F3 Knoxville

A fist of five

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

20 Side-straddle hops, arm and leg lifts from plank position, 10 slow tempo merkins, 20 squat jumps, 10 cherry pickers

Mosey down Roadshow Run to Perimeter Trail where it goes close to Lyons Bend.  20 American Hammers (four count).  20 Hello Dollies (four count).

Mosey to Bottom of Mt. Everest.  Five Burpees then run around first tree and back to do Baby Crunches until all men have returned.  20 Box Cutters.

Mosey to Shady Area by Maintenance Bldg.  20 Flutter Kicks (four count).  20 Bicycle Kicks (four count).

Mosey to Road entering from Western Gate to Park.  Head East.  Go down hill on right by stop sign.  Thirties starting with five Merkins at bottom of hill and 25 Big Boys at top on road.  We will work up (or down) in increments of five for the exercises.

Mosey to Stop Light at Southeastern Corner of Admin Bldg.  20 American Hammers (four count).  20 Hello Dollies (four count).

Mosey to Boulder Pile.  Each man grabs boulder.  25 Overhead Lifts, 25 Curls, 25 Rows, and 25 Squats with Boulder.  Then run to space needle, going to top and back down.  Come back to boulder pile and rinse and repeat the exercises with boulders.

Mosey to AO.

Boat canoe.

We, as men, need to learn the art of listening.  Active Listening is harder than one thinks.  It involves truly listening to the other person without interrupting.

Mistakes of listening:  cutting the person off, thinking we know what they are saying when we truly don’t, judging the other person, interjecting our own “answer” without truly understanding the problem, belittling the problem by buttering it over, saying things like “oh, it’s alright”, “you will get over it”, “it’s not that bad”, “It’s God’s will.”

Active listening involves a true attempt to focus on the person, conveying with words, facial expression and tone that you hear, understanding and reflecting the emotions that the person is conveying.  Active listening, in fact, can include reflective listening, where we give a brief synopsis of what the person said so that they know you are there with them.

Benefits:  the person feels understood, the person is more likely to trust you, the person gains from sharing their true experience, the person is empowered, and, through the empowering, the person often figures out a solution to the problem.

We need to try this more with women.  Women often times don’t want to hear solutions when they speak to us.  They just want to be heard, to be understood.

We need to try this with our children.  When kids are understood and allowed to come up with their own solutions, they usually do a very good job at reaching the correct solution.

We need to try this in our mission work with others.  People don’t want to hear your magical answer about God or Jesus saving them until they know they are understood by you – until you respect the power in them, the beauty in them, the I am your equal if not even better in them.


2nd F immediately after workout at Abridged Beer Company.