F3 Knoxville

Thrusters in the rain

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Soggy but warm

-5 Cherry Pickers

-10 Merkins OYO


-Mosey to the church parking lot for suicide run. Stop at each parking island for 5 burpees, head back to the AO.

-February Thruster Challenge! Times ranged from mid-4’s to 15:00. EVERYBODY pushed through a tough challenge, some lost some skin in the process but the PAX got stronger for sure.

-Dora style 100 WW2’s and 150 American Hammers with a CMU while your partner runs to the grinder for 25 SSH

Hold CMU’s in an overhead resting position and execute slooooooowwww squats until time was up
Butterfingers, Snorkel, Fins, Drifter, Moses, Woodshack, Pinnocchio, Taco, KY, Espy
The moment when your young children wake up in the morning and come out of their rooms to embrace you is a special time. I’m usually in my recliner, drinking coffee and as soon as I hear their door open I stop whatever I am doing and open my arms to embrace them. Our heavenly Father desires the same time with us – So instead of grabbing your phone and getting busy checking email, social media or whatever – Just stop, pause for a moment – and realize that God is there waiting on you to come and be with him just like you wait for your kids. It can be short, 5 minutes being quiet, studying his word, listening.  Can you imagine if your kid walked out of his/her bedroom and saw you waiting with open arms and said.. “hold on dad, I’ve got to reply to this person or see what happened while I was sleeping.” Seems kinda silly right?
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