F3 Knoxville


Truck Stop

THE SCENE: Just 30, but with the breeze it feels colder than some of those single digit mornings the last couple of weeks.  Nice coat of snow on the grass, but the pavement’s all dry.

SSH x20 IC
Warmup lap around the parking lot
TN Rocking Chairs x20 IC
Tempo Squat x15 IC
LBAC x15 IC fwd and back
One more warmup lap
Monkey Humpers x15 IC
Snot Blowers OYO


Five 50/50s on all the beautiful snow-covered turf fields of the luxurious Truck Stop. And one parking lot.

50/50s: Sprint 50 yards, do 50 reps (25 of each exercise), sprint 50 yards, do 50 reps

Mosey over the bridge (carefully… It’s covered with snow but not really slippery) to the lot beside the Watt Road field for
50/50s: Pickle Pounders/Gas Pumps

Mosey back around to the soccer field nearest the AO for
50/50s: Carolina Dry Docks/Ice Skaters

Back to the parking lot for
50/50s: Big Boys/Dips

To the upper field (15 impromptu body weight rows at the new outhouse along the way) for
50/50s: Merkins/Squats

Watt Road field for
50/50s: 4-ct SSH, 4-ct Imperial Walkers

Final mosey around the park to pick up the Weinke pieces, back to the AO for some Roll Your Own with the exercise D12.
2 rolls for everyone, to the best of my memory, it went something like:
-20 Iron Mikes
-15 Crab Walk Toe Touches
-10 Squat Jumps
-15 Burpees
-15 Star Jacks
-1 minute Jump Ropes
-15 Merkins
-15 Calf Raises
-20 Iron Mikes
-15 Burpees

15s Star Gazers after that last set of burpees…
Roll over for 15 Side Crunch IC both sides
A little bit of Protractors
25x LBC IC
AMRAP Merkins for the last minute!
5 HIMs this morning, no FNGs
I recently got the opportunity to get some constructive feedback that brought about a bit of an internal struggle for me between my ego and my rational mind. My ego wanted to go straight to being defensive or make justification/excuses for what needed improvement, but that is totally the wrong reaction. I had to take a step back mentally and make the decision to flush that ego down the toilet and open up to that feedback. Without that, I can’t improve. We’re all here in this relationship as HIMs and in our daily lives to help one another get better… Be careful not to let your ego get in the way of that process.
PAX moved fast in the cold today. Blew right through the 50/50s. Great to have Tank show up at Coffeeteria!
Alcoa CSAUP Feb 24!