F3 Knoxville

15 Days Away…

AO: juco
Q: Windex
PAX: Guardrail, Mailbox, Love Shaq, Wheelchair (Jonathan Perelman)
FNGs: None
15x SSH, LBAC Forwards and Backwards, Tempo Squats, Tennessee Rocking Chair

Mosey to the big lot – stop, drop and do 1 Merkin w/ 4 Plank Jacks and progress through 2,8 – 3,12 – 4,16 – 5,20.
Mosey around a few islands and find a tree with some grass – stop, drop and do 1 BBS w/ 4 (2 count) American Hammers and progress through 2,8 – 3,12 – 4,16 – 5,20.
Mosey to the quad and find the brick wall(s) and get down on some 15’s. As follows:
1 Dip (one side of wall), 1 Merkin (on top of wall), 1 Dip (other side of wall). That’s :point_up:. Run to the covered area down the stairs and do 14 Squats. Repeat until finished with 15’s.
Mosey back the way we came and stop at the last stop sign before the flag – do 15 Burpees collectively (3 each). Mosey to the flag.

Flutter Kicks, Freddy Mercurys, Hello Dollys, and LBC.

UnCOVEred this Saturday. Dad camp in August.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
– The plans He has for us always exceeds our wildest expectations because it aligns with what we are meant to be doing, not what we expect we should be doing.

Proverbs 27:1
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.
– This does not forbid preparing for tomorrow, but presuming upon tomorrow

God’s Perfect Timing

On June 25th my daughter went about her normal Tuesday stuff, and Beki and I took my mom up to Cades Cove. The entire time we were up there, Beki felt stressed about not having cell service. The second that we got out of the park, and her phone got service, she got a phone call from a stranger who was with Maddie and stopped to help. She didn’t miss a call, there weren’t a bunch of voicemails…it was literally that the service bars came back, and the phone rang. Perfect timing. We rushed to UT and were there when the ambulance showed up. Perfect timing. Work was at a point that I could step away and be there the entire time. Perfect timing.

But in all of this, I’m looking for, and becoming more aware of God’s timing. My daughter has been struggling with anxiety and depression, and then, boom, throw this on top of all of that. I just have to keep remembering that there is a plan in all of this, because God’s timing for everything, no matter what, is never off.

When I think about Maddie’s accident, I can’t help but wonder “how does this align with what she is meant to be doing?” I don’t know the answer to that question, but I pray that Jesus would reveal the answer to her, because I know that she is wondering as well.

Thank you guys for all the prayers and support. I’m extremely happy to say that she’s coming home tomorrow!! 😃