F3 Knoxville

Trying to turn back time


THE SCENE: A Fantastic 60

15 SSH

10 Tempo Merkins

10 Tempo Squats

10 LBAC Foreward 10 Backward

10 Morrocan Night Clubs

10 Grady Corn

10 Hallelujah

10 Chattanooga Cherry Pickers

5 Cherry Pickers

Mosey to the track (Our last day on the track before the city closes it down for upgrades!!) Perform a modified Millennial routine. Preform 50 of determined exercise then sprint 100m.

  • 50 squats; sprint 100m
  • 50 LBC; Sprint 100m
  • 50 Merkins; Sprint 100m
  • 50 SSH; Sprint 100m
  • 50 Toe Merkins; Sprint 100m
  • 50 Lunges; Sprint 100m
  • 50 2-count Flutter Kicks; Sprint 100m
  • 50 2-count Mtn. Climbers; Sprint 100m
  • 100 Hallelujahs; Run full lap
  • 50 Burpees; Indian run full track

Mosey back to circle. Plank while AC/DC Thunderstruck plays. Every time thunder is said do a merkin every time “Thunderstruck” is said do a burpee. Ring of fire squat jump to 4.


Dealers Choice around the circle
5 Awesome PAX
From “Dailydad.com Slow down or you’ll miss this gift” Were seemingly in a rush all the time, always in a hurry to get to the next thing, for seemingly no reason. Meanwhile our children, friends and family often take the back burner and we rush so much that we wind up missing them and everything important that one day we’ll give anything to get back. So slow down and appreciate today appreciate the ones around you and make sure to remind them ow much you love them.
Pray for the boys on the DR and DL and for all the men that showed up.
Rampart shirts are LIVE!! Put the orders in we have to weeks to get at least 12 in order for the  to go to print. Starting next month were gonna plan on getting coffee together every first Saturday of the month. 2nd-f opportunities are still always welcome though.