THE SCENE: Sunny and windy, temp close to 70 degrees
20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Tempo Merkins, Arm and Leg Raises from Merkin Position, 10 Tempo Squats, 10 Cherry Pickers
Mosey to Roadshow Run. At top of Roadshow Run we will do 20 Merkins. Run down stairs. At first grassy area we do 20 Big Boys. Run down next two flight of stairs all the way to perimeter trail. At grassy area we will do 40 Baby Crunches. Run all the way back up Roadshow Run. Rinse and repeat two more times but end at perimeter trail instead of running up Roadshow Run the last time.
Mosey to trail that extends from road near North Entryway to Park and which goes all the way to the beginning of the Perimeter Trail. We will do the following every ten lights on the trail: Bear Crawl to first light, run next four lights, lunge to 6th light, run the next four. Repeat until end of trail.
Mosey to Outdoor Chapel. Elevens with Decline Merkins at Stage and Mountain Climbers at other end of chapel.
Mosey on Road going south and then east past soccer fields. Twenty Hello Dollies before stop sign.
Mosey to Stop Sign at Southeast corner of Admin Bldg. Twenty American Hammers
Mosey to Boulder Pile. 20 Overhead Presses. 20 Curls.
Mosey to AO.
Six men. No FNG’s.
Remember Cap’n Crunches words about the Redwood Trees. As tall as they are, one would think their roots go down at least 100 ft into the ground. Yet, their roots may only go down 6 to 12 feet. Yet these trees are sturdy and strong. What makes them so strong? Their roots connect to the roots of other Redwoods. These trees stand mighty because they hold each other up. Men, let us be mighty in the same way. We cannot do these workouts without each other. We are HIM’s because we have each other’s backs. Iron Sharpens Iron!!!!