F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Hot. Humid. Perfect for taking on the walking dead!

20 SSH – 4 ct, IC
Little baby arm circles – 4 ct, IC
10 forward
10 reverse
10 tempo merkins
6 x 4 ct, 4 x 8 ct
5 Cherry Pickers
10 tempo squats
6 x 4 ct, 4 x 8 ct
10 Imperial Walkers – 4 ct, IC

All workouts were 3 rounds of AMRAP with 1 minute of work and 15 seconds recovery.

Indian run to bleachers
Box jumps
Boat Canoe

Indian run to upper lot
Iron mikes
Easy ups
Wall squats
Freddy Mercurys

Indian run to upper field
Hi/low plank
American hammers
Jump squats
Hello Dollys

Mosey back to AO

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).

After this and most workouts, I do feel like the living dead.  And there are always times that my muscles are on fire.  And these made me think of the first few chapters of Revelations that my Bible study group is going through right now.  Jesus gives some very stern warnings to the churches of the time which, in all honesty, scare me.  Revelation 3:1 “To the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars.  I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.”  He tells the church in Laodicea, “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!  So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” Rev 3:15-16

How many of our churches today have a reputation of being alive, but are actually spiritually dead?  How many Christians?  Dare I say, how many of us?  How many are lukewarm and are about to be spit from the mouth of our Creator and Savior?  And let me clarify, the Greek word used here for “spit” is literally vomit.  How many are so detestable to our Maker that we will literally make Him vomit us from His presence?  This is more than a warning.  This is a wakeup call!  The time is now!  If you’re not working for the Kingdom and His glory, you’re dead inside.  Even if others look at you and think you’re alive, if you aren’t bearing fruit, you’re dead.  And you need to wake up.  If you are lukewarm or even cold, get hot!  Set yourself ablaze with the Spirit!  Find someone to help you.  And then, start more fires!  Go out and set other souls on fire for Christ!  This is the only way that we can save our souls and this is the only salvation for our world!

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Collecting gently used clothing for Mend House
F3 Work Day at Mooreland Heights Elementary, Aug 8, 0845

Hello my name is Kraken

THE SCENE: upper 60’s and clear



  • SSH x 20
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • Cherry Pickers x 5
  • Rockettes x 10
  • OYO stretches


Attack of the Kraken.   8 cones in a circle.  Pick a cone as your starting point, complete the exercise for that cone, then run around the circle with your CMU to the next cone.  Goal is complete 2 full laps (16 stations).

Lap 1 exercises:

  • CMU lunge to sign & back
  • 8-count body builder x 25
  • CMU deltoid raise x 50
  • CMU flutter kick (4ct) x 50
  • CMU goblet squat x 50
  • Spread eagle merkin x 50
  • CMU calf raise x 100
  • Nose wipers x 25

Lap 2 exercises:

  • Bear crawl around circle
  • CMU squat/press x 50
  • CMU overhead press x 50
  • CMU american hammer (4ct) x 50
  • Jump squats x 50
  • Diamond merkins x 50
  • Mountain climber (4ct) x 50
  • Shoulder taps (4ct) x 50


19 this morning:  Ski Dog, La-Z-Boy, Bowflex, Tweet-E, Nook (fng), Aladdin, Biscuits, Air Ball, Waxjob, Troller, Ribbed, Homebody, Ladyfingers, Driftwood, Mudpuppy, Turtle, Mayberry, Yo-yo, Bartman

Read from John 15 in which Jesus teaches by using the vine/branches analogy.  I focused my attention this morning on abiding in Christ.


For those who drive to the Dog Pound via Concord Rd, a section of Concord Rd near the roundabout at Northshore will be closed from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. on Aug. 5, 6, 9 and 10

Taking the ‘Next Step’


Nice and warm

– Cherry pickers (4ct IC) x5
– SSH (4ct IC) x20
– some of these/some of those
– bent over back stretch


5 T-merkins
5 Navy seal burpees



-field suicides (end line, 18 yard, 50 yard, opposite 18 yard, full field)
-> navy seal burpees (5)
-> bear crawl
-> T merkins (10)
-> run back
-> Navy seal burpees (5)
-> bearcrawl
-> air squats (50)
-> run back
-> Navy seal burpees (5)
-> lunge
-> T merkins (10)
-> run back
-> Navy seal burpees (5)
-> run full field
-> Navy seal burpees (5)
->Run back
-> abs until six gets back


60 seconds on 20 seconds off


->Tire flips

->Rope tire pulls

->Weighted jumping jacks with battle rope

->Plate ground to overhead

->Single arm KB clean

->Overhead DB lunges


->American hammers


3 sets of 30 sec handstand holds

Variations: Handstands, Elevated pike position, CDD


Today I wanted to get everyone doing something different than what we normally do. One of the key points of F3 is to grow ourselves and help others grow.

We focused on that ‘Next Step’ today, being better than we were yesterday. I bet if I asked you yesterday if you could do the workout you just did that you would say that you couldn’t do it. This was meant to be the “progress, not perfection mentality”.

To often do we find ourselves becoming comfortable with where we are and not taking that next step. Just because we feel like we aren’t getting closer to that next plateau. We are farther than we were.

So an example I saw that really had a profound effect is the distance we have to get to God. So every time we take that step toward God, so does God. So even though we are still some distance away from God, we are much farther away from Sin than we were. And every day we can take this next step and be somewhere that we thought was impossible.

Clothing donation for Mend’s house. Ask Tank or Doubtfire.
Welcome FNG Freshman


THE SCENE: Warm & muggy



  • SSH x 10
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • Tempo Squats x 10
  • This/that stretches
  • Cherry Pickers x 5
  • A few burpees sprinkled in….


  • 7’s on the hill – Squat Jumps at top, Lunges at bottom
  • Mini seabiscuit around the long island.  10 burpees, 10 merkins, 10 dips at designated intervals.
    • Had to call an audible on this…I’ve been out of the gloom for a few months and I was smoked….if you can’t do it, don’t Q it!!
  • Moseyed back to the pee rocks for some DORA:  100 OH Press, 100 Curls, 100 Goblet Squats.   Partner runs to gate & does 5 merkins.   Maintained social distance and no rock sharing.


Dealers choice:

  • Hello Dolly x 20 – QIC
  • Side Crunches – Waxjob
  • Big Boys – Frosty
  • Freddie Mercury – Butters

17 strong:  Homebody, Driftwood, SkiDog, Mayberry, Yo-yo, Excitebike, Tweet-E, Junk, Waxjob, Frosty, Butters, Biscuits, Wagon Wheel, Snitch, La-Z-Boy, Turtle, Bartman
Talked about a recent 10 year study that showed men who can crank out 40+ merkins in a single setting are 95% less likely to develop heart disease.   Do your merkins!!


I’ve been out for a while with a busy work and family schedule.   Great to be back in the gloom with you men on a regular basis….even better to be able to lead today.



THE SCENE: Nice and steamy.

Cherry Pickers, Merkins, Squats, Burpees – all in perfect form

  • Large Parking Lot – Stops at Every Line (10 Lines) – Round 1: 5 Perfect Merkins (50 total), Round 2: 5 Perfect Squats (50 total), Round 3: 2 Perfect Burpees with clap at top (20 total)
  • Sophomore Hill – Two groups, Each runs to the top for Round 1: 10 Perfect Merkins, Round 2: 5 Perfect Burpees with clap at top.  (Group was split to maintain Covid Distance)
  • Coupon Pile – Partner Up for “Bo Knows” – P1 holds squat against the wall with coupon extended, P2 does 100 High Knees.  Round 2: 50 High Knees.
  • With Coupon – 30 Curls, 30 Tricep Extensions  (perfect form, nice and slow)
  • Newer Parking Lot – Short Leadership Lesson – to be a good leader, you must be a good follower first – even when it sucks………….Bear Crawl across the entire lot.
  • Mosey back to Shovel Flag

No time
10 Strong
Q talked about the importance of discipline maintaining proper form during exercises, something JUCO is going to emphasize from now on.  This discipline transitions into everyday life, to include our walk with Christ. Q emphasized believers need to be bold in sharing their faith, something that can be costly at times – even at the cost of close relationships with family in the Q’s case.  Most people are one relationship away from hope that is found in Jesus.  Do you love him? Do you talk about him with others? God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. BE BOLD.
The PAX worked hard and noticed a difference in the amount of reps they could complete when they paid attention to form.  Great lesson and one we will continue to hold each other accountable on.  If you are cheating at the workouts, you are likely cheating in other areas of your life.  Let’s Go!