F3 Knoxville

5 Guys

THE SCENE: 53 w/ Smoke on the Water

SSH x 20 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

cherry pickers x 10 IC
Tour de AO w/

  • 8-Count Body Builders
  • Merkins
  • LBCs
  • BBSU
  • Squats

Trail Run- DORAs: 200 Merkins/200 Squats

Tour de Disc Golf Course w/ 8-Count Body Builders, Merkins, LBCs, BBSU, and Squats

Trail Run back to Basketball Court. Suicides and 8-Count Body Builders.


LBCs, Toe Touches and finished it off with AMRAP of Merkins

Participating vs Leading. We miss out when we choose participation over leadership. This is a core principle of F3- Freed to Lead. Lead with your family, at work, with friends, within F3. Leadership involves love, sacrifice, service, obedience, grace, courage, and confidence.
Prayed for Rick, a co-worker of mine, and for Wagon Wheel’s sister. We had 2 FNGs this morning- Turf Toe and Full Tank. Great to have some fresh faces out in the gloom and they killed it! I’ve known Turf Toe since he was about 10 years old. It was great to see him out this morning. Made me think I’m getting old but also realized I’m trying hard to kick life in the ass. Encouraging and humbling morning.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Escape the Asylum

THE SCENE 43 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Burpees x10 OYO
Burpees x9 OYO
Squats x20 IC
Windmill Merkins x10 each arm IC
4ct Baby Arm Circles Forward x12 IC
4ct Baby Arm Circles Forward x12 IC
Diagonal Lunges x12 each leg IC

Mosey to open field on the other side of the Asylum (SP2).

Task Master
Split the group in to two teams. Each team has a task card. As a team they must complete each task in order as it appears on the list. Teams must move around the AO together completing the tasks with team weight (60# sandbag).

Task Card 1

  1. Perform 20 star jumps and 20 wide merkins where you are right now.
  2. Run to the stairs in front of the asylum and complete 8 stair runs (up and down is one rep, touch each step…no skipping) two at a time while rest of team planks. Switch until all are done. When everyone is done do 20 diamond merkins together
  3. Run to the other side of the asylum, the area known as the “basement.” Use the CUMs to complete 2 rounds of 20 curls, 20 4ct American hammers, 15 squat presses.
  4. Run to the trail at the bottom of Everest and complete 15 burpees, 40 BBS and 30 lunges (each leg is one rep).
  5. Run to the entrance of the park (Northshore entrance, not the one across from the cemetery) and complete 15 4ct shoulder taps, 40 merkins, 15 lunge jumps (both legs count as 1 rep), 20 4ct flutter kicks in the grass.
  6. Run to the open area to the right of the road and complete 4x 10 high knees + 2 tuck jumps, 20 Superman swims.
  7. Run to the hill and complete 7s of side lunges (both legs count as 1 rep) and 8ct body builders (start with 1 rep at the base and 6 at the top)
  8. Run to the field in front of the asylum and complete 40 smurf jacks (single count), 25 Dry Docks and 40 LBCs.
  9. Return to SP2

Task Card 2 (everything in task card 1 just in the opposite order after Task 1)

Mosey back to the SP1

Hello Dolly – x20 IC
Flutter Kicks – x20 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama

“Spiritual warfare is not fighting darkness to restore wholeness.  It is fighting darkness to release virtue.” Larry Crabb

“Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.” Rom. 12:21

Understanding that our world is marked conflict and struggle impacts our understanding and experience of the world.  For example:

  • When we find ourselves experiencing hard times we don’t need to be blindsided…it is normal. This world isn’t as it should be.
  • The good that is in the world is worth fighting for!
    • The love of a spouse
    • The love of our kids
    • The innocence of children
    • Relief and of the oppressed
    • The preservation of what is good, right and lovely.
  • The importance of vigilance and “training in righteousness!”
    • Not perfection, simply doing what’s right.

We have another compelling reason to lock shields with other like-minded men. Despite what we see in movies and on TV, men don’t survive war alone…they survive and thrive within a team…within a TRIBE.

Return of the Coneheads

THE SCENE 70 degrees and be-you-tee-ful!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Warmup O Rama

Slow mosey with CMU’s to the start of the cone course

Cone Course
Four rounds of cones with the following exercises at each:
Cone 1:  Weighted Squats/CMU curls
Cone 2:  Overhead presses with coupons/lunges
Cone 3:  Merkins/StarJacks
Cone 4:  SquatJacks/Carolina Dry Docks
Cone 5:  5 burpees

Then run back to Cone 1…

Round 1 = 5 reps; Round 2= 10 reps; Round 3=15 reps; Round 4= 20 reps

Circle of Pain
100 squats
75 flutter kicks
50 merkins
25 lunges
10 burpees

Mosey to the coupon pile

Hill DORA’s
100 merkins

Mosey back to AO…

Hello Dolly      ICx15 (P-nut)
American Hammers  ICx15 (Pfeiffer)
Boat/Canoe    (Woodshack)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

P-nut referenced 2 Corinthians 1:1-11.  Paul wrote about how suffering brings about a closer walk with Jesus, and through adversity we endure and can be an example to others.  Remember to celebrate through your suffering and to we aware when your brothers are struggling.  Pick them up.  Let’s get better- together.

P-nut prayed us out.  Special mention of Bandwagon’s back pain and Cap’n Crunch and his all-nite RUCK run.

2.94 total miles and a multitude of squats, merkins and burpees.  Crawdad brought his usual “A” game with the mumblechatter and kept the PAX entertained.  T-claps to Proton for noticing that an FNG had Velcro on their shoes (hence the new name “Velcro”).  Nice to have a total of 4 FNG’s this Saturday.

God bless.