F3 Knoxville

[f3knoxvillemain] King Builder (Convergence)

AO: f3knoxvillemain
Q: Tinker Bell-GTE Trainer (STL) , Motorboat (Indianapolis)
PAX: Blindside, Waxjob, Shuttlecock (Riley Brady Parmer), Rep Sleepy, Commission, P3, Z-Pack, Steam, skewer, Spellcheck, Single (Ryan Chambers), Brick, Tenderfoot, slappy, Gmail, Borg, The Situation, Maxime – Pittsburgh, Nubbins (F3 Muletown), Kodak (Joe Beach), Uncle Rico (Naperville), FixerUpper, Lizzy, CRISPR, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Tropicana, Charmin (John Willis), Pac-man, Stitch, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), OnStar, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Duggar, Choir Boy, Betty, Voodoo, Smoked Pickle, Grandslam, Einstein, Lilydipper, Pusher, Guppy, Guardrail, Median, Mermaid, KickFlip, Cheatsheet, Utah, Toretto, Honeydew, Tonka, Pom Pom (Grayson Vaughn), Eliza, Ribbed, I-Beam, Mathlete, Cart Girl (John Sadler) (Chatt, TN), Swanson, Abort (Jeremy Loftis), Dumpster Dive, Anchorman, Humper ( Sam Hartness ), David Wood, Bones, Rooter, scratch & win, full moon,, Ike
FNGs: 1 Ike
Q: Tinker Bell Bones Motorboat
Warm Up: Mosey to the base of Picket’s Charge
Thang 1:
Get Right-Fatigue makes a coward of us all
-Bones led a series of up and down the hill with Bomb Jacks, Burpees, Monkey Humpers
-Live Right-When in charge, take charge
-Motorboat led standard F3 exercises IC emphasizing staying together as a team and the importance of cadence
-Lead Right-Leaders build leaders
-Tinker Bell led 4 corners with exercises of No cheat merkins, no surrenders, and get ups. Guppie was tasked and taught to lead the group in SSH and 6ct burpee IC
-AAR process
-Leave Right-Virtuous leaders work themselves out of job
-Guppie taught Pusher to lead SSH and Burpees IC
-AAR process

Mosey back to flags

The COT was the Nant’an change from Kickflip to Mermaid.

Thunderdome Circles

AO: dogpound
Q: Mayberry
PAX: I-Beam, Lightweight, Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Waxjob
FNGs: None
Some stuff
Some circles in Thunderdome
Prayers for Waxjob’s daughter

Road Trip

AO: shamrock
Q: Eliza
PAX: Crawlspace, Curveball, Eliza, slappy, Mermaid, Trojan, Voodoo, Free Fall (Justin Whitaker), Caveman, Waxjob, Twitch
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Willie Mays Hays, Cherry pickers, twinkle toes, Merkin Wheel to 5

THE THANG: 4 corners up Weigels hill down dutchtown to cedar bluff and back.
15 merkins, 15 squats, 15 big boys

Mosey to Fire hydrant run down the hill cross the field and up the opposite hill and do 1 burpee. Repeat adding a burpee each time.

Mosey to CMU Pile

25 reps, OH press, Curls, Rows, Bench
20 reps right side row, left side row
15 reps swings
10 blockees

MARY: flutter kicks, Jane fondas, snow angels, 10 v ups OYO, pickle pointers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The pulpit launches Wednesday,

COT: Leadership and teamwork can be difficult. You’re not always right. Sometimes you’re wrong. Lead well. Serve Well.

Easter Zombies!

AO: shamrock
Q: KickFlip
PAX: Mermaid, slappy, Crawlspace, Caveman, Gringo, Toretto, KickFlip, Waxjob, Hot Pants, Stitch, Double Scoop, Twitch
FNGs: None
COUNT: 11 + 1
WARMUP: This and that – short mosey to the ichthys

20 second incrementing workout
1. Mountain Climber
2. HR Merkins
3. * Shoulder taps
4. Flutter kicks
5. Box cutters
6. Imperial walkers
7. Lunges
8. Bobby Hurley
9. Iron Mikes
10. * Monkey humpers

The Beast – keep track of your total # of cumulative reps. 15 minutes of work.
– 5 min burpees
– 4 min squats
– 3 min BBS
– 2 min merkins
– 1 min plank jack

No time!

April 5 – Escape from Haw Ridge
April 10 – Launching The Pulpit
April 26-28 – GTE
April 27 – Convergence

Zombies on Easter!
Mathew 27:50 Then Jesus shouted out again, and he released his spirit. 51 At that moment the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook, rocks split apart, 52 and tombs opened. The bodies of many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead. 53 They left the cemetery after Jesus’ resurrection, went into the holy city of Jerusalem, and appeared to many people.

Is there a part of your spirit that is dead? Your prayer life? Your ability/desire to forgive? Your compassion for people who are disadvantaged? Your leadership role over your family? Your contentment? If so, what better way to commemorate the original Good Friday than to let Jesus resurrect that part of you and make it come alive again….TODAY!

Angry Dora

AO: dogpound
Q: Lightweight
PAX: Stitch, Madoff, Mayberry, Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Waxjob
FNGs: None
The usual stuff

Dora to music, partner worked while other ran a lap then flip flop
American Hammers, Plank jacks, CDD, BBS, mountain climbers, squat thrusts, merkins, burpees, wall sits, curls

MARY: Flutter kicks

Escape from Haw Ridge 4/5
GTE 4/27

COT: Happy Easter, Enjoy the weekend!