F3 Knoxville

The Welcome Back

THE SCENE: 70 degrees with light rain

-15 meter lunge

-15 meter inch worm

-15 meter high kick to single leg DL

-15 meter burpee broad jump


  • 10 T Merkins
  • 10 Thrusters with CMU
  • 10 Over the CMU Burpee
  • Run 160 meters downhill
  • 10 Big Boy Sit Ups
  • 10 Flutter Kicks
  • Run 160 meters uphill

Rinse and Repeat


  • 20 Windshield Wipers
  • 20 LBSU
  • 20 Box Cutters

9 Pax
In this current time we are in, the world needs more love. Recently, I was convicted of my lack of love for people around me, including my family. 1 John 3:1 says “See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that we are!” This hit home for me because “children of God” is not limited to the people I like. We are called to love everyone. The verse continues, “But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know Him.” This struck me again. When I forget that we are God’s children, I am like the world who doesn’t recognize His children. In my conviction, I prayed that I will remember that we are all God’s children and I will treat people as such, showing love and compassion.



THE SCENE: Steamy and a little wet

Alt Lunge w/ Psoas Stretch

We moseyed around 2.5 miles in the area around duck pond, up the Educator and back stopping 7 times for PT.

10 Squats 4-ct IC

10 Sprinter Sit-ups 4-ct IC

10 Merkins 4-ct IC

Did a few Burpee Sprints and alternated a few rounds of 10 Flutters and 10 Peter Parker’s with different people calling cadence because my voice was giving out after calling it the rest of the time.
15 HIMs
One of my favorite quotes:

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

Hamlet – William Shakespeare

140 reps of everything plus miles. Was a creepy suck.


THE SCENE: 70 degrees F., 89% humidity, cloudy skies

Insert information about the warmup.

Mosey to the fountain area just past Mt. Crumpit.  Split into two groups of six.  One does Route #1 while other does Route #2.  Groups switch after completion of their route.

Modified Route 66 #1

1 WWII, Run to 1st Light Pole, 11 Merkins, Run to Start

2 WWII, Run to 2nd Light Pole, 10 Merkins, Run to Start

3 WWII, Run to 3rd Light Pole, 9 Merkins, Run to Start

4 WWII, Run to 4th Light Pole, 8 Merkins, Run to Start

5 WWII, Run to 5th Light Pole, 7 Merkins, Run to Start

6 WWII, Run to 6th Light Pole, 6 Merkins, Run to Start

7 WWII, Run to 5th Light Pole, 5 Merkins, Run to Start

8 WWII, Run to 4th Light Pole, 4 Merkins, Run to Start

9 WWII, Run to 3rd Light Pole, 3 Merkins, Run to Start

10 WWII, Run to 2nd Light Pole, 2 Merkins, Run to Start

11 WWII, Run to 1st Light Pole, 1 Merkin, Run to Start

Alternate 5 WWII and 5 Merkins until Recover is Announced.


Modified Route 66 #2

1 Burpee, Run to 1st Light Pole, 11 SSH, Run to Start

2 Burpees, Run to 2nd Light Pole, 10 SSH, Run to Start

3 Burpees, Run to 3rd Light Pole, 9 SSH, Run to Start

4 Burpees, Run to 4th Light Pole, 8 SSH, Run to Start

5 Burpees, Run to 5th Light Pole, 7 SSH, Run to Start

6 Burpees, Run to 6th Light Pole, 6 SSH, Run to Start

7 Burpees, Run to 5th Light Pole, 5 SSH, Run to Start

8 Burpees, Run to 4th Light Pole, 4 SSH, Run to Start

9 Burpees, Run to 3rd Light Pole, 3 SSH, Run to Start

10 Burpees, Run to 2nd Light Pole, 2 SSH, Run to Start

11 Burpees, Run to 1st Light Pole, 1 SSH, Run to Start

Alternate 5 Burpees and 5 SSH until Recover is Announced.


Mt. Crumpit 7’s

1 Dry Dock / 6 Box Cutters

Order of ascent to top of Mt. Crumpit.

Run – Bernie – Run – Bear Crawl – Run – Bernie


Note: A few completed both Route 66 versions and about half of the Mt. Crumpit 7’s.  None felt cheated.

Box Cutters, Flutter Kicks, LBCs
12 HIMs including FNG Veep – Welcome!
In 1989 I quit buying Exxon gasoline and motor oil although it was my product of choice before then.  I didn’t like the way Exxon handled the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez tanker spill along the Alaskan coast.  11 million gallons of crude oil along 1300 miles of pristine coastline with untold numbers of fowl and animals affected.  I didn’t think Exxon owned the problem.  Fast forward to 2010 and the BP Deepwater Horizon spill.  20 times the oil spill of the Exxon Valdez.  Although, not as readily available in this are, I continued to buy BP gasoline.  I liked the response I saw and I believed they were truly sorry for the accident. You see, we all make mistakes and, since companies are made up of people like us, companies make mistakes too.

Owning up to them and trying to mitigate the consequences is important to me.  I make purchasing decisions based on a lot of factors.  Most of them are private decisions and I don’t go public with them.  My boycott decisions can be long term, short term, forever, or a few days.  All can be reversed because I only have to convince myself and since most are private or limited broadcast, I don’t have to justify my change of heart.

Forgiveness is the key and I see far too little of that in our country and our world.  Sure, the offender needs to own up to the transgression and there needs to be remorse but the one offended needs to take the next step.

I’m certainly thankful that God shows us the way in these matters.  While we were hopelessly lost in our sin and transgression, He reached out to us by sending Jesus to suffer the consequences of our worldly actions.  He took the first step and made the next one, our step, so much easier and so much more healing in our relationship with Him.  For God so loved the world, and me, and you, that He took the first step toward forgiveness and everlasting joy for us.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.