THE SCENE: 67 degrees F, 90% humidity, sprinkles turning to partly cloudy.
SSH, Overhead Claps, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Squat Walkers
With a CMU, run to the first light pole and perform 12 exercises indicated
Light Pole (LP) #1: Floor Press (leave CMU at light pole)
Run back to starting point, run to LP #2 (pick up CMU on the way)
LP #2: Floor Press, Bent Rows (leave CMU at LP #2)
Run back to starting point, run to LP #3 (pick up CMU on the way)
LP #3: Floor Press, Bent Rows, Curls
Repeat above sequence until all listed exercises are completed.
LP #4: Floor Press, Bent Rows, Curls, Lawn Mowers
LP #5: Floor Press, Bent Rows, Curls, Lawn Mowers, Triceps Extensions
LP #6: Bent Rows, Curls, Lawn Mowers, Triceps Extensions, Incline Merkins
LP #6:Curls, Lawn Mowers, Triceps Extensions, Incline Merkins, On The Shelf
LP #5: Lawn Mowers, Triceps Extensions, Incline Merkins, On The Shelf, Upright Rows
LP # 4: Triceps Extensions, Incline Merkins, On The Shelf, Upright Rows, CMU Swings
LP #3: Incline Merkins, On The Shelf, Upright Rows, CMU Swings, Squat Press
LP #2: On The Shelf, Upright Rows, CMU Swings, Squat Press, Blockees
LP #1: Upright Rows, CMU Swings, Squat Press, Blockees, Decline Merkins
Box Cutters, Protractors, LBCs
11 HIMs plus Lactose and Pigpen
The small group I’m in with my church had a Zoom meeting last week with Petra and Tom Damms of Dignity International in Prague, Czech Republic. They provide Christian ministry services to refugees detained in an area camp. Most are seeking political asylum and some are escaping imprisonment and/or death. The goal for the majority is to reach Germany but the Czech Republic is in the way and that government is not too sympathetic to their plight. Some are granted visas but most are turned back and deported. The whole process can take as long as three years for each refugee to learn their fate.
During the conversation, Tom and Petra were asked what kept them going physically and emotionally. Part of the answer was anticipated. Part was not. Faith in God and the desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus was the obvious. “Surrender” was not, yet proved the be the most convicting to me. Petra said she used to pray for wisdom and to know God’s will. Now she prays for surrender. She believes she knows God’s will for her and that He has given her the wisdom to determine what her response is to be. She now prays that she surrenders herself fully to God to carry on His mission.
What a powerful thought! I looked up what that should look like to those who believe in God and what that should mean. This is what I found.
Surrender means to yield ownership, to relinquish control over what we consider ours: our property, our time, our “rights.” When we surrender to God, we are simply acknowledging that what we “own” actually belongs to Him. He is the giver of all good things. We are responsible to care for what God has given us, as stewards of His property, but by surrendering to God, we admit that He is ultimately in control of everything, including our present circumstances. Surrendering to God helps us to let go of whatever has been holding us back from God’s best for our lives. By surrendering to God, we let go of whatever has kept us from wanting God’s ways first.
Please God, help me surrender to You.
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