F3 Knoxville

Jetlag Comes Full Circle

THE SCENE: Pretty chilly. However, the lack of Doubtfire’s Action Slacks and Trunk’s Equalizer Tank suggest otherwise.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Did this. It went well


SSH IC x15; LBAC each way IC x10; Windmills IC x10; Tempo Squats IC x10; Mosey to Splash Pad


Tabata workout: eight 20-second rounds of an exercise with a 10-second rest between rounds. Short mosey between exercises as rain allows.


  • Step-ups/Box Jumps
    • To the Bathhouse for Pull-ups x5
  • LBCs
    • To the Dock for CCD x15 
  • Squats
    • To the Stonehenge for Burpees x5 
  • BBS
    • To the Playground for BodyBuilders+ x5
  • Dips
    • A short lap around Splash Pad to start of parking spaces for Bear Crawls the length of the spaces 
  • What started out as a Fellowship Mosey ended up being a lap around The Equalizer track the long way


Fire of Ring → Starting with 1 merkin around, up to three 


15 HIMs; 0 FNGs … With the exception of the flag handoff in April, this is the most posting at the Equalizer in recent memory. 


1Pet1:13-16 – So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world. So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.”

This BOM and (most of) the workout was from Jetlag’s first post back in November of 2020. I wanted to honor his time here with us by going back to where F3 started for him. It is appropriate that this passage from 1st Peter was chosen by Stripped for Jetlag’s first posting, and even more appropriate as he returns to the Philippines. 


Coats for the Cold, donate to AOs now through Nov. 13th

Brovember Challenge starts today. Look for a link to track your progress in the #brovember2021 Slack channel around Wednesday. 

Zealous for good works

THE SCENE: 52 and wet

Abe vigotas

cherry pickers

Tennessee rocking chairs

seal claps

OH claps

Tie fighters forward and backward

Insert information about the workout.

  • Lap around the trail
  • 5 Burpees @ Stonehenge
  • 10 pull-ups @ BathHouse
  • 15 CDD @ dock
  • Run back to Stonehenge
  • Repeat dropping 1 rep each round
  • Fellowship Mosey to AO


  • 2 rounds of Ring of Fire

Titus 2:11-14

Remember men, we are to be zealous for good works and be free from all lawlessness!

2nd F at the Casual pint today at 3pm.

Descending Ladders and Climbing Walls – Dog Pound 10-28-21

THE SCENE: 46F and cloudy.  No rain though!

Twist back and forth; assorted hammy stretches; forward and backward shoulder rolls; Motivators starting at 5; grab a CMU and suitcase carry to the Skate Park

EV1 – “Tabata-like” Ab Circuit – (30sec/15sec) x 2 / 40sec for run to wall and back + recover between rounds

  • R1 – Elbow Plank
  • R2 – Flutter Kick
  • R3 – Freddie Mercury
  • R4 – Dead Bug

EV2 – Descending Ladder

  • Complete exercises 10 through 1 in descending order.  After the last exercise is complete, run to the wall, scale the wall, and either scale the wall again or run around the wall and back to the CMU to begin again with the next rung down the ladder.  Those who did not wish to scale the wall ran to the wall and completed 2 burpees before returning to their CMU.

10 – Squat Thrusters

9 – Deadlifts

8 – Iron Mike (L+R=1)

7 – Bicep 21’s – (21 CMU curl variations in 7’s – 7 from low to mid, 7 from mid to high, and 7 full)

6 – Deadlift

5 – Blockee

4 – American Hammer w/CMU (L+R=1)

3 – Goblet Squat

2 – Over the Top Merkin (Left+Middle+Right=1)

1 – CMU Snatch

Suitcase carry CMU’s back to the AO, alternating arms.  Motivators starting at 3
9 – I-Beam, MudPuppy, Junk, Trunk, Mayberry, Snitch, Wagon Wheel, Cottontail, Tonka
“The best time to plant a tree is 25 years ago.  The second best time to plant a tree to today.”
Be decisive and go after what you want in this life.
Going forward there will be a 25 burpee penalty for all PAX to complete if the flag does not make it to the AO

Saturday Truck Stop 10-23-21

THE SCENE: Chilly and dark

Standard warm-up exercises and a light jog approx 1/4 mile
– EV1 – PAX did the following movements (1-4) between two light posts approx 25 yards apart (there and back for each movement).  Once complete with 1-4, begin #5.  Once #5 is complete, start over with #s 1-4.  Once 1-4 are complete for the second time, begin #5 with double the reps as the first time.  Got it? Good.

1 – Sprint

2 – Lunge

3 – Imperial Walker

4 – Bear Crawl there, Crawl Bear back

5 – (a) 5 Shoulder Tap / Alt Leg Raises; (b) 10 Big Boy Sit-ups; (c) 15 Merkins ——- > reps are 10, 20, and 30 the second time around.

EV2 – CMU Tabata in the parking lot.  20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest / 6 sets of each exercise before moving to the next round.  40 seconds between each round to jog around the nearest light post (approx 30 feet away) and return to your CMU.

Round 1 – CMU Curl + Overhead Press

Round 2 – Deadlift

Round 3 – KB Swing

Round 4 – Single Arm Canoe Press (3 each arm)

EV 3 – Jog to the poop hill beneath the bathouse and run Burpee 5’s

  • 1 burpee at the bottom of the hill
  • charge up the hill to the bathouse
  • 4 burpees at the top
  • jog the path down and around back to the starting spot
  • 2 burpees at the start
  • charge up the hill
  • 3 burpees at the top
  • etc etc

EV4 – EMOM at the bleachers, 7 rounds

  • 10 box jumps
  • 5 derkins
  • 5 dank jack


Finished on time
7 present – I-Beam, Mayberry, Biscuits, School Zone, La-Z-Boy, Wagon Wheel, Trunk

Psalm 119:11 – I have stored your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
My son came home from preschool and shared the following pledge that he was taught, and that he recites there daily:

“I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s holy word.  I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path, and I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God.”

When I heard my son talking about pledging allegiance to his Bible and storing its words in his heart it choked me up for two reasons – (1) because I know how much he’s going to need that has he grows up and learns to navigate this world, and (2) because even though I have that knowledge, I still try to go it alone so often and I feel foolish because of that.

We prayed this morning that God would create a dependency within us for his word, that he would strengthen us through that, and that we would set good examples for those who are following our lead.

NOT Keeping up with the Joneses

THE SCENE: Foggy and 58ish degrees. 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER This was done correctly and on time. However, the Q was questioned on it rather extensively during the warm-up. Sometimes MumbleChatter is a good thing, other times is causes you to miss the disclaimer. 


SSH IC x10; LBAC IC x10 EWay; Tempo Squat x10; Cheery Pickers IC x?



  • 10 Box Jumps
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Squat Walkers
  • 3 Body Builders + at the playground 


Rock Pile:

  • 30 OHP 
  • 30 Curls
  • 30 Rows 
  • 3 Burpees at the Bathhouse 


Splash Pad

  • 30 Dips
  • 30 Derkins
  • 30 Iron Mikes
  • 3 Burpee Pull-ups at the Bathhouse



  • 10 Squats 
  • 10 Plank Jacks 
  • 10 Wide Merkins
  • Sprint to the other end of the parking lot and repeat 3x 


Swimmies informed the Q that there were 15 seconds left for Mary. The Q told him he could continue to run his mouth for 15 seconds if he feels like he needs some Mary today. 


13 HIMs. 0 FNGs. 3 HIMs sprinted out for early meetings/Dad duties/work


I have heard over the years that the time you are 33 years old is often called your “Jesus Year.” The ‘Jesus Year’ is age 33, the year that scholars generally believe Jesus of Nazareth was probably arrested and crucified in Jerusalem after starting a spiritual, political, and intellectual revolution. I have often heard people talk about “What they are going to accomplish either before or during their Jesus Year. 

Once I hit 30, I started thinking about my Jesus Year. At 30 I was running regularly and losing weight consistently. I had several major goals for my Jesus Year, but one of them was to run a full marathon before or during the time I was 33. Seeing as I turn 34 tomorrow, I don’t know if I am going to make that goal. Once I realized that I wasn’t going to make that goal a few months ago, I got a little down. I was discouraged and upset with myself. I was looking at the negatives of my life, not the positives. 

During my Jesus Year, I have been promoted twice at work, ending with a dream job that I absolutely love. I started F3 and not only got back into focusing on my fitness but brought me a whole new passion and zeal for my faith and gave me a brotherhood of men I didn’t even know I needed in my life.  

Sometimes we focus too much on the negatives. We focus on what others are accomplishing. We focus on the goals we didn’t achieve. Don’t fall into the trap of “Keeping up with the Joneses.” Frankly, trying to do that breaks one of the 10 Commandments. When we compare ourselves to others, when we stack our failures against the successes of others, we are coveting our neighbor’s goods rather than focusing on the good in our own lives. 


  • Coats for the Cold: Donations for KARM. Bring to AOs through Nov. 13ish. Blindside is keeping a box in his van for donations. 
  • Bro-vember 2021 Challenge: Sign up to compete against other members of F3 Knoxville. Earn points by posting, Q-ing, VQ-ing, EHing an FNG/Kotter, etc. Check out the #brovember2021 Slack channel for more information and signup links.