F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Foggy but nice.

Cherry Pickers, Windmills, TN Rock’n Chair, Tempo Merkins, Temp Squats, Dancing Bear
The warm-up came to an end quickly.

  • AO-Flag Parking Lot Circuit – 25 Burpees, Run a Lap, 50 Merkins, Run a Lap, 75 Squats, Run a Lap, 100 SSH, Run a Lap.
  • Soccer Field DORA: Battle-Buddy Up – 200 Merkins, 150 Seal Squats – Recovery Run to Mid-Field and back.
  • Concrete Bleachers: Stairway to Calve Heaven – 25 Calf Raises every step (4 total), Box Jumping to next step every time. 3 Rounds for a total of 300 calf raises.
  • Mosey to Playground – Same Battle-Buddies – One runs length of parking lot and performs 3 Double Burpees before returning to start.  Other partner performs 10 Pull-ups, 15 Merkins, 20 Dips. 2 Rounds each.
  • Soccer Field: Bear Crawl entire length of field.
  • Long mosey back to AO Flag

15 Strong + 2 FNGs
It’s an age old question and one of the biggest reasons why people reject God – the problem of suffering.  If God were so loving, why would He allow us to suffer? You hear a lot: “Well, I just don’t know why this is happening to me” or “God just doesn’t answer the question of why we suffer” or “I don’t deserve this.” There are times (I believe few) when we just don’t know why we are suffering but to say God does not answer this question is just plain false. Don’t trust me – my words have little weight.  Trust the God of the Universe – His do:

1) Because of SINRomans 3:12, Mark 10:18.  There are no good people, not even one He says.  There is a song out by Luke Bryan that states “I believe most people are good.”  Luke Bryan doesn’t know Scripture.  God says not only the opposite but that NO ONE is good. All have turned away.  Sometimes I’ll hear “I just don’t deserve this.”  That’s right, you deserve worse. In my own life, I’m not shocked by the suffering when it comes.  What I’m shocked by is His overwhelming grace.  We deserve His wrath.  We do not deserve His grace.  King David’s life was filled with sin and the awful consequences of it – loss of an infant, wars with his children, never got to see the temple built.  Sometimes we suffer because of our sin.

2)  To Warn Others1 Kings 2.  As David did on his deathbed to his son, Solomon. “Be strong, act like a man, and observe what the Lord your God requires: walk in obedience to Him, and keep His decrees and commands, his laws and regulations…..”

3) To Affirm Our Commitment to Christ – 2 Timothy 3:12, 1 Peter 1:6-7.  If you are trying to live a Godly life, you WILL face persecution.  When it comes, you shouldn’t pray for the suffering to go away but that God will give you the boldness to do what He has called you to do.

4) To Produce Steadfastness, Endurance and Character – James 1:2-3. Have you ever considered that suffering may be for your own good?  “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything.” Want to get a good workout in spiritually, try suffering.

5) To Recalibrate Our Focus on Heaven – Romans 8:18-19.  Suffering can make us yearn for our real home – Heaven, with Jesus as King. “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.  For creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.”

6) To Humble Us – 2 Corinthians 12:7.  The Apostle Paul was shipwrecked, beaten, imprisoned, mocked, rebuked by his kinsmen, and ultimately beheaded for Jesus.  “Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me. I pleaded with the Lord three times to take it away from me.  But, He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

When suffering comes we have two options: 1) We can reject God or 2) We can run to Him, embrace Him, and allow Him to transform us.  I REALLY like option 2.


Stone , Steel & Silence

THE SCENE: Couldn’t ask for a better 56 degrees Gloom beatdown weather.

Various things on way to CMU pile.  Inchworms, Bear Crawl, R Bear Crawl, Side Straddles (both sides), Kereokee both sides, Bernie
THA-THANG: Steel & Stone Biscuit:  Like the tree biscuit, we travel as a group going around the campus tagging a steel light pole instead of a tree.  We do two Blockees after we tag a pole.  Call out the running total.  Circle up for 25, 50, 75, 100 milestones.  Mosey with CMU’s in-between light poles.

We finished 100 Blockees – ie we tagged 50 poles.
CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Find the Silence

How will you hear if you don’t listen. How can you listen if you don’t sit still.  How can you sit still if you are moving and doing a bunch of stuff.  Today MAKE time to sit still and listen to the Lord.  He’s a whisperer.  Put your cell phone to the side. Turn off the music. Turn off every digital thing you have.  Find the quiet.  Go get the quiet.  I’m often times over caffenated — which causes over anxiousness — which causes over stress and unrest.  This bleeds into everything. Dont’ do this.  Instead, stop the nervous hemorrhaging.  Be Still – Know that God is there . Take hold of his gentle voice.  Know that peace and quiet is his specialty.  In contrast this world and everything in it wants to spin you like a top into a dizzying pace — it always has a million things to offer and busy you with.  Don’t fall for it.  Pace yourself, slow down, gain back your sanity.   Listen in the silence.  He will light your way.


  1. Hardship is coming fast Oct 3. https://dirtybirdevents.com/hardship-hill-ocr/
  2. Shamrock still needs to build it’s props for HH.
  3. The last IPAX is happening now https://f3greenwood.com/  Be sure to watch the video to prep yourself.


Truck stop

THE SCENE: 58, low humidity, BEAUTIFUL morning

Grady corns

Cherry pickers

Nickel,  dime, quarter

At each light do merkins, BBS, squats.  Reps are 5, 10, 25.  Pax can switch up the reps and exercise as long as they do 5, 10 and 25 reps.

1st light, 5 merkins,  10 BBS, 25 squats.

2nd light could be 5 squats, 10 merkins,  25 squats.

Watt Rd field, reverse sea biscuit

Start with 5 burpees, 10 merkins,  15 squats, then run a lap.   Increase the reps by 5 for the 2nd round, then run 1 lap.   Increase the reps each round up to 20 burpees, 25 merkins and 30 squats then start reducing the reps by 5 until you are back to 5 burpees,  etc.

Bottom of the hill for 7s.

Derkins & CDD

Mosey to the AO

La-Z-Boy – American hammers

I-beam – ab cycle

Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Opt-In at Shamrock


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
69 ℉ 99% 71 ℉ 3.1 mi/h NNE

I am not a professional.

25 SSHs.
10 Baby Arm Circles forward.
10 backward.
10-15 Double bounce Squats.
Mosey to main parking lot.  While running laps, each lap PAX has to complete exercise from below list.  First lap, however, was 50 burpees.  So, 50 burpees while doing lap.  Then next laps were as chosen from below list.

Chest Arms
120 Merkins
75 Dive Bombers
100 Carolina Dry Docks
60 Jumping Spiders
100 Diamond Merkins
150 Squats
100 Monkey Humpers
80 Bonnie Blairs (Jumping Lunge)
150 Calf Raises
75 BBS
80 LBC
100 Pickle Pounders
75 Box Cutters
80 Dolly Partons
60 War Hammers (BBSU with Amer Hammer at Top)

Mosey to coupon pile.  Grab a CMU.  Lined up on edge of parking lot. Gorilla Complex.  As many rounds as possible.  All with CMU except Merkins and Mosey.

  • 8 Curls
  • 8 High Pulls
  • 8 Overhead Press
  • 8 Tricep Extension
  • 8 Merkins – sans CMU
  • Mosey to other side of parking lot and back.

At time, recover and mosey back to AO.
2 minutes of ab work including:
30 Flutter Kicks
15 Dolly Partons
25 or so Bicycles ending at high rep rate.


18 HIMs
Kyle Korver is an 18 year veteran of the NBA.  He wrote an article entitled ‘Privileged’ back in April of 2019.  The article tells of his relationships with his fellow players and talks of his thoughts concerning the Privilege he has because he is white.  The privilege is described as the ability to opt-in or opt-out when it comes to things related with Black Lives Matter.  I appreciated reading it.  Kyle Korver – Privilege.

Hardship Hill work day this coming Saturday.  See Slack for details.

VQ for Honeydew

THE SCENE: Clear morning, low humidity, temp in the mid 60’s

I’m not a professional

Modify your workout for your injuries

Keep social distancing in mind during the COVID pandemic

It’s my first Q so bear with me.

20-Side-straddle-hops IC

15-Baby Arm Circles forward IC

15-Baby Arm Circles Backwards IC

5 Cherry Pickers IC

20 Merkins IC

Mosey over to the CMU pile near the buses. Each person grabbed 1 CMU and proceeded to the adjacent parking lot. 4 stations were set up and a speaker was in place to begin a time using the Tabata Timer App. 3 exercises at each station. the first exercise was done for :45 seconds with a :10 second rest x 3 sets then moved to the next station and repeated :45 seconds of work :10 second rest for 3 sets for all stations. CMU is carried to each station and.

  • Station 1
    • Decline Merkins
    • Vertical Press (From Iron PAX video)
    • Overhead Press
  • Station 2
    • Goblet Squats
    • Rocky Balboas
    • Lunges
  • Station 3
    • Curls
    • Alpos (From Iron PAX video)
    • Dips
  • Station 4
    • Big Boys
    • Plank
    • Freddie Mercury

MARY:American Hammers 4 Count x 15 back at the AO

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Treat others with respect and lead by example. I would not be where I am today without a positive role model in my life. By being good examples and role models we can help end racism, sexism, and hate.
Being raised in home with 2 working parents in a small town in southern West Virginia my parents didn’t have resources like a daycare, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club or anything like that.  My parents relied on a a baby sitter, a black lady named Lucille. This lady was a woman of God and very religious and treated me as one of her own children and I often referred to her as my other mother. She was a leader in her church and when I met her family everyone knew who I was because she kept up with my achievements in the paper and would continue to guide me long after being my babysitter.  When Lucille passed away I was unable to attend the funeral but discovered through her obituary that she had made me one of her God Children. My parents weren’t even aware of this fact, but we took it as an honor and privilege. For this reason I never thought someone was different because of their color, heritage, or religious belief. This role model never told me to not hate she showed my how to be good to people and how to treat people with respect. When my daughter was born I was so happy and honored to that my wife agreed and allowed my daughter to be named Lucille, because my wife could see how much love I had for this great lady. Sorry if this is too long again my first time doing this, but thanks again for giving me the opportunity to lead today and thanks for all the guys to push me to lead this workout today