F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE:  A cozy 44 degrees

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  This was a free, voluntary, unprofessional workout delivered to men who knew their injuries and how to modify exercises accordingly.

SSH (IC) – X 15, Imperial Walkers (IC) – X 15, Tempo Squat (IC) – X 13, Morocan Nightclub (IC) (A JUCO tradition) – X15, 4×4’s – X5

Mosey to large, inviting parking lot to try our luck at Parking Lot “BLACK JACK” or 21’s.  2 Exercises, separated by width of parking lot.  Merkins at one end, run and perform BBS at other, each round totals 21. (Circuit was cut short for time-sake).

Mosey to “Sophmore” Hill for fellowship and morale boost.  At base of hill – partners alternate doing PUs (alternating sets of 10, resting partner planks, until goal of 100 PUs obtained), Bernie up the hill.  At top of hill – partners alternate doing Squats (alternating sets of 10, resting partner holds an Al Gore, until goal of 100 Squats obtained), Bearcrawl to opposite side of hill – partners alternate doing LBCs (alternating sets of 10, resting partner holds 6inches, until goal of 100 LBCs obtained).  Mosey down hill.  At base of hill – 100 Calve Raises each.

Mosey to hill by CMU pile for BURP-BACK MOUNTAIN:  Alternating rounds of one partner performing burpees while other partner joyfully ran the hill.

Mosey back to AO.

Captain Thor and 6 inch drill until time ran out.

10 Strong, No FNGs

Historians and philosophers have always had trouble explaining the early growth of Christianity in the face of brutal persecution by the Roman Empire.  Based on historical writings from the first few centuries, almost all agree three main factors and characteristics of early Christians played a role:  LOVE – they loved unconditionally and those that had been cast aside by the Roman Empire.  The love they showed their spouses, children, and neighbors was never-before-seen. Unbelievers were attacted to this. GENEROSITY – They gave sacraficially and in a way that Roman society had never experienced, sometimes risking their lives to help those in need – lepers for example. People were drawn to that.  COURAGE/CONVICTION – their unwavering conviction and love for Christ was on display even when confronted with crucifixion and other forms of persecution performed by the Romans. People were amazed by this and drawn closer to Christ.

Do YOU practice these traits in your daily walk? Never underestimate how your behavior can have an effect on others for Christ. QIC discussed coming to Christ later in life, a journey that started with taking note of his SWAT Team leader’s courage/conviction in praying over meals in front of unbelievers on the team.


F3 Knoxville anniversary/olympic events.

4×6 and Super Burpee’s

THE SCENE: Nice, rain washed parking lot. with clear weather.


Traveling warmup over to CMU pile.  Side straddles, bernies, lunges, zombee mosey,

Each HIM stacks 6 CMU’s 4 times.   The stack locations are:

  1. At base of hill bowl
  2. At top of hill bowl
  3. At base of hill bowl
  4. Back at CMU source pile

You can cary the cmu any way you want and as many as you want. But you should finish one stack before starting the next one.

When done with the 4×6 we did several of the new Super Burpees.


The super burpee is a 28 count burpee (with CMU) consisting of

Count Reps Exercise
1-4 2 Merkins (on top of CMU)
5-8 2 Big Boy Sit-ups (lifting CMU)
9-12 2 American Hammers (with CMU)
13-16 2 Bicycles (with CMU)
17-20 2 Curls
21-24 2 Push Presses
25-28 2 Tri Presses

Mosey back to AO.  Do modified Super Burpee without CMU like so:

Count Reps Exercise
1-4 2 Merkins
5-8 2 Big Boy Sit-ups
9-12 2 American Hammers
13-16 2 Bicycles
17-20 2 Squat Jumps

Booster, 5k, Bagger, Snaggletooth, Trolley

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”  

Don’t let the past define you, you are free in Christ!  You are not a slave to sin anymore!

Please Please Please pray for Tabitha’s health and support for her kids.

F3 Olympics comming. https://f3knoxville.com/category/announcements/

Calves and Bears

THE SCENE: Cool and overcast with plenty of gloom to go around.  Perfect beatdown weather.  Abundant mumblechatter complaining of previous calf work… Sorry boys.

SSH x25 IC
Crabettes x15 IC
Merkins x15 OYO – First 5 (min) with clap
Imperial Walkers x15 IC
Windmills x10 IC
Failure to Launch x8 IC
Calfkiller – 5 sets of 20 calf raises with 25%, 50%, 75%, and AYG runs in between

Buddy up for Broken Wheelbarrows. 2 parking spaces, 5 merkins, repeat, then swap positions, repeat, return to start in the same way.

Mosey over to the low wall area for 11’s:
Hand-release derkins on the wall, 8-count body builders in the breezeway.
Mosey back and forth, except for the stairs. Crawl Bear up those (backward).

That’s all we have time for today, folks! Head back to the AO

About a minute left for a crunch cash-out.
10 strong this morning, including a visit from Brickyardigan Tuba!
Exodus 2:11ff
One day, when Moses had grown up, he went out to his people and looked on their burdens, and he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his people. He looked this way and that, and seeing no one, he struck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. When he went out the next day, behold, two Hebrews were struggling together. And he said to the man in the wrong, “Why do you strike your companion?” He answered, “Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” Then Moses was afraid, and thought, “Surely the thing is known.” When Pharaoh heard of it, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from Pharaoh and stayed in the land of Midian. And he sat down by a well.

Moses recognized the unjust situation of his people and wanted to do something about it… but he decided to take matters into his own hands and handle it his own way. Instead of helping the situation, he ended up on Pharaoh’s most wanted list. It wasn’t until he was called by God and led each step of the way that the people of Israel left slavery in Egypt. Be careful about charging into a situation with guns, or fists, or words blazing. Take a step back, seek God’s timing and direction.

Not sure which one was worse… The 8-count body builders or the Crawl Bear Stairs.
Sign up for the 3rd anniversary celebration weekend! Nov 2/3. Also fall fun fest at Bunny’s parents place. Check GroupMe for deets.

Bear Country

THE SCENE: The Juco Inner Sanctum

We may look and act professional but rest assured we are not!

Mosey to CMU pile doing side staddles (both sides), Kereoke (both sides), bear crawl both directions, crab walk both directions,  bernie.  Each HIM carries CMU to inner sanctum starting gate.


Loop around the JUCO inner sanctum (around air vents) doing 25 yards of each of the following clockwise.

  • Bear Crawl
  • Sprint
  • Crab Walk (forward)
  • Bear Crawl
  • Kerokee (face inside)
  • Bear Crawl
  • Side Straddle (face inside)
  • Bernie
  • Bear Crawl
  • Sprint

For each loop completed move A block (any block) forward one spot.  Team is done when all blocks have reached 3. (thus Jack-rabbits can progress more than 3 laps until team is done).  When team has progressed all blocks 3 spaces then go counter clockwise around loop doing same exercises backwards. Back wards Bear crawl, backwards crab walk, Bernie turns into sprint.  Side straddles and Kerokee still face inside.  As before progress the blocks but now decrement them spaces.  Team is done when all blocks are back to beginning.


20 bicycles

15 Hello Dolly’s

15 Scissor kicks

5 v-ups


Welcome “Bagger” FNG (Brock)!!


There is no one who can push you but you and God.  “Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭13:24‬ ‭NASB‬‬

Start Today

THE SCENE: 70 degrees and clear

-SSH x 30 (IC)
-Burpees x 5 (OYO)
-Windmills x 15 (IC)
-Burpees x 5 (OYO)
-Cherry Pickers x 5 (OYO)
-Burpees x 5 (OYO0

    Mosey to Jucomanjaro stopping for some burpees along the way. More burpees at the bottom of the mountain. Mosey up a bit, stop for some Thrust-Merkins x 20 (IC), bear crawl up a bit more, 5 burpees, squats x 20 (IC), Bernie Sanders up a bit more, 5 burpees, mosey to the top for 5 more burpees, a quick breather and a little ab work. Mosey back to the bottom. Turn around and look back to the top. 5 double burpees, mosey up a bit, 5 double burpees, Mosey all the way to the top. Rest. Mosey back down and then to the AO start.  5 Double Burpees.

-Hello Dollies x 20 (IC)
-Russian Twist x 20 (IC) called by Onesie
13 Pax
The very best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is today.  Take a moment today and reflect on something that you should have started already, big or small.  Saving for kid’s college, fixing a broken relationship, cleaning out the garage, developing a prayer life, etc.  Take the first step today.
Two times up Jucomanjaro!!!!!!  Well done gentlemen.   Well done.