F3 Knoxville

Circuit City

The-Scene: 63 degrees and sprinkling

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Squat 4ct IC x 15
Merkin 4ct IC x 20
Imperial Walker IC x 15

Mosey to the Rink w/ Brick or Pee Rock
Break up into groups of 3 – 1 at each end of the rink and 1 go between

Circuit 1:
Bobby Brick Hurley
GripRite Curls

10 Burpess OYO

Circuit 2:
Plie Goblet Squat
Brick Row
Farmer Carry (Street Side)

10 Burpees OYO

Circuit 3:
American Hammers
Caterpillar Burpees
Lunge & Press

Big 3’s (Bear Crawl, Back Peddle, Sprint) x 2

Mosey back to the AO

Banana Boat, Cherry Bombs c/o Flanders

Count off

In Freed to lead a Sad Clown has 3 holes that need to be filled. First is Pogo 40 where a man loses 40 lbs, just to gain it back, to lose it again, and to gain it back. The Sifter has to do with loneliness. A man has is Legacy Friends from High School and College, goes on Man Dates and has some work friends. This is a problem because we lack accountability. An acquaintance will not tell you when you’re backsliding. The last is The Reacher. It’s about a man who drifts aimlessly without real purpose. The only way to have real purpose is for a man to abandon himself and faith in something that he cannot see.
As men it’s alway easier to help someone than it is to accept help. No matter what we’re going through, there is either someone who has gone through it, is going through it now, or will go through something similar. We have to remember that when we allow someone to help us, we’re also giving them the opportunity to help us.