F3 Knoxville

Don’t be Disrupted

THE SCENE: While cold, I only saw two face coverings and 1 pair of mittens 



Standard Blindside-y Warmup things were done (included 5 Burpees on your own 2x)


3 Stations. 4 Groups. Bump-n-Run Time! 

Round 1: Complete “Kraken Lap” in between each exercise. Each station was done once.

  • 21s Curls @ AO
  • Incline/Decline Merkins @ BathHouse
  • V-ups @ Trail Head 

5 Burpees on your own after Round 1 

Round 2: Go straight from one station to the next, bumping that group to the next station. Two times around. 

  • 10 OHPress; 10 Tris; 10 Rows –Rinse and repeat @ AO
  • 10 Shoulder Taps (Incline, Decline, Regular) –Rinse and repeat @ BathHouse 
  • Flutter Kicks @ TrailHead  

5 Burpees on your own after Round 2 

Fellowship Mosey to the Tennis Court. 

11s Sideline to Sideline. Squats and Merkins (Mix in Wide, Diamond, and other types of Merkins)

Fellowship Mosey to AO

5 Burpees on your own

((25 Burpees as a result of there being no Shovel Flag at the AO this morning))


SWB → Stretching with Blindside 


9 HIMs; 0 FNGs


The New Year is a great time for resolutions, reinventions, and the start of new routines, diets, and commitments to exercise. I spent Saturday doing attending TruckStop, a PreRuck at Asylum, the Beatdown at Asylum, and the Polar Plunge in Townsend. After all of that, I still only made 3 small little tally marks in my accountability journey for 2022. It seemed like a whole lot of work for 3 little lines in my 50-page notebook. We are less than a week into 2022, do not let The Disrupter mess with progress. Do not let The Disrupter turn you away from your goals for one mistake, for one setback. 

The Burpee Countdown

THE SCENE: Unseasonably warm for December – low to mid 60s


363rd day of the year; 2 days remaining

SSHs (4 ct) x 60

Talked about Andrew Johnson some since he was born this day in 1808

SSHs (4 ct) x 60

Talked some more about Andrew Johnson since he was also the subject of my Q on 5/26/21 due to his impeachment by the House and acquittal by the Senate

SSHs (4 ct) x 60

Mentioned that Danny McBride was born on this day in 1976

SSHs (4 ct) x 60

Mentioned that Eric Berry was born this day in 1988

SSHs (single count) x 3

(We did 363 SSHs total)

Burpees x 2


Mosey to the Hill (maybe “Impeachment Hill”?)

At the bottom, merkins x 20, then burpees x 21

Mosey to the top

At the top, merkins x 20, then burpees x 22

Mosey to the Splash-Pad

Roll the exercise ball to determine the exercise, then do the following:

10 reps followed by 1 burpee

9 reps followed by 1 burpee

8 reps followed by 1 burpee

7 reps followed by 1 burpee

6 reps followed by 1 burpee

5 reps followed by 1 burpee

4 reps followed by 1 burpee

3 reps followed by 1 burpee

2 reps followed by 1 burpee

1 rep followed by 1 burpee

Hold plank until all PAX are done

Rinse and repeat as time allows

We did Freddy Mercurys, burpees, and dips while listening to “The Final Countdown” by Europe on a loop

Fellowship mosey to the AO

We only had time for one round of a Ring of Fire (5 merkins each)

We counted 119 burpees, so we did one more to make it a round 120.

9 HIMs

Here are some quotes about the end of one year and the beginning of another:

“What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.” – Vern McLellan (author)

“New Year’s Day is everyman’s birthday.” – Charles Lamb (English writer)

“It’s never too late to become who you want to be.  I hope that you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” – Benjamin Franklin

All of these quotes are about being better and starting over, if need be.  They use the new year as the turning/starting point.  However, we do not need to wait until the new year to make a change that we need.  We can do it any and every day, especially through Christ.

I don’t like new-year resolutions, but if you are looking for some ideas, here are some:

“Resolution One: I will live for God.  Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will.” – Jonathan Edwards (American theologian)

“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.” – Ecclesiastes 12:13

Prayers for Ribbed’s wife, Blindside, and the new year.

None mentioned at the time, but I’m sure that Stripped would appreciate a mention that the 2022 Q Calendar is up on the website and open for business, so go sign up.

Also, I learned afterwards that there will be a Q on Saturday at the Asylum from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Search and Rescue @ The Equalizer – 12-27-21

THE SCENE: Unseasonably warm with a steady breeze and cloud cover.  All but one PAX in short pants.  1 notable PAX MIA, so we set out to search the AO locate his whereabouts.

Feet together touch your toes for 15 seconds.  Feet apart touch your right toes for 15 seconds.  Walk your hands over to the left toes and hold for 15 seconds.  Side Straddle Hops IC to 15.  Grady Corns IC to 15.  Jog to the end of the parking lot and Bernie back x2.
EV1 – Mosey to the Rock Pile, count off in 1s and 2s and select a rock for curling.  1s curled their rocks while 2s bear crawled up the hill to the picnic area, jogged downhill to Bermuda Triangle, and returned to the rock pile, then alternated with the 1’s.  Each group curled and crawled 3x each, and then all Bernie’d up the hill.

EV2 – Flutter Kicks IC x25.  10 Big Boys OYO

EV3 – Mosey to the lower lakeside picnic area (across parking lot from the Splash Pad.  1s performed one-legged squats from the picnic benches while 2’s ran past Stonehenge, Bernie’d to Top Of The World, and then ran back to the picnic area to alternate with the 1’s.  4 sets total for each group.  2x right leg, 2x left leg.

EV4 – Mosey up to Splash Pad.  1’s did Iron Cross Merkins while 2’s ran to the bath house and Bernie’d back up the ramp to the Splash Pad to alternate with the 1’s.  2 sets total for each group.

EV5 – jog to the Flag Pole which became the start/finish line for a 2-lap run around the track.

Finished on time
The birth of Christ is just as significant after the Christmas tree comes down as it was when it went up.  Stay focused.

These Are the Days

THE SCENE: Windy, windy, windy, temp about 66 degrees.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 second squat, 10 Mountain Climbers, 20 second squat, 10 Cherry Pickers, 30 second squat, 5 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward as well as 5 Wide Arm Circles Forward and Backward, 60 second squat.
We will split into two groups.  Group 1 start in the pavilion while Group 2 will start on the Playground.  We will do 10 Picnic Table Pullups and 10 Incline Merkins at the picnic tables.  We will do 10 Bench Jumps and 10 Decline Merkins on the benches.  After each man does the exercises he should run to his right side of the pavilion do the next set of exercises at the next spot.  Rinse and repeat 3 times.

Mosey to the bottom of mini cardiac.  We will Bernie Sanders to Park Sign then run to the crosswalk.

Mosey to the stop sign where the road goes to the admin bldg.  We will circle up to do 20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to the parking lot that is below the Coliseum.  Men will split into teams of two and will do Doras.  While partner one runs up stairs, across the coliseum area to the end of the parking lot, and back to the spot we are gathered at, partner two does the exercises.  Partners then switch.  Here are the exercises:

  • 150 Jump Squats
  • 150 Iron Mikes (both feet = 1)
  • 150 Bicycle Kicks (4 ct)
  • 150 Flutter Kicks (4 ct)

Mosey to roadway that semicircles by the soccer fields.  We will run around the semi-circle doing two burpees after every ten stakes in the grass.  Men finishing first will alternate between Merkins and Big-Boy Sit-ups.

Mosey to the large parking lot is near what used to be the southern ball fields.

We will do suicides to each light post and then the end of the parking lot.  Each time a man comes back to the curb he should do 20 Baby Crunches.

Mosey to the AO.

21 men with one FNG, Darrell Roberts, whom we dubbed “Hochuli.”  We were also blessed to have Trunk and Submarine visit us as they are usually at the Truck Stop on Saturday mornings.
Ask guys who are in their 60s like me.  Life is short.  We need to accept the glory and beauty of what God has given us here.  Man, we need to savor these days, bless them, hold them in our hearts.  The time is now.  Why wait until we are in retirement or on our deathbeds to enjoy God’s gift to us.  The other day, I was listening to one of my favorite songs by Van Morrison, one that you might not have heard as it isn’t as famous as some of his others.  It captures the idea of our needing to cherish our time here on earth while thinking of our savior who has blessed us with the gift of life.

“These Are The Days” by Van Morrison

These are the days of the endless summer
These are the days, the time is now
There is no past, there’s only future
There’s only here, there’s only now
Oh your smiling face, your gracious presence
The fires of spring are kindling bright
Oh the radiant heart and the song of glory
Crying freedom in the night
These are the days by the sparkling river
His timely grace and our treasured find
This is the love of the one magician
Turned the water into wine
These are days of the endless dancing and the
Long walks on the summer night
These are the days of the true romancing
When I’m holding you oh, so tight
These are the days by the sparkling river
His timely grace and our treasured find
This is the love of the one great magician
Turned water into wine
These are the days now that we must savor
And we must enjoy as we can
These are the days that will last forever
You’ve got to hold them in your heart.

Prayers for Cheatsheet as the new parenting plan that will be made for he and the mother of Cheatsheet’s daughter, Willow.  Prayers for all those impacted by the tornados that swept through Kentucky last night.
Christmas Party!  Also, great job by F3 men in helping with Christmas projects to help others in our community.

Humility of Christ

THE SCENE: warm and blistery

5 cherry pickers

26 SSH

1 10X squate
Mosey over to the flag poll and partner up.

  • 100 V ups
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 SSH 4x
  • After everyone is done we mosey over to the play set.
  • 100 BBS
  • 200 Plank Jacks
  • 300 LBC
  • fellowship mosey back to AO
    • Jail brake to OA for Mary


reverse pickle pounders

Hello Dollys

Side crounch



Zechariah 9:9

Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
    Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your king is coming to you;
    righteous and having salvation is he,
humble and mounted on a donkey,
    on a colt, the foal of a donkey.


This is our savoir and king. Not with fanfare but with humility did he come.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.