F3 Knoxville

garage workout

THE SCENE: 40* and spotty rain

Even/odd static stretch left/middle/right
Little orphan Annie
Four count merkins after running under bridge for a dry spot
Mosey south towards amphitheater, pausing for last warm up of four count merkins under the bridge.  Hop up and continue moseying up the hill towards 11th Street, then into the parking garage. At the north end up of each floor of the parking garage, there are two exercises.  One for going up the garage, the other for coming back down.  Pretty simple:

Up Exercises

  • Burpees x10
  • Carolina dry docks x20
  • Ranger merkins x20
  • Staggered hand merkins x20
  • Wall worm between large columns on the wall

Down Exercises

  • Burps (leg thrusters) x20
  • Jump squats x20
  • Plank jacks x20 (four count)
  • Jump lunges x20 (four count, ouch)
  • Burpees x10

Two 10-counts and mosey back the way we came, out to 11th Street and back down World’s Fair Park drive.  Once we get under the bridge, partner up.  Partners run in opposite directions around the outside of the two bridge supports, each time they meet do a set of partner exercises.

  • Patty-cake merkins x10 (Three rounds)
  • High five Big Boy sits x10 (Three rounds)
  • Jump squat high fives x5 (Two rounds)

Mary under the bridge where it’s dry, because why not.
Box Cutters
American hammers
7 Strong including 1 FNG: Walrus, Swanson, Passport, G-6, Homewrecker (FNG), Postman, Abort
Really just spoke about the events that occurred yesterday, and how no day is promised to us.  Try to treat every situation with love and be a positive force to everyone you meet.  Leave no doubt.

keep it simple and keep moving

THE SCENE: 32* – a heat wave compared to the last few days

Merkins 4-ct x10
Mountain climbers x15
Shoulder taps x15
Prisoner squats 4-ct x10
Tempo lunge to sides x10
SSH x20
Run a warm up lap around the World’s Fair lawn and back past the fountains over to the war memorial.  15 minute AMRAP session of the following exercises:

  • Dips x10
  • Box jumps x10
  • WWII situps x10
  • Burpees x5
  • Four count merkins (hand release Army standard) x10
  • Sprint towards parking lot, up stairs, touch the wall and return

Quick 10 count after timer goes off.  Run back to fountains and complete another lap around the World’s Fair lawn, stopping just short of the fountains along the straight section of the sidewalk for worst DORA ever (debatable I suppose, but I wanted it to suck).  Partner up, partner A does exercises until Partner B returns.  Partner B bear crawls one light pole distance, then sprints two light pole distances before turning around and sprinting back to Partner A.  Exercises for Partner A:

  • Sit up ups x50
  • 8-count bodybuilders x50
  • Star jumps x50

This killed the remaining time, quick hop over to the fountains for BOM.

6 Strong: Duggar, G6, Huffy, Swanson, Walrus, Abort (Jenner started the workout but left shortly after warm up)
“Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.”   – C.S. Lewis

Two things that stuck out to me about this.  I strive to keep my Q’s fresh or original, and in doing so generally end up in the same “style” that I always do.  I kept it simple for today, and in doing so got a great workout in and realized I’d probably avoided Dora’s for so long because I was afraid to use them.  The bigger takeaway for me, is what this quote says about truth.  Someone being truthful will be original nine times out of ten.  This made me reflect on how truthful I am, both in words but also in deed and to remain true to those who have placed themselves in my life and to myself as well.