F3 Knoxville

Motor City Shuffle Away From Pride

THE SCENE: Humid but Beautiful Day


Inchworm, Tennessee Rock’n Chair, LBACF, LBACB, Rocky Balboa

Line up along the southside curb of the AO Flag parking lot. Time to introduce the Motor City Shuffle!

Make your way across the lot utilizing the following sequence of exercises: Lunges x2, Burpee Broad Jump x1, Merkins x 5, Plank Jacks x 5, Frog Jump x1.  Fun!

Mosey to Larger Student Parking lot.  Six stations spread out across the lot and marked by cones with an exercise at each.  Battle Buddies pick a cone to start at.  PAX perform the exercise at the cone for 45 seconds.  When the Q calls it, switch to the next station, rotating in a counter-clockwise fashion. AMRAP. Exercises:

Cone 1 : Hand Release Merkins

Cone 2: Jump Squats

Cone 3: Flutters

Cone 4:  Round the Clock Merkins

Cone 5: Iron Mikes

Cone 6: Australian Snow Angels

Mosey back to AO Flag parking lot.  Complete one more round of the Motor City Shuffle, traveling back across the lot.  Woof!

Nolan Ryans in cadence x10 each side

7 strong

This month most of the world celebrates “Pride Month.”  The truth is, there is not one verse in God’s word that celebrates or exalts pride in ourselves for anything.  This is especially true for celebrating pride in any sin that He considers an abomination, evil, not worthy of His kingdom, against His created order, and disastrous for not only the people engaged in it but those around them impacted by that sin. In fact, the Bible continually states that God despises pride and exalts humility. I came across a recent post by a brother in F3 Nation that I read to the PAX concerning a heart that desires humility. This is a tough attribute to cultivate and one I believe can only truly (in a way that glorifies God) be done with the help of the Holy Spirit.  My aim is to be more like the below, with His help.  I need all of you to hold me accountable.  Let’s celebrate humility and not depravity.  Imagine how different out world would be if every man across the planet sought to cultivate the kind of heart expressed here:

Kudos to Vonnegut for making it back out after his first beatdown on Monday.

Convergence July 2