F3 Knoxville

CMU Thieves

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: 72°F. Apx 1000%RH

SSH x25 IC
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
Crabettes x15 IC
Mtn Parkers x15 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC
Grab some CMUs!
20x hop over CMU (side to side) OYO
20x hop over CMU (front to back) OYO
10x Merky-Derky OYO (Hands on CMU, Merkin, bear crawl forward until feet on CMU, Derkin, crawl bear back. That’s 1)

Leapfrog run with CMUs:
Split into two groups.
First group stays put and does exercise.
Second group runs about 100 yards, stops, and does exericse.
First group catches up and runs about 100 yards beyond, stops, and does exercise. R&R for a bit more than a mile.
Each group does each exercise for 2 stops, then switches to the next exercise:
Overhead Press
Bent Over Rows
Tricep Extension
Upright Rows

Finished up near the playground… Doubtfire wanted to play, so we moseyed in for 25 box jumps OYO before returning the CMUs to the AO

Does this have a name? Whatever it is, we did 10 of them:
From BBS position, hold CMU with straight arms, bring it down and touch the ground above your head.
In one smooth motion, bring it back up, out past your knees, and rise to a standing position, then back down.
Cash out with about 25 Merkins

Just four PAX today… One on Q and 3 that forgot to check the Q schedule and found themselves at a Waxjob beatdown.
During today’s Q, there were times of just standing still, doing work, while others cruised on by. Life can seem like that sometimes. You seem stuck in one spot, not making progress no matter how hard you work, while others seem to be moving at a rapid pace. In those times, be patient. Wait on God. Keep doing the last thing He told you to do. When it’s His time, He’ll move you.
We definitely looked the part of Asylum inmates today, stealing CMUs one at a time and running off with them…
Farragut Independence Day Parade on the 4th… Come out and put the EH on some sad clowns!