F3 Knoxville

Shamrock – Faith in His story

THE SCENE: 59F light rain

Tie Fighters x10 both directions

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 20

Cherry Pickers 5


Mosey to Block Pile 

Rifle carry to the covered walkway 

Snow Angels x25 OYO

7’s: 1 Burpee – bear crawl toe taps forward – 6 Diamond Merkins -bear crawl toe taps back keep going until you hit 6 burpees & 1 Diamond Merkin 

10 – 4 count Twinkle Toes 

10 seesaw lunges right leg

10 – 4 count Twinkle Toes

10 seesaw lunges left leg

20 CMU Squats 


Run a lap

50 Bench Press

25 Curls

Run a lap 5% increase

55 Bench Press

30 Curls

Run a lap 10% increase

60 Bench Press

35 Curls

Run a lap 15% increase

65 Bench Press

40 Curls

Early Mary – Flutter Kicks with CMU & American Hammers

Return CMUs

Mosey / bear crawl back to AO.


14 including 1 FNG in-and-out
Slappy, Trolley, Betty, Honeydew, Mermaid, Waxjob, Hydro, Wanderer, Interpol, Cheatsheet, Baby Boomer, Jenner, in-and-out, Anchorman,

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

It goes on to talk about the ancients: Noah, Abraham, Moses and so on. What they went through in life and how God challenged them with tough situations. 

13 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth.

So they trusted that God had everything in control and they were just a small part of His story. 

I mentor a small group of high school guys and last week we asked each other “Do you truly believe that God loves you?”  

I asked them what about when things are going wrong in your life. 

One of my guys said that when he goes through a hard time in his life he just simply has to give it up to God and practice faith. I was humbled by his statement, because I had to admit to him that my go-to reaction to hard times is to try to figure it out and fix it on my own. I end up wasting a lot of time until God smacks me in the head and reminds me that He is there. 


Escalator vs Stairs

THE SCENE: Warmish (relatively) and clear
Abe Vigoda x 7, Cherry Picker x 8, SSH x 20, Tempo Merkin x 10
Mosey back to the new parking lot in front of Sophomore Hill.

Escalator workout with the following exercises:

  • 10xBurpees
  • 20xBBS
  • 30xHand Release Merkins
  • 40xSquats

Start with just the 10 then run one lap, then do 10 and 20 and run a lap, continue until you’ve completed all 4 exercsies and 4 laps. For the laps the PAX had the option to pick their own distance with the shortest of the three options being .1 mile and the longest ~.25 mile. The goal was for each man to pick the lap distance that would keep them even with the rest of the PAX. Erector was so far ahead even using the longest lap that nobody had a chance. Should’ve added a 1 mile lap option.

Mosey over to the coupon pile and grab your coupon. Surprise JAILBREAK! halfway there.

More escalators, but this time with stairs! Perform the following in the same fashion as above.

  • 10xPicture Hangers
  • 20xTricep Extensions
  • 30xCurls
  • 40xRows

Run up to the pull-up bars for max pull-ups in between sets.

Recover back to the shovel flag.

Flutterkicks x 50
12 men riding the escalators at JUCO
March JUCO monthly challenge:

The challenge for March is to set aside a block of 10 minutes every day for prayer/meditation. If you would like to join the challenge, like the post in the JUCO slack page and I’ll add you to the JUCO monthly challenge channel.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Launch of the new AO “The Arsenal” is next Saturday at 7am in Maryville

Another Lap

THE SCENE: 37°F  and an Amazing Moon set to watch

Cherry Pickers, Hill Billy Walkers, Plank Dips 10 each side, Side Straddle Hops, 12 Clockwork Merkins

2 line indian run to Sophomore Hill, Bernie up the hill to Pull up bars.  6 stayed at the bars and did

  • 5 Pull Ups
  • 10 Leg Raises
  • 15 BB sit ups

Mosey down the stairs to where the first team started for

  • 5 4 count Australian Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Heavy Squats
  • 15 (or till the group finished) CPR (Curl, Press, Tricep ext)

2 Rounds of that.  Then everyone grabbed 2 CMU’s and headed to the bottom of the stadium hill

Hot lava across the street (stepping from one cmu to move the other and never touching the street)

Carry 1 CMU up the hill for 10 Diamond Merkins on the block. Run to the top corner of the stadium for 20 Squats

Crawl bear down the hill to run the curb:  Then do it in reverse, Bear Crawl, Squats, Diamond Merkins, Hot Lava over and back and then back as time allowed.

We made it farther than last time then ran to the big parking lot and did merkins on each line, leaders doing more till the PAX was all together.

This time we had time for guardrail dips OYO, then bear crawl together across the street and finished with 10 guardrail dips in cadence.

20 HIMS (8 were rushing)

Repeated a Q from 2 weeks ago… because:

1) Leading doesn’t have to be hard – redo something you did or enjoyed doing, sign up and make it awesome
2) It’s also a picture of our spiritual walk
Consider the 3 main disciplines: Prayer, Reading the Bible and Worship
A) Prayer
Familiar (in a good way) or caught in a routine rut?   1 Thes 5 17 Pray without ceasing
Repeating yourself; been there done that attitude; or persevering, improving? Even if it feels like the same thing God wants to hear your heart. Consider the honor: You are communicating with God

2) Read God’s word: Psalm 119:16 I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.
Is it life giving or If it’s routine or boring ? Move from discipline>Desire>Delight
You don’t stop because it’s hard and you didn’t always love doing this

3) Worship: Gal 5:25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.
Personal and Corporate worship: are we being Spirit led?
Was it your favorite or was it not not what you wanted it to be?
Not seeing the growth you want? Maybe it isn’t about you. Phll 2 In Humility, consider others of greater importance than yourself.
For Jesus Christ to be the main thing you can’t be the main character. Get okay with that and love others well like He did

The best corporate worship is when individual worshipers come together and magnify the name of Jesus together. Bring your best to the Lord; prepare your heart John 4:24 God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth

Don’t let Church be the only worship time of your week. If you only worked out once a week it’s not going to grow you. Likewise, find ways to worship God in Spirit and Truth all the time.

New AO location in Maryville coming early March

Pressing through the Pain, Praying in the Rain

THE SCENE: 47°F and drizzly
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Administered + COVID reminder

Moroccan Night Club x 10 IC
Overhead Clap x 10 IC
Seal Clap Squat x 10 IC
Tennessee Rocking Chair x 7 IC
Stationary Lunges x 5 each IC
Reverse Lunges x 5 each IC
World’s Slowest Burpee x 3
Hillbilly x 10 each IC
Prayer Squat x 10s on, 5 off, 3x

The good news is today you’ll be exercising under an overhand. The bad news is that YOGWO (You Only Get Wet Once) doesn’t apply. We’ll be doing a Timed DORA and in between the sides where we exercise, we’re running in the rain.

If we have an odd number of PAX, that man partners with a pair of men. This is going to be repeating DORA in the rain. Each round of DORA is for time.

PAX#1 jogs to the other overhang and does the ARMs exercises while PAX#2 (and PAX#3 in possibly group) does the Legs exercises listed below. End of time called all PAX gather at one overhand, do 1 CORE exercise, HOLD, and rest while the next round of DORA is completed.

Timed DORA #1
5 Tempo merkins + 10 sec plank hold + 10 sec rest
Legs Lunges
Core Dolly
30 sec of Rest
Holds Reach/hang 15 sec
Praying Squat 15 sec
Plank 60 sec
Timed DORA #2 Arms 5 Burpees, 10 sec rest
Legs Reverse Lunges
Core LBC
30 sec of Rest
Holds Seal Clap /OHC 15 sec
Wall Squat 15 sec
Forearm Plank 60 sec
Timed DORA #3
Arms 5 Burpees, 10 sec rest (again)
Legs Reverse Lunges
Core V-ups

Hold – Forearm plank with 1 rainbow drop each size every 5 seconds for 30 seconds total. Mosey to ERC overhang and make a Dealer’s Choice Circle.

Mary-Go-Round (aka Rotating Dealer’s Choice) – making a normal MARY circle for Dealer’s Choice, each PAX calls out a 4-count IC exercise . After going around, each PAX does 10 IC reps of the exercise on the Q’s lead. Then each PAX does the exercise the PAX to his right did. Q calls out the cadence and the PAX again do 10. Repeat for a chosen length of time or at the end during normal “MARY” part of the workout. If PAX complete all exercises in the full circle, go back to the left instead.


Booster’s post and tag about him rucking and praying challenged me and it’s really got me thinking and pondering about prayer and of course praying more.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 – pray without ceasing,
Simple yet impossible right? Sometimes we all think of prayer like we’re endlessly climbing a mountain that never ends with our prayers doing little more than the echo bouncing off the ceiling our voice causes

But we have to reframe prayer. A few quotes on prayer:
What the Church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use, men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men, men of prayer. – E.M. Bounds

A family without prayer is like a house without a roof, open and exposed to all the storms of heaven. – Thomas Brooks

We don’t drift into spiritual life; we do not drift into disciplined prayer. We do not grow in prayer unless we plan to pray. That means we must set aside time to do nothing but pray. What we actually do reflects our highest priorities. That means that we can proclaim our commitment to prayer until the cows come home, but unless we actually pray, our actions disown our words – D.A. Carson

Prayer is paramount to our daily spiritual vitality. We may be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, but if we are not communing with God then we cut off our spiritual nutrients. So do you pray? How often? Only at mealtimes? Only at Bible Study. Let’s circle back to our verse:

1 Thessalonians 5:17 – pray without ceasing,

3 ways to apply this (surely there are more)
1. Walk with God each day in a spirit and attitude of prayer.
Turn things over to Jesus (1 Peter 5:7)
2. Ask God in your prayers to give you a desire more to pray
This also includes letting other men in your life know regularly where you are struggling. How much more does God desire to give you good things (Matthew 7:11)
3. Plan to pray.
Set aside time specifically that isn’t busyness, hurried to be alone with God.

There are many systems like ACTS for personal prayer as well as Operation World for world missions. But whatever you do, pray without ceasing.

Welcome back Sergeant Slaughter!

Guardrail and I prayer walk sometimes and bear each other’s burdens. It’s a great way to spend time and it’s so edifying. If you want to do a prayer walk, just shoot me a DM on Slack or text me if you have my number and let’s make a time to walk, talk, and pray together.

Stone Cold Bunch Of Weirdos

THE SCENE: Crisp 32 degrees, but it was dry!

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Cherry Pickers
10 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
10 Windmills in cadence
5 burpees on your own
Side straddle hop in cadence

Insert information about the workout.

  • Mosey around big lot leader falling off for burpees x2
  • Line up on curb for Shaun T’s – step up, knee to opposite elbow,
    Step down, backward lunge and reach to curb. 1 min each side.
  • Flutter kicks in cadence
  • Cardio Island: Karaokes, High Knees, high heels, skip, side to side low, walking lunges
  • Flutter kicks in cadence
  • Mosey to the coupon pile
  • MUCHO CHESTO!! Merkins: Diamond, Regular, Wide, and Staggered 10x each
  • Partner up:
    Curls to 100 while partner runs stairs and does 5 pull ups
    Thrusters to 100 while partner runs stairs and does 5 pull ups
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence
  • Mosey back to the flag w/ a Jail Break

Hello Dollies and Mountain Climbers

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Monday 34 degrees I was out here with you

Tuesday it was cold, but I did yoga in the comfort of my house, but I’m sure some of you were out.

Wednesday 19 degrees I did JUCO RUSH

Thursday 36 degrees and pouring rain I did SHAMROCK RUNNING

Today 30 degrees and here we are!

I mean I crawl out of my warm bed with my wife in it, and probably a kid sometimes two, to come workout with you guys. It’s insane! But then I get here and I’m positive you all have a similar story. You’re here on your own volition, right… It impresses me, it ignites me!

You guys are a stone cold pack of weirdos. And I love it!

I also really appreciate the thoughtfulness of those leading these workouts! You make it fun! You make it challenging, And then send me away with a different kind of challenge. This is the challenge that is the most meaningful to me. Iron sharpens iron!

Thank you for putting in the work and continuing to challenge me!

If you haven’t done so, I encourage you to sign up for a Q. We’re happy to help out!


Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.