THE SCENE: JUCO AO, comfortable low 40’s temp
15 SSH, 10 Peter Parker, 15 mountain climbers, 10 Tempo Merkins, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 10 tempo squat, 10 windmill
Mosey toward the grassy hill (Bartman, what was it called again?) near the maintenance building for some hill work. Starting from the opposite side of the road:
- 20 merkins at the bottom
- bear crawl to the edge of the hill and run up the hill
- 20 squats at the top and mosey down
- Repeat and then mary until the 6 is done
- Do 2 more rounds with diamond merkins and sumo squats as the exercises.
- One more round with 10 burpees at the bottom and 10 lunges each leg at the top
Mosey to the hand rails on the edge of campus for some more fun.
- 20 lunges, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
- 10 burpees, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
- 10 supine pull-ups, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
- Mary until the 6 is done
- 20 box jumps, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
- 20 dips, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
- 15 supine pull-ups, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
- Mosey back to shovel flag
Circle up for some ring of fire hand clap merkins. All PAX hold plank as each person completes 1 merkin around the circle, then 2 hand clap merkins, and then 5 hand clamp merkins all together.
20 PAX at the AO this morning!
Lead by example. I have had similar WORDs before, but this one seems to stay on my mind a lot. Raising kids can be difficult especially considering the impact that we have on them with the way we act in our lives. Arguing is a big topic in the Erector household with my 6 year old boy right now. I caught myself yesterday telling him to stop arguing to which he responded “I am not arguing” and then I said “Yes you are!”. What did I just do? I argued about him arguing. So there I go leading by showing my son how to argue. Sort of the opposite affect that YHC intended. Remember how impactful you can be with even the small things in your day-to-day. Do your best to lead by example and look to Jesus as the ultimate example to follow in life.
What a way to start off my birthday surrounded by a great group of HIMs early in the morning! Thanks to all who attended. See you in the gloom!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: - None today (forgot to ask!)