F3 Knoxville

[westhillsotb] I may have been wetter after this workout than when it rained

AO: westhills-ruck-otb
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Spellcheck, Borg, Mermaid, Steam, Lizzy, Single (Ryan Chambers)
FNGs: None
This was a simple workout in design, difficult in practice.

We warmed up and did S L O W (the correct way) cherry pickers, and a few other things before grabbing our bags, and additional sandbags and kettle bells and went to MOTO hill. At the top of the hill, we set the heavy things down and did a set of 20 Monkey Humpers in Cadence at the entrance to the West Side Y. We picked up our heavy things, and went back down the hill.

I explained the Ruck Tabata, which was 6 stations, for 1 minute each, 15 seconds in between stations for a total of 6 times. We were encouraged to wear a vest or ruck at 20-30lbs, then we had weight options at each station if you wanted to dial up the workout. The statins were as follows:
Sandbag Thrusters
Sissy Squats
Good Mornings

The total elasped time of the above was about 45 minutes, so another trip up Moto hill was in order, to revisit Monkey Humpers and the entrance where we bumped into Swimmies.

We then had a COT talking about the amazing COT that Commission shared on Friday focused on 1 Kings 19:19-21.

Where in your life do you need to be as committed as Elisha?