 2:8-9, 2 Corinthians 5:21.
Upcoming CSAUP at Asylum

Deck of Pain

THE SCENE: Cold and rainy

Reach for the sky alternating with some let-it-hang.

Cherry Pickers, Side Straddle Hops, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Clap and Harry Rockets IC.

20 Calf Raises and Merkins followed by a parking lot length mosey and shuffle to warm-up.

The infamous DECK OF PAIN.  Pick your poison type workout with a jailbreak to each location around JUCO, but led by the Q due to COVID precautions.  If you haven’t tried it, request a repeat.

15 American Hammers IC, 10 Supermans, and polished off with some jumping squats with a hold at the bottom.
16 HIMs with a 17th lingering in the shadows (running around campus)

I’m not sure of how many of you are car guys but you may have heard of the 80/20 rule. 80% of the speed you get out of the car is achieved by approximately 20% of the work from the engine. On the flip-side the last 20% of the vehicles max speed is only accomplished due to the other 80% of the work from the engine.

Obviously these are not exact numbers as cars vary in performance and the cross between the efficiency curves are not exact, but it’s an analogy to understand the work needed to achieve a maximum potential.

Now think of how you go through your daily activities and how you may live in a comfort zone. Are you living off of that 20% or maybe 50% in a comfort zone like cruise control.  There are probably several things that you do that could be considered a part of your comfort zone. The things you do well you naturally focus on because again they are familiar.

What about the difficult aspects? How often do you focus or work in those?

I don’t expect you to immediately take on some drastic amount of extra workh, but what’s one thing that you know in the back of your mind you can undertake to better yourself, your family or your discipleship. I encourage you all to step out of that comfort zone and do the hard work.  Push yourself to be better or take on a role that you know you should.

This doesn’t only apply to doing more…Maybe this also means you need to stop doing something that comforts you. Something that you need to abstain from. Do it!

Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

We all have room for improvement.  Push yourself to make the difficult change.
CSAUP on Jan 30th.

Incline Bear Burpee Shuffle

  • Scene:  28degrees of misty mountain madness – ie. Cold and dark
  • Intro: Welcome to the Jungle
  • Warmup:
    • high knees + burpees ( ~20 )
    • Side straddles parking lot lengths.
    • Freddy Go Rounds – (all in four count – High Knees, Mtn Climbers, Freddy Mercuries, Austrailian Freddy Murcuries,- and in reverse backup up to high knees )
  • Workout:
    • Single file line of HIMs facing the hills – arms width apart.
    • 1. Do a burpee
    • Bear crawl up the hill
    • Do a burpee
    • Reverse bear crawl down the hill.
    • Do a burpee (and back down to plank)
    • Hold plank waiting for 6.
    • 3 Plank Shuffles to left
    • Repeat until time runs out – progressing to all hills on campus.
    • In light of the monthly challenge we’ll attempt to keep track of the running burpee total.
    • We did four basic hills – 80 burpees on the bottom and 40 burpees on the tops of hills for a total of about 120 burpees.
  • Circle of Trust / Ball of Man
    • Sharing struggles, psalm 38 & 39 are brutal.  Raw, gritty. Such is life.  Sandy dirty muddy wet cold. Offer it up to God. Pleading for mercy. Pleading for grace. From Political crazyiness to at home marriage battles – what do we do?  Life and death on the line with Covid.  Are we but a vapor? A smoke? Dust in the wind? Each breath is a gift. Each moment a miracle.  It ain’t pretty. I’m not pretty.  Forgive me for my mess. Please forgive me for my anger.  Thank you for suffering with me today.  You are my brother!