F3 Knoxville

Fall Break

43 degrees w/clear skies (just right.)


The usual

Jog up to field

  • Butt kickers / 25 yds
  • 50 flutter kicks – Single ct
  • Crossovers back           
  • 25 big boys
  • Lunges 15 yds
  • 15 Merkins
  • Crossovers 15 yds
  • Bear  Crawl 15 yds
  • 20 SSH
  • Bear Crawl 15 yds
  • High Toe touches 15 yds
  • Windmills
  • Hip rotations


Mosey to CMUs

  • Power pushes 1 CMU
  • 10 merkins
  • 10 overhead presses with a squat X4 

Mosey to pull-up bar

  • 5 pull-ups
  • Hold Plank.     X2

Back to CMUs

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 rows each arm    
  • Farmer carry 1 CM
  • 15 jungle boy squats
  • 10 Starjumpers
  • 15 BW Squats

Recovery Stretches


    Voodoo, Tailhook, Mermaid, Commission, Betty, Crawl Space, Base Salary, Caveman


The importance family time. Small interactions have big impacts.

Watch your BACK

THE SCENE: low 70’s HUMID, light rain

Baby Arm Circles forward/backward
Arm Stretching
Cherry pickers
Slow Mosey to the CMU’s, and everyone takes one.
Take half the blocks to the swings, and half the blocks to the pull up bars.  Divide into two groups, one group has three guys to swing pullups, while the onlookers do rows.  Rotate in an out until the second group arrives to relieve you.  The second group is at the pull up bars.  Perform 10 Pullups or 10 negatives (jumping up and slowly coming down).  The onlookers perform lawn mowers.  After everyone does 10, rotate to the swings.  Rinse and repeat 3 times.  After three rotations, we did some curls and bench press with the CMU’s before putting them away.

We went to the dry area near the high school (under cover) and did the following in cadence on a 4 ct.
25 Hello Dolly’s
20 Pickle Pounders
15 LBC’s
10 Flutter kicks
10 Pickle Pointers

Dream big.  Jesus did more than was expected he saved lives, he performed miracles, he did more than anyone could even imagine.  The challenge for each of us to to step outside our normal thoughts and think bigger.  How can we dream big, what do we need to push out of the way to open our minds?
Pray for Pom Pom as he has impending travel to Bulgaria
Pray for Anchorman’s family that has COVID
Pray for Mermaid’s family as the help make decisions about elderly are with aging grandparents with one who is currently hospitalized due to a stroke.
F3 Picnic Sunday 9/11

Counting the Cost of Not Fartsacking

THE SCENE: Mid 60’s – nice weather for August

Wrist & neck roll (courtesy of Caveman)
Richard Simmons (inspired by Mermaid’s shorts but also pre-planned)
Ankle rotation
Flamingo (SLRDL)
Seal clap squats
Forward lunges
Backward lunges
Tennessee rocking chair

Mosey to the football field end zone (scratch that – mosey to the Cheatsheet parking lot as the football field was locked)

Pool Boy 11’s variation –
Tennessee Rocking Chair – Side Lunge, switch halfway
Drinking Bird / Flamingos
When you’re done run a lap – the 6 will go the opposite way and turn everyone around getting us back to the end zone (or bleachers). Crawl Space completed 1 lap. The rest of us recovered.

Next part totally skipped because the track was locked (we didn’t have enough time anyway haha)

Bleacher Falling Indian Run – every other bleacher someone stops at and does the following exercises
Incline Merkins going up
Squats going down
At the bottom the first pax down announce a core exercise for everyone to single file and do 15 reps of. Complete for all bleachers or until the Q calls recover.

Mosey Falling Indian Run to the CMU pile – do drinking birds aka Flamingos on the way until the back of the line reaches you. Really try to stretch those hamstrings.

2 CMUs – complete reps & then do more of an exercise: 11’s
4-ct Flutter kicks or a core exercise called by the PAX

First PAX finished calls it or the Q may call it.

Fellowship mosey to the Shovel Flag. Dealer’s choice for 2 PAX then finished 15 seconds early.

7 PAX!

Completing what you started. God starts what He finishes. Jesus wasn’t plan B. He has a time for everything and a place for you and me to fit in. Today we are here on a Wednesday. Everything is perfect in time. I’m praying about what to do with my time. I have a PE exam to study, friendships to pursue, a church to serve, a job to work, and lots more…

But the real test is do we trust God for what he calls us to do when we feel like He will not complete it for us or that we have to hold on to have him complete that in us? A passage where Jesus challenges us to count the cost and the time for things in order to complete it – Luke 15:25-33:

25 Now great crowds accompanied him, and he turned and said to them, 26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. 27 Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. 28 For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? 29 Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, 30 saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’ 31 Or what king, going out to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? 32 And if not, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace. 33 So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

Jesus challenges us to make sure we know what the cost of something is – a house, a marriage, a new job, staying at your old job, a lawsuit, everything- we must count it! Anybody know what TINSTAAFL means? There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. God counted the cost when He sent Christ in a twofold way:

Romans 8:31-3231 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be[i] against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

Philippians 1:6And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

So today, where are you counting (or not counting) the cost? Are you grateful for the cost the Father gave of Christ’s blood? If not, pause and reflect.

Signing up to Q makes you not fartsack as much. Cost counted. Pride humbled. More workouts attended.

IPC sign-up in Slack on Tuesdays at Shamrock. Also Yoga on Thursdays by Tailhook – see Slack as well.

Atomic Suicides

Awesome Morning (getting cooler)

The usual house cleaning talk

Full body stretches: neck rolls, tricep stretch, SSHs, cherry pickers, quad stretch, etc.


Mosey to Football Field
Suicides on the Field

  • 10 Merkins in the end zone
  • 20 Mountain Climbers @ the 10 yd line
  • Repeat in 10 yd increments for 100 yds
  • 15 Squats in the end zone 
  • 20 LBCs at the 20 yd line
  • Repeat in 20 yd increments for 100 yds
  • 10 up-downs in the end zone
  • 20 Flutter Kicks at the 50 yd line
  • repeat in 50 yd increments for 100 yds
  • Circle up: 10 up downs, 20 monkey humpers, 1 min plank, 20 LBCs, 10 pickle pointers.
  • quick stretch, then back to the start.


Curry, Anchorman, Pool Boy, Pom Pom, Curveball, Mermaid, Osteen, Voodoo, Betty, and Caveman


Selflessness !!

Special thanks to our SSH guest

It is NOT a Fitness Expo


Partly Cloudy Temperature Feels Like Humidity Wind Speed Wind Direction
69 ℉ 70 ℉ 99% 3.5 mi/h SW

Delivered as desired. I am not a professional.


Jack of All Trades. – Stolen from Blockbuster F3 Phoenix
Inchworm into plank
5 Plank Jacks
5 Peter Parkers
World’s Greatest Stretch
5 ranger merkins
5 fire hydrants each leg
Inchworm back to standing
10 backslappers
5 sweater squats – straight leg bent over for 5 count
stand up and pull sweater apart for a 5 count
5 seal claps
5 overhead claps
5 side straddle hops
5 heel raises


Mosey to Football Field. Moving on Field along mapped path. The path mapped the letter ‘F’ and number ‘3’. At each corner, small number of exercises where done. The F included burpees, merkins, and shoulder taps. The 3 included squats, monkey humpers, and calf raises.

Moved to track. As many laps as possible. Each lap had six stations, three at each end. So, sprint then A mosey B mosey C. Then the other half. Sprint A mosey B mosey C.
A: Merkins
B: Abs (LBCs or BBs)
C: Monkey Humpers or Squat Jumps
Sprint the straight sections and then mosey in between the stations in the corners. Rep counts where 20 first lap, 15 second lap, and 10 for every other lap. Most of the PAX completed four laps. Some more. Some fewer.

Mosey off track to picnic area. 20 Dips. 20 step ups.

Back to the flag.

20 Flutter Kicks
16 Pickle Pointers
13 Pickle Pounders.
13 better men.

For Baby Boomer and all those traveling this week.  And for all the sick and suffering.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.

2nd F opportunity at Swan Cabin for the nights of the Sept 16th and 17th (Fri & Sat). See Waxjob.