F3 Knoxville

First pm of the year

AO: thequacken
Q: Lizzy
PAX: Z-Pack, Tenderfoot, Wedding Singer, Choo choo
FNGs: 1 Choo choo

THE THANG: go to the track and at the start do 5 burpees, then lunge quarter lap, 5 more burpees, then sprint, 5 more burpees all the way around then repeat one more time. Frontwards bear crawl, then 5 burpees, backwards burpees, then 5 joker pushups. Indian run the track one lap

MARY: none

ANNOUNCEMENTS:gte this weekend with convergence

COT: talked about the 60/40 rule

Ruck Roulette

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Z-Pack, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Spellcheck
FNGs: None
Ruck a lap around the park

Ruck up to Gresham MS track, a fan fave
Ruck roulette – 1 exercise and rep count per PAX’s choice + 1 loop on the track
1. Fast – 10) 8 count man-makers IC with ruck
2. Spellcheck – 10) hand release merks IC
3. Z-Pack – 10) thrusters with ruck IC
4. FixerUpper – 3) bearcrawls up a hill, gingerly walk back down it

Flutter kicks with ruck overhead – 4 count x 50
30 quick cadence, 20 slow cadence

Haw Ridge tonight, GTE in 22 days

1 Cor 15 again. Is Jesus really alive? It makes all the difference in the world. If not, I have spent a lot of time talking to no one in particular and should be pitied like someone who is unstable.

I’ve also lost out on chances to get the last word in, make myself look better than I really am, and denied my cravings for no reason. But if he is, then I know someone who has (or is) resurrection power, says he’ll be with me, and that all things will work for my good.

If so, then…

Vanity >>> purpose
Death >>> life
Despair >>> hope
Fleeting time >>> eternity
Sin >>> forgiveness
Brokenness >>> redemption
Failure >>> victory
Bondage >>> freedom
Darkness >>> light

GTE fitness test

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Evan Wilson, Z-Pack
FNGs: None
WARMUP: warmup stuff

2 mile run
2 min max reps hand release merkins
2 min max reps butterfly situps

Min standards
Run – 18:18
Merkins – 34
Situps – 38

I think we all hit the minimums. Way to go fellas!

MARY: cloud gazers OYO

GTE is 24 days away

Read 1 Cor 15, remembered that the resurrection of Jesus is vital. Paul said it was “of first importance.” If this is not true, then we are pitiful, our efforts are in vain, and we should eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die! However, there are eyewitness accounts of his death, burial, and resurrection, many of whom were his first skeptics.

Circle of Gain

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: Z-Pack
FNGs: None
Abe Vigoda
Cherry Picker IC
Flamingo Stretch
Tricep and Shoulder Stretch
Michael Phelps
Tempo Merkins IC
Tempo Squats IC
Mountain Climbers IC
Run Panda Express

Six Exercises in a circle
1 Blockees
2 Dumbell Curls
3 Dumbell Rows
4 Lunges with CMU
5 Mucho Chesto
6 Overhead Squat Thrusters with CMU

Using Tabata Timer, Exercise for 45 sec. 10 sec. rest.
After completing a trip around the circle – I rucked a lap at Ftn City Park and stop at monkey bars to do 10 pull ups. Rinse and Repeat. I got 2 times around the circle and 2 laps.

Flutter Kicks IC
Dead Bugs IC
Bruce Lee IC
High Plank – 60 sec
Low Plank – 60 sec


seize the gloom

No Child Left Behind

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Z-Pack, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Lizzy, Gmail, Gordie
FNGs: None
Ruck a lap around the park

Ruck up some hills and back down them. fast-n-easy (Nate Votta) brought a child to carry. Just in general, its best to check with the Q for the day before bringing children. Also, the child was female? (ok, actually, it was an awkward 50# bag of sand).

We carried her around until Gmail dumped her into the AO parking lot.

About a 2.8 mile loop.

MARY: nah

Smokies Convergence tomorrow at SoKno (South Doyle HS)

There are some uncomfortable parts to the Psalms. However, we shouldn’t avoid thinking about them or trying to understand them.
Remembering these are important
the context of when and why Psalms were written
the “whole counsel of scripture” (i.e. Jesus’ teaching)
we should not attempt to edit the Psalms