F3 Knoxville

Fade In/Fade Out

THE SCENE: 75 and Humid

->SSH (4ct IC) x20
->tempo squat (4 second down, 3 second hold, 1 second up) x5
->some of these/some of those
->quad stretch

Mosey to the top of the guard rails

Derkins x20

Mosey to the speed bump
-> speed bump
—- 20 (4ct) flutter kicks
—- 20 (4ct) Alt dead bugs
—- 20 (4ct) LBCs

-> Speedbump to Backbone
—- Bernie to top of hill/jog down
—- sprint to top of hill/jog down

—- 50 Merkins
Run to back bone

-> backbone
—- 5 pullups
—- 5 negative pull ups
—- 5 chin ups
—- 5 toes to bar/target

Run to top of hill

—- 10 1.5 squats
—- 10 lunges each leg
—- 10 close feet squats
—- 10 sumo squats

Tweet-E’s turn or Pee Rock lift with Junk


-> recently I had my father message me saying where his last will would be in case anything would happen. And that’s the thing about life, we never know God’s plan for us, but we trust him and follow his words or his message. This got me thinking about the impact we have on people around us.

This led me to some song lyrics by one of my favorite bands, which are:

Just the other day I looked at my father
It was the first time I saw he’d grown old
Canyons through his skin and the rivers that made them
Carved the stories I was told
He said
“Son, I have watched you fade in
You will watch me fade out
When the grip leaves my hand
I know you won’t let me down
Go and find your way
Leave me in your wake
Always push through the pain
And don’t run away from change
Never settle
Make your mark
Hold your head up
Follow your heart”
Just the other day I stared at the ocean
With every new wave another must go
One day you’ll remember us laughing
One day you’ll remember my passion
One day you’ll have one of your own

Because of all the uncertainties in life, I’m asking you to create some sort of message for the people around you. What sort of message do you want them to have. You can make a gratitude list for the people around you, you can list off a set of values that you have learned, whatever it is. Make it personal for the person you care about. Let the people around you know they are appreciated.

Thank you,

IronPax Week1 next Tuesday starting at 5:15am.

My kids planned this beatdown

THE SCENE: pleasant, oppressive humidity was noticeably absent

-5 Cherrypickers
-10 WW2’s
-15 Big boys
-20 Sprinter sit-ups
-If you finish ahead of pax, LBC’s

-Indian run with CMU to Duck pond

-50 merkins upon arrival.
-Run a lap. lunging 1/2 the boardwalk.

-Inch worm merkins for 15 parking spaces.
-Run a lap, lunging 1/2 the boardwalk.

-50 SSH

-Run a lap, lunging 1/2 the boardwalk.

-Plank until 6 is up


merkins, flutter kicks, etc


Get out there and talk to others about F3. Don’t make this something you just do in the gloom and then don’t talk about, I promise there is someone you know that needs the positivity that F3 forces into our lives
2 PAX went down on the Indian run, great to see everyone stop and care for them, wishing a speedy revocery to Rivers and Veep!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Hurry Up…We’re Waiting!

THE SCENE: Not sure the air temp, but it was humid

Start out with 20 SSH, Thai Fighters, Tempo Mtn Climbers, Tempo Merkin, and Windmills
Grab a CMU and head to the bottom of Baby Everest.

10 cards with 10 exercises. (Freddie Mecury’s, Curls, OH Press, CMU Squats, Plank, SSH, Bobby Hurley, Lawn Mowers, Block Merkins,   One designated runner picks an exercise and runs a loop up dragon tail and back down baby everest while the rest of the pax does an AMRAP of the chosen exercise until runner gets back.  The quicker the runner, the faster the pax is done with said exercise.  Everyone ran once around the loop.

Put up CMU’s and performed a merkin ladder in the parking lot. Spot one was one merkin…and so on.  Lunge between spaces.  10 spots total 55 total merkins.

Finished up with a little route 66 up the dragon tail with squats as the exercise of choice.

Back to AO



Had time to do 30 4ct Freddie Mercury, 25 4ct LBC’s , and ca$hed out with some ATM’$

Matthew 22:37-39

Don’t over complicate things.  God asks us to do today.  Today is our focus.  God has each of us exactly where he wants us today.  We are right where he wants us and we are to love him with all our heart, soul, and mind.  AND…love our neighbor as ourselves.




The Scene

73 Degrees and Sticky with a little rain at the end

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not a Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


10 Windmills

10 Imperial Walkers

10 4-count SSH

5 Froggers

10 Lateral lunges (L+R=1)

10 tempo merkins


Mosey to the CMU’s by the softball field

Pre-Grind (2 rounds)

10 Shoulder press

10 curls

5 swings

10 merkins


Mosey to back parking lot

Grind Session

Complete first exercise then take that one with you to the next station, complete that exercise again while adding another. 

10 burpees 


10 burpees

20 lateral lunges


10 burpees

20 lateral lunges 

40 BBS


10 burpees

20 lateral lunges 

40 BBS

60 American Hammers 


10 burpees

20 lateral lunges 

40 BBS

60 American Hammers 

80 Reverse Lunges 


Mosey to bus coupon pile

Post Grind (Partner Work)

1st guy holds a plank while 2nd farmer carries 2 cmus for 10 paces then switch (5 Minutes)


No time


20 HIM’s. Welcome FNG @Slip ‘N Slide


1 Samuel 12:24 

24 ”Only fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.”




THE SCENE: Hot. Humid. Perfect for taking on the walking dead!

20 SSH – 4 ct, IC
Little baby arm circles – 4 ct, IC
10 forward
10 reverse
10 tempo merkins
6 x 4 ct, 4 x 8 ct
5 Cherry Pickers
10 tempo squats
6 x 4 ct, 4 x 8 ct
10 Imperial Walkers – 4 ct, IC

All workouts were 3 rounds of AMRAP with 1 minute of work and 15 seconds recovery.

Indian run to bleachers
Box jumps
Boat Canoe

Indian run to upper lot
Iron mikes
Easy ups
Wall squats
Freddy Mercurys

Indian run to upper field
Hi/low plank
American hammers
Jump squats
Hello Dollys

Mosey back to AO

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).

After this and most workouts, I do feel like the living dead.  And there are always times that my muscles are on fire.  And these made me think of the first few chapters of Revelations that my Bible study group is going through right now.  Jesus gives some very stern warnings to the churches of the time which, in all honesty, scare me.  Revelation 3:1 “To the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars.  I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.”  He tells the church in Laodicea, “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!  So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” Rev 3:15-16

How many of our churches today have a reputation of being alive, but are actually spiritually dead?  How many Christians?  Dare I say, how many of us?  How many are lukewarm and are about to be spit from the mouth of our Creator and Savior?  And let me clarify, the Greek word used here for “spit” is literally vomit.  How many are so detestable to our Maker that we will literally make Him vomit us from His presence?  This is more than a warning.  This is a wakeup call!  The time is now!  If you’re not working for the Kingdom and His glory, you’re dead inside.  Even if others look at you and think you’re alive, if you aren’t bearing fruit, you’re dead.  And you need to wake up.  If you are lukewarm or even cold, get hot!  Set yourself ablaze with the Spirit!  Find someone to help you.  And then, start more fires!  Go out and set other souls on fire for Christ!  This is the only way that we can save our souls and this is the only salvation for our world!

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Collecting gently used clothing for Mend House
F3 Work Day at Mooreland Heights Elementary, Aug 8, 0845