F3 Knoxville

Trifecta + Bonus

Asylum Daybreak
AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Steam
PAX: Brick, Bookman, Jumbo(Carter Dickens), Tropicana, Mia (Max), Mermaid, Eliza, Drum Major, Cart Girl (John Sadler) (Chatt, TN), Lilydipper, lebowski, Qbert, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), High Heels, Grandslam, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), 0
FNGs: 1 0
– 6-Count Burpee: 10×4
– SSH: 12×4
– Mountain Climber: 14×4
– Merkin: 16×4
– Morrocan Night Clubs: 18×4
– LBC: 20×4

(1) Rings of Power
– 7s
– Merkins (bottom)
– Squats (top)
– 6:1, 5:2, 4:3, 3:4, 2:5, 1:6
– 6 Merkins first
– Run the inner ring

(Mosey to Muscle Beach)

(2) Muscle Beach
– Modified Murph
– 50 pull-ups/chin-ups
– 100 merkins
– 150 squats

(Mosey to Isengard)

(3) Isengard
– Wall: Incline merkins
– Wall before pavilion: Box jumps/step ups
– Bear crawl up the green
– Run back down the stairs

(Mosey to the new AMP)
– 10 incline merkins
– bear crawl up to the next level
– 10 decline merkins
– crawl bear to the next level
– 10 incline merkins

(Mosey back to the flag — taking the two rucks from Eliza and Mermaid – switching between men along the way)

– Cherry-pickers
On The Curb / Down + Backs
– Karaoke
– Rockette/Zombie 1/2 way down – slow mosey the rest of the way and back
– 25%
– 50%
– 75%
– 100%

– Lilydipper is apparently the new interim AOQ – congrats! A true Vol.
– Q101 at bluegrass-pm-otb on 8/14 led by me and Pele (Jon Lindberg).
– 9 Year Anniversary coming up in November – more details to come, but if anyone wants to be part of the leadership and planning team – DM me.
– qsource-ao tomorrow morning at 0600 at the HGTV Overlook
– Borg is on Q
– Q-3.3 — Trust (Reliance Between Team Members)


Three A’s and an F. Known as “four notes that changed the world” according to many scholars, or also known as the beginning to Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. We’ve all heard it. We know it.
– Yesterday, my wife and I had the opportunity to connect with other life group leaders within the Young Adults ministry at Fellowship, and listened to Brent Crenshaw teach for a few moments. Something he said stuck out to me:
– “It’s the white space between the notes that help make the music.”
– It had never occured to me that the white space in between the notes help establish the necessary spacing in order for the composition to go smoothly. No one really ever pays attention to the white space between the notes, becuase it’s all about the notes and how they come together.
– But without the white space between the notes, the Fifth would probably sound like 30-40 minutes of notes rear-ending each other in a never ending crash. Chaotic.
– Things are happening between the notes (like space/time/rest), but we just don’t see it or forget the importance that the white space between the notes holds.

Don’t negate the work God is doing in between the big things in your life. Sometimes, it is in the quiet space in life that God speaks the loudest. It’s been true for me. With the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit, the work that is done in the white space between the notes should not be dismissed or looked over. Keep at it. Don’t give up. In other words, stay the course, keep the faith, and fight the good fight. Take this truth and run with it today!