F3 Knoxville


The Scene


F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


Cherry Pickers


Imperial Walkers

Harry Rockets

Hand Release Merkins (Ended up being regular Merkins because it was wet)


We split into 3 groups of 4 and proceeded with the below workout. The football field was locked so we used the big parking lot at the far end of campus.


Rush the field


80 lb sandbag

Carry from curb to curb

Others run to “50 yard line” and do 5 burpees and run back. Rotate so that each member has a turn with the sandbag.


When entire team has completed the exercise do 52 reps of mary of your choosing. 


45 lb kettlebell

Deadlift to high pull 

Run to “goal post” 10 squat jumps, run back. Rotate so that each member has a turn with the kettlebell.


When entire team has completed the exercise do 52 reps of mary of your choosing. 


40 lb ruck plate

Overhead/chest height march to squat

Run to opposite “goal post” and do hillbilly squat walkers, run back. Rotate so that each member has a turn with the ruck plate.


When entire team has completed the exercise do 52 reps of mary of your choosing. 


Completed the same series again but the ruck plate station turned into curl and press and the kettlebell station turned into swings.


Mosey back to the shovel flag with the objects in tow. 


5 burpees (Because burpees are the best)

10 count squat to finish


12 High Impact Men


Are your goals really To Do List items. We were challenged by our current or future goals that we have set for ourselves. When making a goal it should be something that as a little risk/opportunity for failure. This allows you to push harder in your mind. If you “goals” are always 100% achievable are they really goals, or are they items to just check off your To Do List?





Partly Cloudy Temperature Feels Like Humidity Wind Speed Wind Direction
54 ℉ 54 ℉ 89% 5.2 mi/h NNE

Delivered as desired. I am not a professional.

Stolen from Lasso and Gas Station @ F3 Tornado Alley

Monkey Humpers – 10IC
Cherry Pickers – 4IC
Monkey Humpers – 10IC
Pickle Pounders – 12 IC
Willie Mays
Monkey Humpers – 10IC
Seal Claps – 13 IC
Monkey Humpers – 10IC


Mosey to concrete area near football field. 10 Merkins along the way.

5 Rounds
Squats:20 reps
Merkins 10 reps
Hindu Merkins10 reps
Lunges 20 reps
Burpees: 5 reps
Dips 15 reps

Head to CMUs. 10 BBS along the way.

With coupon:
3 Rounds
10-15 Curls
10-15 Triceps
10-15 Press

Head back to flag. 11s along the way. Squats and Merkins

20 Flutter Kicks
10 LBCs
7 Freddie Mercurys
12 Good Men.

For Jenner and new job opportunities.  For all the sick and suffering.  And for the unsaid prayers in our hearts.

Bro Olympics Nov 5th.
Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center in need of Mens clothes/socks/shoes for patients.

Just Another AO-Q

THE SCENE: Weather could not be better for a AO-Q Handoff
Some motivators got us started and we finished with DogPound cherry pickers. The men were then given a challenge to not drop the football with Blindside’s name on it…and they could not hang on to it for too long. Burpees was the punishment.
Mosey to the base of the stairs then a MudPuppy special. 25 of six different exercises with a lap around the island in between each one. Merkins, Squats, LBC’s, CDD’s, SSH and Lunges.

Google then took over as Q. Brought us up past the Rock for some planks and then to the backbone. Split into two at the backbone and did a lil pull up action and some Bernies to the top with Merkins and Squats. Finished with 7’s up the baby hill – burpees and BBS.

Flutters and stuff.
21 in attendance
Don’t wait for a reason to show up in the gloom. By then its too late.

2nd F lunch at Shrimp dock TODAY at 11:20. Also, Bro-lympics are coming up.

Wait a Minute… This is Basically Just a Run!

THE SCENE: Lower humidity is a God-send

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Check it off the list. 


Typical Blindside warm-up: 

SSH IC x25 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Little of this, little of that | Cherry Pickers IC x5 


1st “Stop:” 7s 

  • Box jumps at BathHouse 
  • BBS at Trailhead

2nd “Stop:” 11s

  • Lunges at BathHouse 
  • Dips at the first pole after the start of the guardrail 

3rd “Stop:” Lightpole Suicides 

  • Round 1: Squats
    • 1 Squat, run to 1st lightpole
    • 2 Squat, run to 2nd lightpole
      • Repeat to 5th lightpole
  • Round 2: Merkins 

Fellowship Mosey back to the AO


Just a little SWB “Stretching with Blindside”


12 HIMs; 0 FNGs 


You do hard things. YOU chose to get out of the fartsack this morning and put in hard work. You chose the difficult path today. 

Something has happened to men. It has caused a dormancy & that is why F3 was born. Invigorate male community leadership. Instead of focusing on the 1st F all the time at F3, instead of just focusing on the sweat, it’s the other things that really matter. We are all men who are equal under the eyes of God. Not just us here this morning, but ALL men. It is not for us to decide which man is better, or which man is the strongest, or which man is the fastest, or even which man is allowed here or not. In F3, we leave no man behind and we leave no man where we found him.

We need to forge these bonds & make our community stronger. So I ask you, “How do you want to leave your legacy? How do you want to live beyond yourself?” 

Great leaders influence people after they are gone. Get into a Shield Lock, get those daily disciplines in, no matter what they are. DON’T FAIL! 

It’s why we are here. It takes a heart of change. Love has EVERYTHING to do with leadership. You may not often lead workouts (and you should do it more), but by being here, you are a leader… a leader in your household, a leader in your workplace, and a leader in your community, OUR community. 

In everyman beats the heart of a lion and once he has been picked up & scraped off, his heart is going to drive him to help and lead others. The man you help today will be the man who helps you in the future. 

What will your legacy be? 


F3Knoxville Family Picnic this Sunday, Sept. 11th, sign up link on Slack

9/11 Memorial climbs are available (Asylum at 10:00 am(?) and Farragut High at 6:00 AM) 

Shovelflag Handover at the DogPound on Thursday, September 22nd

Brolympics Nov. 5th at the Asylum AO, 0645 start time

Watch your BACK

THE SCENE: low 70’s HUMID, light rain

Baby Arm Circles forward/backward
Arm Stretching
Cherry pickers
Slow Mosey to the CMU’s, and everyone takes one.
Take half the blocks to the swings, and half the blocks to the pull up bars.  Divide into two groups, one group has three guys to swing pullups, while the onlookers do rows.  Rotate in an out until the second group arrives to relieve you.  The second group is at the pull up bars.  Perform 10 Pullups or 10 negatives (jumping up and slowly coming down).  The onlookers perform lawn mowers.  After everyone does 10, rotate to the swings.  Rinse and repeat 3 times.  After three rotations, we did some curls and bench press with the CMU’s before putting them away.

We went to the dry area near the high school (under cover) and did the following in cadence on a 4 ct.
25 Hello Dolly’s
20 Pickle Pounders
15 LBC’s
10 Flutter kicks
10 Pickle Pointers

Dream big.  Jesus did more than was expected he saved lives, he performed miracles, he did more than anyone could even imagine.  The challenge for each of us to to step outside our normal thoughts and think bigger.  How can we dream big, what do we need to push out of the way to open our minds?
Pray for Pom Pom as he has impending travel to Bulgaria
Pray for Anchorman’s family that has COVID
Pray for Mermaid’s family as the help make decisions about elderly are with aging grandparents with one who is currently hospitalized due to a stroke.
F3 Picnic Sunday 9/11