F3 Knoxville

[westhillsotb] Extortion 17 Hero WOD

AO: westhills-ruck-otb
Q: Steam
PAX: Brick, Mermaid
FNGs: None
– Michael Phelps: 10×4
– Cherry Pickers: 10×4
– Rockette: 10×4
– Mountain Climbers: 10×4
– SSH: 10×4

— Extortion 17 Hero WOD —
8 Rounds For Time:
– 8 Sandbag Thrusters
– 6 Upright Rows with Knee-ups 
– 11 Squat Jump Over Sandbag
– 400m Sandbag or Ruck Carry AFAP
– Standard Sandbag 60#/40#

On August 6, 2011, the final flight of Extortion 17 resulted in the single deadliest incident for the US military during the War in Afghanistan. When the Boeing CH-47D Chinook helicopter was hit, all on board were instantly killed. The resulting crash killed 31 Americans on board including 17 US Navy SEALs. Extortion 17 represents the greatest single-incident loss of American lives in Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan.

Learn more here: www.navysealmuseum.org/extortion17


– No official AO name decided upon — I will send a message in the channel later today with more info and details.
– A decision will be made on Wednesday in preparation for the launch on 9/2
– Official AO launch next Monday!
– 7am – 8am
– Coffeteria post-COT

Discussion about naming the AO, the importance of name, the sermon on gender at Fellowship yesterday, and the men who were KIA in Extortion 17.
– We always have the least amount of compassion for the things we don’t struggle with. We always have the most amount of compassion for the things we do struggle with.
– There is a weighty-ness to what we’re doing here at this AO — that goes much deeper than just rucking, strength training, or conditioning.
– Honor the heritage.