F3 Knoxville

Change of plans

The Dog Pound

THE SCENE: The dog pound, 32° and clear

SSH X20, Superman  inch worms x10, mosey to outhouse
DORA tour,Partner up

DORA 1: outhouse Run from AO/150 merkins and 100 squat jumps

mosey to The “boat” with 1 CMU per team

DORA 2: run down trail by docks and circle back after climbing rocks up/100 CMU curls and 100 CMU presses

Leave CMUs and mosey to steps

DORA 3: run up steps and up the hill to the rock/150 dry docks and 200 squats

mosey back to the “boat” the scenic route by the docks. Pick up CMUs and mosey to AO

41 flutter kicks, some yoga crap, 50 LBCs
8 pax
I told the PAX about the program I have been watching on Amazon called World War II in HD. It was a phenomenal program that really changed the way I thought about our history and the men and women that served our country during that time. I shared with them some stats on the number of casualties during World War II and the millions of people that died as a result of evil men. The sacrifice that they gave to protect the innocent and save our world was  unbelievable.  It made me think about the small sacrifices that we need to make on a daily basis for others.. weather it be our family, our friends, or even complete strangers.

Watch WWII in HD, it will change you.

The pax was pretty quiet today except the occasional massive fart from Sparky. Aladdin for 2nd time but there was no tag yet for him on site.
Prayers for jobs, flood victims