F3 Knoxville

Wet to Dry


THE SCENE: Wet, rainy, puddles abound

Started with a Capri lap around the p-lot, 25 SSH IC, 10 Chinooks each direction, 12 seal claps, 12 OH Claps, 11 Morroccan Night Clubs and 10 Tempo SQTs
We partnered up except for me since there was just 5 of us bro’s.  Ran to the Splash Pad shelter and P1 started on 50 Pull ups, 100 Dips & 200 SQTs while P2 ran in rain to rock pile to choose a rock and return with it overhead and pass to P1, repeat until Exercises complete. Each partner could return with a rock of their choosing, as large as they could (Fast N Easy took advantage as did A-Rod).

We then ran in rain to First Horizon back shelter under video surveillance.  P1 performed exercises from one of the 4 cones while P2 ran to AO to perform the exercise listed on one of the 4 cones there.  After completion of each cone, they ran back in the rain & swapped places choosing a new cone.  Some (ALL) folks had problems with instructions.  Cone Ex’s:  Sumo Sqts with leg lifts x 20, BBS x 15, Burpees x 10, 8 ct Man makers x 10, 4 Ct. Mtn Climbers x 20, Carolina DD’s x 25, American Hammers x 20, Plank Jacks x 20 4 ct, , Punishment led to another round of 8 ct. MM’s.  Ran another capri lap, stopped midway for 10 MKNS and last 25 yards were crab walks in the rain.

Planter Box 11’s of Box Jumps and Bulgarian Single leg sqts

Freddy Merc’s x 25, Good Morning Abby x 10, Monkey Crunches x 20, Flutter Kicks x 25, Hello Dollyx 25, Boat Canoe x 3 min.
Heavy Hitters: A-Rod, Fast-n-Easy, Herbie, Biohazard & Natty
Discussion on dealing with things about people that irritate you.  Followed by Proverbs 10:26 & 19:13.  The men were not too talkative, so I assumed I irritated them.
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