F3 Knoxville

Piston’s Derriere Destroyer

THE SCENE: 45 degrees and drizzling rain (about to rain hard). Wonderful day to start with a gloom sess.

10x of the following:  SSH; Tempo Merkins; Tempo Squats; WMH; Chattanooga Pickers; Moroccan Night Clubs; Knoxville Pickers; finish with Undertakers.
Mosey to pavilion.

  • 1 burpee; 2 “Nancy Kerrigan” (Crossover back lunge – think skating); 3 Pickle Pointers
  • 2 burpees; 4 “NK”; 6 PP
  • 3 burpees; 8 “NK”; 12 PP

Continue this model until round 5 modify to 20 NK and 50 PP each round while continuing to add burpees.

At round 9, hold a glute bridge for 3-4 minutes, if you don’t break, you can skip round 10 of burpees.

Continue until round 12 of burpees.  For rounds 11 and 12, change PP to Fire Hydrants (25 per side).

Hold Al Gore for 1 minute.  30 second glute stretch each side; 30 second adductor stretch each side; 30 second forward stretch for hamstrings.

14 HIMs in the gloom today.

Leadership many times means having to think on the fly and be able to articulate things off the top of your head.  Abraham Lincoln was one of the best at extemporaneous speaking.  But Lincoln’s secret was that he actually practiced speaking extemporaneously – whether verbal or non-verbal in his preparation.

And while there may be times when we are completely taken off guard by something, as leaders we need to be ready to lead – with verbal and non-verbal leadership.  So care must be given in our preparation even if we never have the opportunity to demonstrate our preparedness.

1 Peter 3:15 states, “but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.”

Working through scenarios of preparedness is something we should do in several areas of life, whether for work, home, F3, and our Christian walk.  Be ready to lead.

Praises for new babies; prayers for Ride Along (sick) and Binks (House Hunting).
Binks to update Slack about 2nd F opportunity for rock climbing gym in Knoxville, discussed Ruck prep, and discussed purchase of AED during coffee.  Reviewed who was on Q over the next couple of glooms.

Repetition makes perfect punishment

THE SCENE: Dang that was cold……

obligatory ✅

SSH – 15

merkin tempo – 5

SSH – 10

squat tempo – 5

SSH – 5

knoxville cherry picker – 5

SSH – 10

Willie Mays Hayes – 6

SSH – 15
Mosey to pavilion

  • 50 bench dips
  • 50 toe merkins
  • 40 bench dips
  • 40 toe merkins
  • 30 bench dips
  • 30 toe merkins
  • 20 bench dips
  • 20 toe merkins
  • 10 bench dips
  • 10 toe merkins

Mosey to bleachers

  • 50 Merkins
  • Box jump to top of bleachers, walk back down
  • 40 Merkins
  • Box jump to top of bleachers, walk back down
  • 30 Merkins
  • Box jump to top of bleachers, walk back down
  • 20 Merkins
  • Box jump to top of bleachers, walk back down
  • 10 Merkins
  • Box jump to top of bleachers, walk back down

Mosey to Dugout

  • 60 second wall sit
  • 60 second plank
  • 50 second wall sit
  • 50 second plank
  • 40 second wall sit
  • 40 second plank
  • 30 second wall sit
  • 60 second plank

Mosey to Rampart sign

Lot tracer for 10 spots





  • LBAC
  • OHC


Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church.”
Ephesians 5:25

What a golden example Christ gives to his disciples! Few masters could venture to say, “If you would practise my teaching, imitate my life;” but as the life of Jesus is the exact transcript of perfect virtue, he can point to himself as the paragon of holiness, as well as the teacher of it. The Christian should take nothing short of Christ for his model. Under no circumstances ought we to be content unless we reflect the grace which was in him. As a husband, the Christian is to look upon the portrait of Christ Jesus, and he is to paint according to that copy. The true Christian is to be such a husband as Christ was to his church. The love of a husband is special. The Lord Jesus cherishes for the church a peculiar affection, which is set upon her above the rest of mankind: “I pray for them, I pray not for the world.” The elect church is the favourite of heaven, the treasure of Christ, the crown of his head, the bracelet of his arm, the breastplate of his heart, the very centre and core of his love. A husband should love his wife with a constant love, for thus Jesus loves his church. He does not vary in his affection. He may change in his display of affection, but the affection itself is still the same. A husband should love his wife with an enduring love, for nothing “shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” A true husband loves his wife with a hearty love, fervent and intense. It is not mere lip-service. Ah! beloved, what more could Christ have done in proof of his love than he has done? Jesus has a delighted love towards his spouse: He prizes her affection, and delights in her with sweet complacence. Believer, you wonder at Jesus’ love; you admire it–are you imitating it? In your domestic relationships is the rule and measure of your love–“even as Christ loved the church?”

-Charles Spurgeon

Greg to have our brother Rocket join us today. Love it when PAX get out to visit with us.

dproud of the turnout for painting at Cardinals family’s new home. What a blessing it was to see the men of F3 Knoxville being the feet and hands of Christ serving others in need.
AED – GO FUND ME is live, for now we will plan on AOQ carrying this item when we get. Ride along will be promoted to admin of the gofundme account, along with Lucille and Bobbit also in the circle of accountability. We will continue to raise funds until we reach our goal and then Lucille will purchase.

CSAUP Escape from Haw Ridge 4/14 currently have one team of 4 from Rampart, all welcome.

RUCK- Many opportunities to ruck this week including Monday night, Tuesday am, Thursday am

Shield Lock Bravo tooling up  contact Piston if you want in


Bear Crawl to Glory

THE SCENE: Beautiful sonny day, no gloom to be found

Covered full disclaimer for FNG in attendance

SSH – 15, Tempo Merkins x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, LBACF, LBACR, Moroccan Night Club x 10

Chatty CP’s, Knox CP’s, Willie Mays Hayes, SSH x 15


Mosey with CMU to Amphitheater

Buy in:

Bear Crawl to the top of the Amphitheater

10 Burpees

Crawl Bear back down

Main Beat down was a ladder exercise

Do first exercise, bear crawl to the top level, then run around amphitheater back down. Do first exercise, bear crawl to second exercise, complete it, then bear crawl to the top and return. Continue this pattern for every step of the amphitheater returning to the stage after each round.

Exercises were as follows:

First step 25 CMU Curls

Second Step 10 Derkins

Third Step 25 Dips

Fourth step, take CMU with you on this step, 25 Clean and Press, leave CMU at the top

Fifth step100 Heavy Squats

Cash out – Bear crawl with CMU from the Amphitheater to the fort, yes up the hill all the way until we touch it.

Watch out for that sidewalk in the middle of the path, busted my CMU on it.





Insert the WORD here.
Busted CMU no burpees performed…… Also, Iron Chef in the house
Cardinal Widow painting opportunity 3/18

Escape from Haw Ridge 4/14

Hardship Hill on the horizon, please join our team if you can. We have two open spots.

Basic Piston Gloom Sess

THE SCENE: 43 degrees at 5:15. Very little wind. Nice morning.

15x of SSH, Willie Mays Hayes, Mountain Climbers, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats, LBAC forward and back, Moroccan Night Clubs, Hallelujahs, and finished with Knoxville Cherry Pickers and Projectovators
Mosey to amphitheater

  • 50-40-30-20-10 of
  • Merkins
  • Air Squats

Between each round do 5 box jumps and run around theatre (approximately 100 meters)

  • Each PAX completes 3 pull-ups while the others do backward lunges until all PAX complete.
  • Finish as a group with 5 reps of merkins, squats, jump and run at amphitheater

Mosey back to circle for Mary

25x of fire hydrants (per side), Undertakers, leg raises, hand release merkins, wheel barrel merkins, and big boy sit-ups.
Acts 20:24 reads, ““But I consider my life of no value to myself; my purpose is to finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God’s grace.”

So many times we strive to “find God’s will” which is good, but we miss the point of doing His purpose now…no matter how hard of a grind that may be. God put us where we are now for a reason. Do the hard things and fulfill your purpose in the here and now.

Prayer requests for Lucille’s wife, Ride Along’s dad, Foghorn’s leg, and Cheeburger’s back. Praying for Bobbit and his safe travels. Praying for teachers and students the week before spring break. Praying for Wilbur’s wife and upcoming birth.
Cardinal’s Wife house project on March 18. Upcoming CSOPs at other AOs and Hardship Hill.

Working In & Working Out

THE SCENE: A long forgotten sultry 55.


  • SSH x15
  • Willy Mays Hayes x10
  • Knoxville Cherry Pickers x(I dunno…Just enjoy it)
  • Tempo Squats x10
  • Tempo Merks x10
  • Big Baby Arm Circles x10
  • LBAC x10
  • Reverse LBAC x10
  • Grady Corn x10
  • Chattanooga Pickers x10
  • SSH x10

Stretch ’em if ya got ’em!

Mosey to the platform.

This week is our schedule “Accelerate Your King: You vs. You Workout #2”. Some Rampart PAX took a shorter version of this test in August. Others are setting a baseline.

1. Max BBS in 1 minute
Partner up. Partner can hold your feet, if desired. Arms crossed at your chest or hands behind your head. Elbows touch your knees on “up”. Shoulders touch the ground on “down”.

2. Max merkins in 1 minute
Partner up. Partner puts his fist on the ground while other does merkins. Chest must touch his fist to count as a rep.

3. ~1.5 mile (2,400 meter) run for time
Distance does NOT have to be precise. Should be approximately 1.5 miles.

Slowzy to Pull Up Bars allllllllll the way to the other side of Rampart. YHC’s logistical error.

4. Max pull-ups
Max that can be performed before letting go of the bar. No time limit. Modify as necessary if AO lacks a good bar.

5. Max burpees in 5 minutes
Standard “full” burpee with a merkin and a jump. Clap or don’t clap…your choice. (Rampart. Always. Claps…Always.)

No time for Mary.


Real Faith involves discipline. God’s Grace works best when we cooperate with it.

Paul had a profound mixture of ardent faith and hardened discipline.

  • “I thank God, through Jesus Christ my Lord.” (Rom 7)
  • “I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.” (2 Tim 1)
  • “Salvation by faith alone so that no one can boast” (Eph 2)

Also said…

  • “But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection” (1 Cor 9)
  • “They, that are Christ’s, have crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts.” (Gal 5)
  • “So I fight, not as one who beats the air.” (1 Cor 9 again)

Paul put a lot of faith on God’s work and was a very disciplined.

Philippians 2:12-13
“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

Work In – God is working on the stuff you can’t see
Work Out – You’re responsible for the stuff you CAN see

1. Does your faith lack discipline?
Are you pinning it all on God for your growth?
Are you waiting to be inspired?
We have to put our desires into submission.

2. Does your discipline lack faith? (This might be a lot of us)
Two separate compartments
Or we get the idea that this earns God’s grace somehow.
Are you extra hard on yourself?
Are you beginning in your relationship with the Lord?
We’ll eventually run out of steam if we’re on our own.
Are you partnering with/cooperating with God’s grace in your life?

YHC’s guess is that we have a hard time reconciling the two.


YHC is PUMPED for the progress PAX have shown today. Everyone pushed hard. Everyone surpassed limits. Well done, HIMs.

Prayers for Lucille’s M, Binks house hunting, Wingman’s 2.0, Skeletor’s friend, and Feeny’s church. Praise for Ridealong’s M doing better.


  • Painting for Cardinal’s M on March 16. See Slack for details and sing up.
  • 2nd F opportunity at Top Golf on Monday evening. See Slack for details.
  • Piston on Q Saturday. Skewer on Monday.