F3 Knoxville

That one time we played Uno


THE SCENE: Clear, calm and low 60s maybe?

SSH, jog to bb sideline, high knees back, mummy kicks down, lung back.  Little baby arm circles.  Jogged around the park some, stopping at pavilion
We played a game of Uno.  Each player had to do the exercise based on the card the previous player played.  After completing the exercise, that player then plays a card.  Only special cards could be played before doing an exercise.  Each color represented a different exercise.  The number shown on the card determined how many reps.  While player is away doing exercise the remaining players rotated doing: step ups, squats, wall sits.

  • Blue: burpess on bridge closest to pavilion
  • Red: sprints on bb court.  Baseline to baseline = 1
  • Yellow: Box cutters on bridge by softball fields
  • Green: pull ups on playground


  • Skip: play to pass the exercise to the next player
  • +2: next player draws 2 cards and must do 2 extra reps of the last exercise card played
  • Reverse: play order reverses and the player who just played must do the exercise on the card he played
  • Wild: must do one rep at each exercise station
  • Wild +4: must do 4 reps at each exercise station and draw 4 cards

Too busy having fun with Uno.  Didn’t have time for Mary.
Had Connors from suburbs of Chicago join us this morning!

Dark and difficult times lie ahead – theQuotes.me

This is so true in life!  What is right is often hard.  What is easy may not always be best for you or those around you.  This is one of the main reasons we get up between 4:45-5:00 AM to meet.  Doing difficult things makes you better.  Take time in life to question whether you are doing something because it’s right or because it is easy.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

  • 2.0 workout at Bombshelter at 8:15 on 6/25
  • Convergence on 7/2