F3 Knoxville

Saturday AM @ Asylum – 7/17/21

THE SCENE: Mid-70s but humid

Open circle, disclaimer, etc:

Single count 15 – side straddle hops

Cherry pickers

Baby arm circles


Little of this and that

5 Burpees and go…


Mosey to Caribbean

Caribbean Suicides (Or Old Rotary Phones, thanks Matlock)– go to island do exercise, run back to beginning and do 10 rocky balboas (each time) and then run to next island and do that exercise…etc, all the way until you complete the full loop.

1st island – 15 bobby hurleys

2nd – 15 no touch merkins

3rd – 15 flutter kicks – 2 count

4th – 15 big boys

5th – 15 wide merkins

6th – 15 lunges each leg

7th – 15 box cutters

(some covered around 2 miles total just on this section alone)


Route 66 from Caribbean to near Picketts

Exercise is merkins – start with one and every light pole add one up to 11

Mosey to Pickett’s rock pile

Battle buddies grab rocks to share or 2 rocks

One end, one buddy will start the following while other karaokes to other curb, does 10 side straddle hops and Bernies back

Shared exercises:

100 Curls

100 Overhead presses

100 Rows

100 Squats

Mosey to base of Pickett’s to do Pickett’s Charge Suicide

Each bottom – 5 burpees

Top of first tier – 10 imperial walkers 2 count

2nd tier – 10 prisoner getups

Run up to Coliseum, stay and do LBCs until 6 gets in

Mosey to AO

Finished on time


19 men total, 1 FNG

Word on the show Ted Lasso, explain new season coming out Friday

The show was initially thought of to be silly. I mean it was based off a commercial. Nobody saw critical praise as a possibility and so many people ended up loving the show.

Why was it so liked? Could have something to do with the characters, I will try to explain without major spoilers.

Main character overwhelmingly positive thinker, but is flawed. He is dealing with some life failings to the point of affecting him mentally and physically

A main female character starts out seeming to be negative, but you find out she has been emotionally abused by her ex-husband and ends up likeable.

A player on the team is a narcissist and disruptive, but you come to find out he has an abusive father and is not all bad either.

The greater point other than saying it is a good show and pumping up subscriptions for Apple TV is just that like the show itself and the characters on the show don’t be quick to judge people on first impressions, rumors, etc. Get to know a person before making that judgement.

Welcome to FNG – Chiclets (Ryan McElveen)
Dad camp Aug 12-14 – CSAUP @ Dogpound Aug 21

Wash those feet

THE SCENE: humid

SSH x20; Tempo Squats x10; Rockettes x10; Tempo merkins x10; Cobra Kai x5; Cherry pickers x5

Mosey to watershed for some 7’s

  • Pull-ups at the watershed
  • Big Bois at the bottom of Bermuda Triangle
  • Bear Crawl up ramp to get back (modified to lunges halfway thru)

Mosey to various locations around the park as we worked our way thru a Deck of Cards. I think we got a thorough tour of Equalizer.

  • Hearts = HR merkins
  • Clubs = V-ups
  • Diamonds = Air taps
  • Spades = Lunges
  • Joker = 10 Burpees

no time



I was effected by this quote I was reading yesterday about Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. First of all, he is heading towards his death and yet stops to serve them. Then, “Jesus served despite the unworthiness of the disciples. Notice John’s reminder that Jesus knew the betrayer was present. Jesus saw them all — one betrayer, one denier, all forsakers! When he needed them most, they would leave him. One of those sets of feet was dirty and sore from an errand that arranged for his torture and death. What did Jesus do? He washed those feet.”

Choose Your Own Adventure Equalizer Style


Motivators from 5
Cherry Pickers (5)
Baby Arm Circles forward /Backward (10)
Michael Phelps, and arm stretches
Today was choose your own adventure, Equalizer Style.  Each PAX chooses a location and an exercise and we each have our own input into the workout.
First we paused to watch the Space Station cruise by Earth at 20,000 MPH.  While watching we did flutter kicks to 30 in cadence, and 20 hip pointers.
15 pull ups on the playground
15 burpee pull ups at the bathroom
25 big boys at the pavilion
25 carolina dry docks on the dock
15 each, rows, curls, & overhead presses
25 rock jumps at the rocks
16 merkins (wide)
50 dips at the flag pole
Mario, side run, bernie around the tennis courts
15 Derkins on the bleachers
Burpee Broad Jumps around the splash pad
Ring of fire, doing merkins starting at 5, naming a type of shrimp dish like in Forest Gump.

Each PAX called an ab exercise, and we followed each with 10 merkins
Flutter kicks
Box Cutters
Freddie Mercuries
Hello Dollies
Big Boys
Pickle Pounders

Today was choose your own adventure day.  We all have choices to make and those choices have good or bad consequences.  The food we eat, the way we spend money, do we seek regular medical care, etc.  Think about the choices you make this week, and the consequences of those.
Galatians 5:13-14
You were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only don’t let this freedom be an opportunity to indulge your selfish impulses, but serve each other through love.  All the law has been fulfilled in a single statement: “Love your neighbor as yourself”.

Pray for the Knox County Administrators as they report back to work this week.  Pray for an unspoken for Schoolzone.


THE SCENE: Gloomy with a 67F, cool breeze weather.


Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


  1. Motivators starting at 6
  2. Raise the roof
  3. Baby arm circles
  4. Butt kicks
  5. Leg stretches
  6. 5 burpees


Workout 1: Playground repeats x 5 rounds
1. Pull ups slow tempo 4ct x5
2. Bicep curls 4ct x5
Mosey to Pavillon

Workout 2:  Pavillon repeats x 5 rounds

Pavillon: Table Rows 4ct x5
Parking: 2 burpees

Mosey Flag

Workout 3: Stinky base repeats x 5 rounds

Flag: Merkins 4ct x5
Stinky base: diamond merkins 4ct x5

Workout 4: Indian burpees (Indian Run + Burpees)

Suicides in the basketball court.

10 HIMs


“Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.” – Sheryl Sandberg

Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization. Being a leader means guiding your men or team in reaching its goal utilizing everyone’s potential. And as F3 HIMs we should set the best examples of being a leader. We showcase these in our workouts, in our Qs, in serving our communities, and even as fathers/children at home.

Prayers for Lilly as he prepares for surgery the following week.

CSAUP at Dog Pound will be moved to August 21.

triceps and raindrops

THE SCENE: 68 and muggy

right over left, and left over right

cherry pickers

stretch on your own

Mosey down to the rock pile and pick up a coupon. Mosey back up to the pavilion

two sets of thangs 120 seconds on and 10 seconds’ rest.

  • curls
  • Freddy Mercury
  • Air Taps
  • Welsh Dragons
  • OHP
  • LBC
  • Triceps extensions
  • merkins
  • Squat thrust

Stopped for time and mosey back to the AO-


Ring of Fire until time


Good push this morning men, I want to show you the Tabata timer, it’s a great app! Easy to use and setup workouts so you can press play and let the lady tell you what to do.


Everyone take time to download it and try to lead a workout with it.