F3 Knoxville

leadership – do it scared

The Project

THE SCENE: Perfect – 60s and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: all the usual…

Quick and easy.

1. Kinda like the Cooper from last week:

@K-2(5) – 10 Burpees at bottom – sprint to top – back down

Work your way down: 9 burpees/sprint – 8 burpees/sprint – etc

(We cut it short in the interest of time. We called it at 5 rounds.)

2. Mosey to the Lake for Lazy Dora (courtesy of Rocket)

Partner up: P1 does active exercise, P2 holds static position

100 Merkins (switching every 10)/plank – then lap around the lake

200 squats (switching every 20)/Al Gore – lap around lake

300 flutterkicks (2-ct)(switching every 25)/6″ leg lift – lap around lake

3. Mosey to Amphitheater for 11s

10 boxjumps – Bernie up hill – 1 BBS – bear crawl down

9 boxjumps – bernie up – 2 BBS – bear crawl down

(We ran out of time so we did 4’s.)

No Time for Mary.

6STRONG: Chaco – Slappy – Pool Boy – Nuclear Ninja – Pi – Snaggletooth

I shared about my experience with leadership. For 20 years, I have been trying to dodge leadership of any kind. I have never thought of myself as having natural leadership abilities or aspirations. Rather, I see myself as a servant, a helper, a worker, even as a follower. I stayed away from leadership because I feared making mistakes, looking incompetent in front of others, and being responsible for the results and for others. These fears have influenced me to stay below the radar of leadership, while always trying to gain the acceptance and approval of leaders. It’s quite a head trip.

Being aware of these tendencies, l still find value to stepping up and leading – scared and all. Imperfect but still showing up. I wanted the guys to know that I view leadership as an act of service and love for them. Because I have since come to accept the conviction that every man is a leader. Every Christian is a servant-leader. Every husband, every father. Each of us is a servant-leader.

“For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.” (Galatians 5:13, NLT)



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