F3 Knoxville

These CMUs ain’t geofenced!

THE SCENE: About 28 degrees. A few white specks wafting in on the breeze…First snow beatdown of the season!

25x SSH IC
10x Windmills IC
10x Tempo Merkins IC (last few niice and slow)
10x Travoltas each arm

Mosey over to the coupon pile, stopping halfway for 20x BBS OYO
Snag a Travelling Companion and continue on around toward the duck pond.
Stop at the parking lot just shy of the pond for OYO:
30 Overhead CMU Pulls
30 Merky-Derky (audibled to 20…)
30 Curls
Flutters for the six
Merky-Derky: Hands on CMU – one merkin. Bear crawl forward to feet on CMU – one derkin. Crawl bear to starting position. That’s one (sadistic count) or 2 (wussy count). We went with the wussy count and still audibled to 20. Those suck!
Resume traveling, past the buildings and up the hill. Gather for more OYO:
30 CMU Squats
30 4-count Mtn Climbers
30 more Curls
Flutters for the six

At this point, YHC realized there was no way we were gonna make it all the way across the street to that big set of stairs… Almost got the Travelling Companions off campus, but not quite. Turn around and head back, stop at the little set of stairs for Dora:
300 Calf Raises, 200 LBCs, 100 8-count Body Builders, running partner carries one CMU up the stairs, runs back down, carries other CMU up, then carries both down and tags partner.

Only a couple of pairs even made it to the body builders before we ran out of time.
Head back to return Companions to their home, then book it to the AO. Arrived 2 minutes late (sorry guys).

None due to poor time management by the Q.
13 this fine Wednesday, including one FNG – Welcome Teller (Daniel Tanner)!
I’ve mentioned this one before, but I need reminding of it myself pretty often: Eph. 5:25 – Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Not just his ultimate sacrifice on the cross, but daily, in every action. Extreme patience with his mule-headed disciples. Gathering the sick and lame to himself, even when he had just walked miles from another town or crossed the the sea all night under a raging storm in a rickety little boat. That’s giving yourself. How will you follow that example today?
Our Companions really slowed down travel… We can get to the Coupons or we can get to the stairs across the street, but definitely not both! Even without getting there, it still felt like a lot more running than I intended. PAX killed it anyway though with no [audible] cussing…
Don’t forget 3rd F on Saturday morning! Check GroupMe for the deets…

The 4th place solution!

THE SCENE: First legit cold of year, some fog, probably 10 degrees below average, ominous. Just the way we like it.

25x Imperial Squat Walker. (IC)

Listening Tubthumper by Chumbawampa, start with SSH at beginning of song, then every time they say, “I get knocked down, but i get up again” you do a burpee. While not doing burpees, you are continuously doing SSH. 27x burpees… No telling how many SSHs.

1 mile run with 20 burpees / 20 jump squats at quarter miles.


Round 1:

Hill repeats from fence to tree at the parking lot to soccer field close to Watt Rd. At the bottom 10x derkins, at the top 5x lunges each leg. Something like 14ish hill efforts. 

Round 2:

Ran out of time…. saving it

Pyramid Intervals on the soccer field. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1  laps perp. across on 75 sec intervals.

Round robin PAX selected efforts. box cutters and squats with partners saddled up.

6 HIMS straight dealing.

As HIMs we need to keep are heads up. People are hurting around us and we have the ability to impact them positively.
Barely got this published the same month…. leaving room for improvement.

Fiddy Two

THE SCENE: Its cold now


My usual


Cherry Pickers


Tempo Squat


OYO for last thing

Insert information about the workout.

  • Mosey towards low brick thingys
  • Quick flutter kick session IC x 52
  • 7s on the wall (Step ups and Man Makers)
  • Mosey to Sophomore(?) Hill
  • Doras 200 merks + 150 5 inch LBCs
  • The rest was suicides and sprints… of course some superman swimming was in there

Waxjob did the classic row boat while I grabbed my phone

I was recently accepted into medical school. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand it is a wonderful opportunity that I have worked very hard to attain, but also a whole slew of new doors and responsibilities await me. It is ironic that I have a certain place to go, yet I feel more uncertain now that I am accepted. With all that being said, it is time for me to go out into the world. There are times in life where opportunities arise and you must take the decisive step to take advantage of the opportunity. That means putting some of the uncertainty on hold and accepting it. It is a sort of leap of faith I suppose.

I know we all have done this after all. We all came out to our first F3 workout not knowing what to expect. Look at us now. 🙂
Toto mentioned during the COT that now is the time to reach out to our brothers. The holiday season can be the best of times and also the worst. Take the initiative and reach out!!!
3rd F comin up

Too dang hot!

THE SCENE: Like 32 degrees. I thought it was supposed to be 22? I dressed out way too warm.
(Had to yell it a bit so the PAX straggling in could hear)

0 Burpees
25 SSH
2 Burpees
10 HR Merkins
4 Burpees
20 Cossack Squats
6 Burpees
15 Crabettes
8 Burpees
15 LBAC fwd, 15 backward
(skip the 10 burpees… pretty sure we’ll make ’em up)

Mosey to the Ampitheater for the Memory beatdown game.
PAX take turns flipping 2 cards. If the cards don’t match, all PAX do BOTH exercises.
If the cards match they’re removed, and PAX just do that exercise followed by running a lap around the outside of the ampitheater.

The cards:
15 Merkins
15 Dry Docks
10 Iron Mikes (each leg)
10 Squat jump
10 Burpees
15 Monkey Hump 4ct
20 Mtn Climber 4ct
Bear Crawl to light pole, Crawl Bear back
20 Flutter Kicks 4ct
20 Big Boys

Managed to clear the Dry Docks, Iron Mikes, Squat Jumps, Burpees, and Mountain Climbers. Not bad for a weekday beatdown

Had to AYG across the field to get back to the AO in time… No Mary today.
12 strong today, no FNGs. (No tag for Crawlspace)
Ps 37:4 – Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Not what your (own selfish, sinful) heart desires, but His desires for you will be planted in your heart. You will desire what He desires, and we know that His knowledge and love for us are perfect.
This might be the last time for the Memory game cards… Or maybe not.
12/8: 3rd F at the Overlook. Praise for the birth of Cowbell’s daughter!

Brand New Beatdown, No Waiting

THE SCENE: Mid-30s, clear and brisk! YHC had to ditch the sweatshirt after pre-ruck.

Classic Zero-Burpee warmup
0 Burpees OYO
2 Burpees OYO
25 Mtn Climbers IC
4 Burpees OYO
15x LBAC IC fwd/back
6 Burpees OYO
10 Hand Release Merkins
8 Burpees OYO
16 Buddy the Elf IC
10 Burpees OYO

Mosey to the Coupon Pile, stopping halfway for 20 4-ct LBCs

2 CMUs each for Rock the Block Merkins

Ditch one and carry the other to the parking lot
Line up CMUs between 2 cones – 2 more cones set 60yd away.
Battle buddy up. One partner runs to the closest CMU and does 3 Blockee Broad Jumps to advance the block, then returns to relieve partner.
Meanwhile, other partner is doing work. Continuous reps while partner is gone, switching to next exercise with each trip:
Iron Mikes
Mountain Climbers
Keep alternating until all CMUs have passed the 60yd mark

Carry CMUs back to the pile, but circle up for a quick ring of fire with tricep extensions. Start with 1, go to 5.

Mosey back to the AO.
Oh, wait… that last stretch between stop signs? Let’s Burpee Broad Jump that section. Because YHC really doesn’t want to do that.
Just enough time for about three rounds of Row Your Boat
6 HIMs skipped the sales and came for a Free.99 beatdown instead!
Isaiah 40:30-31:
Even youths shall faint and be weary,
and young men shall fall exhausted;
but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.

Like Bagger earlier this week, we’re working on patience in my home. The big one for us regards the (hopefully) sale of our house. We’ve done what we can do, and now we wait for His time. But that waiting is not just passive, it’s active. Intentionally giving it to Him and His wisdom to work out in His time.

Thanks, Doubtfire for coming out for the pre-ruck!
Mend house workout Monday at 6.