F3 Knoxville

Hot Pinto Beans on a Cold Night

Asylum AM

The Scene: Low 20’s and cold

SSH x 15
Windmills x 10
Cherry Pickers x 10
180 Jump Squats x 10 in each direction
Merkins x 20

The Thang
Mosey to football field
Full Field Suicides x 5
Go 1/4 way and reverse, 1/2 and reverse and to the end at end do 10 burpees at the beginning do 10 jump squats
50 burpees and 50 jump squats total

Mosey to playground with coupon (paver)

20 Big Boy Sit-ups with paver
20 Bicycle
20 Plank to Dolphin
20 Jack Knife Sit-Ups
20 American Hammer
20 InchWorm Pushups
20 Flutter Kicks
20 Hello Dolly
20 Canoe/Boat

20 Dips 20 Decline Merkins
15 Dips 15 Decline Merkins
10 Dips 10 Decline Merkins

Mosey to Pull-Ups in the Dugout
10 Pullups x 2

Mosey back to AO

BOM- Isaiah 53:5

But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.

In this assurance that we know without a doubt that our wounds have been healed through His death on the cross. This brings us the ultimate peace and gives us comfort in knowing that He has done it all for us.

It was a great night out with Pinto really crushing our core. Included 3 grizzly veterans with three 50+ respecters showing everyone who is boss.