F3 Knoxville


The Project
AO: the-project
Q: Haggis
PAX: slappy, Tom Tom, Ocho, Mathlete, Hoorayus, Flying Dutchman, Nerf
FNGs: None
Lord’s Prayer
Mission of F3
Core Principles
Disclaimer- modify if you have an injury or feel an injury coming on. Do not modify if it is hard.
SSH X 20
IW X 15
Ranger Merkin x 10
Don Quixote x 10

Mosey to Brickyard and stop halfway for 2 burpees

Upright row x 15 with CINDY
Aiken legs (15 squats, 15 step ups, 15 lunges, 15 calf raises x 3 modes)
Flutters x 15 F3 count with CINDY raised

Kraken Burpee (3 hand release merkins at bottom of burpee) x 5
Lt Dan 1-5 with coupon, 6-9 without coupon, 10 with coupon
Hello Dolly x 15

Colt 45 curls (10 bottom half of movement, 10 top half of movement, 10 regular movement, followed by 5 of each to reach the full 45)
Bonnie Blairs x 15
E2K x 10 each leg
Burpees x 10
Overhead Press x 15
V ups x 15

Overhead press walk to Staples
Complete 15 Hello Dollys
OHP walk back to Brickyard with 15 curls half way
Something else and then rack the bricks and head back to flag
Half way complete 8 more burpees

MARY: No time


COT: Colossians 3:23-24
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

With everything you do, remember that you are not just serving a client, a patient, your wife, your family, but it is the Lord who receives all that we do.

Also when thinking about your WHY for coming to F3 in the morning, what is your purpose and goal. Think back to your first Q and the joy/difficulty that it brought to know that you are making a difference for yourself. The challenge is to focus on 3S2T (Strength, Stamina, Speed and Toughness: Mental and Physical). Some days you may be able to focus on 1 or 2 and others your can strive for all 5, but whatever you do, just get 1% better.

Prayers for all in attendance and those who couldn’t make it. Prayer requests for Haggis closing on home in 45 minutes.
Pledge of Allegiance