F3 Knoxville

100 BPMs (Burpees Per Mile)


THE SCENE: Nice.  In the 50s.

SSH x 20 (4 ct)

Rockettes x 10 (4 ct)

Baby Arm Circles Forward x 10 (4 ct)

Baby Arm Circles Backward x 10 (4 ct)

Some Michael Phelps

Little bit of this and that and this and that again

Tempo squats x 10

Tempo merkins x 10

Mosey to the flag pole (the light is still working – thanks, Snitch)

25 burpees at the flag

Run a lap

Rinse and repeat for 4 rounds to equal 100 burpees and 1 mile

Mosey to the rocks for some rock work

25 curls

25 overhead presses

25 tricep extensions

25 rows

Mosey back to the AO

Flutter kicks x 25 (4 ct)

Hello dollies x 25 (4 ct)

Box cutters x 25 (4 ct)

Leg raises x 11 or 12 but we hit 6:15, and Ribbed wouldn’t let us get to 25 (although I think we could have gotten to 25 before the clock hit 6:16)

11 HIMs (Pondzi and Dusty included but their tags are not showing up)

My kids have to do burpees as punishment for bad behavior.  It occurred to me that I needed to do burpees for my own bad behavior.  As a parent, I’ve gotten good at recognizing bad behavior in my kids and dealing with it, but I’ve probably gotten worse at recognizing my own bad behavior and dealing with it.  Plus, if my 12 year old can do 130 straight burpees once and 100 straight burpees another time, then I/we could at least do 100 divided into groups of 25 with a 1/4-mile break in between.  Next time, I may go up to 50 burpees followed by two laps, rinse and repeat.  Or maybe 100 burpees followed by four laps.  We can’t be outdone by a 12 year old, can we?  (I may not be asked/allowed to Q for a while.)

Prayers for Ribbed’s wife and Lillydipper’s wife.

I didn’t mention it at the time, but there is a convergence at Bomb Shelter on 10/17 at 7:00 a.m.