F3 Knoxville

52 Card Beatdown with CMUs

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: Herbie, DoorKicker (Jud), Shotgun, FixerUpper, Z-Pack
FNGs: None
Knoxville Cherry Pickers
OH Claps
Baby Arm Circles
Imperial Walkers
Raise The Roof

52 Card Beatdown
:heart: = Burpees
:diamonds: = CMU Thrusters
:spades: = Squats with CMU
:clubs: = CMU Curls
The card number is the number of reps. Jacks are 11 reps, Queen 12, and King 13.
Ace = 25 SSH, 4 count and jokers are wild

No, we ran out of time, but we made it though the entire deck.

Fixer is doing a Burpee Extravaganza on Friday instead of the ruck.
Hot Toddy Q at the Asylum on Saturday at 7am.
February is for VQs. If you haven’t Q’d before, F3 Knoxville AOs are encouraging you to lead a workout. The mission of F3 is to invigorate male community leadership afterall, and leading a workout is a great way to train your leadership muscles. Our 1st F Q, Butter knife, is encouraging us to use Q101 training to help us in our Qs.

Relax in the Lord
Psalm 23 talks about a good shepherd with his flock. The bible often refers to God’s people as sheep. Sheep are dumb and they need alot of looking after. We need a good shepherd, and thankfully one is available. We can trust and relax in Him.